What Is a Blind Date? 12 Things You Need to Know Before Your First One | by Qasim Adam | Hello, Love | Medium

What Is a Blind Date? 12 Things You Need to Know Before Your First One

Blind date tips for the successful single.

Qasim Adam
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readFeb 16, 2022


Photo by Osarugue Igbinoba on Unsplash

A blind date can be a fun, new experience, or it can be a total disaster. If you’re thinking about going on one, here are 12 things you need to know first.

Blind dates can be great if you go into them with the right attitude and know what to expect. But if you’re not careful, they can also be pretty awkward and embarrassing. So, before you agree to go on a blind date, make sure you read this post first.

#1. What Is a Blind Date?

A blind date is when two people meet for the first time somewhere in public, usually at a pre-arranged time and place, with no one else there to introduce them. The idea is that they will decide if they want to go on another date or not after getting together once. If they do, they usually go on another date in the future.

#2. Why are They Called Blind Dates?

A blind date is called “blind” because neither person knows who the other one is until they meet them at the designated place and time. They each only have a description of the other person that they find out about ahead of time, usually from a mutual friend or matchmaker. Usually, each person is told the other person’s age, gender, race, weight, height, and sometimes personality traits too.

#3. Who Initiates Them?

Usually, two people will meet on online dating sites like Match.com, eHarmony, OkCupid, or PlentyofFish. They’ll decide to meet with each other after chatting online for a bit. It’s usually the girl who initiates the blind date, although sometimes it can be the guy too. But if they do go out on another date, it will always be the girl paying.

#4. Who Picks Up the Check?

If you’re a guy who is going on a blind date, don’t expect to pay for the whole thing. Even if you offered at first, don’t be surprised if your date declines and insists on splitting it.

If you’re a girl going on a blind date, offer to pay half from the beginning so you’ll both know what to expect. If your date says yes, great. If they say no, don’t push the issue.

But if you do want to offer it’s always your choice whether or not you want to go 50/50 with them on it or let them pay for everything like 95% of the time they will propose.

#5. What Do You Talk About?

Most blind dates start in a public place, so you can talk about anything you want. The conversation will probably be pretty superficial at first since you’re just getting to know each other.

After your date, when you get home or back to their house, it’s an opportunity for them to ask more personal questions that are off-limits in the beginning.

Some people still think it’s awkward after the date is over because there isn’t much of a transition to go from “dating” to “in a relationship.”

#6. Are They Successful?

Many people who go on blind dates find them successful, while others do not. If you want to be successful with your blind date, you should go into it with the right attitude. Expect to have fun and expect that your date might not be what you’d envisioned them to be like in advance.

#7. What’s the Perfect Age for a Blind Date?

In most cases, blind dates are best for people who are about 20 years or older, but even then, it’s not for everyone. If you’re single, ready to mingle, and looking for love anywhere you can find it, go ahead and try a blind date. Just make sure you are positive that you are ready to meet people outside of your circle.

#8. What do You Wear?

Like most first dates the clothes should be comfortable and make you feel good. Try to dress like you would normally on a date and if it’s not an activity-based date (like dinner or the movies) you might want to dress nicely, but still casual enough that you can move around.

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

#9. How do You Act?

There are many ways to act on a blind date. You’ll want to make a good impression, but avoid coming off as desperate or overeager. Make sure you pay attention to their needs and how they seem to be feeling.

If they’re having a bad day, work around it by asking questions that aren’t too personal or probing into their personal life. If you do go out on another date with them, you’ll have time to get to know them better.

#10. What are Blind Dates Like?

Blind dates are like an adventure because you never know what to expect or who you’ll meet. It’s also a great way to meet people who are outside of your usual circle, so you can expand your personal network.

On some occasions, the person might not be what you had imagined in advance or they may feel awkward about being set up, but it could turn out really well and lead to finding the love of your life.

#11. How Do You Know if Someone is a Good Blind Date?

You don’t know how a blind date will go until it’s over, so you’ll just have to trust your gut instinct and see where it leads. If you feel bad when you’re communicating with your blind date, before you meet them in person, it might be better to call the date off.

If you are not attracted to someone or if they are not making an effort to get to know you, then just don’t go on a second blind date together.

#12. What’s the Best Way to Meet Someone for a Blind Date Online?

The best way to meet someone for a blind date online is through dating sites like Match.com or OkCupid because you both put your best foot forward and present yourself in the best possible light before meeting up. You can then take it from there if you feel the chemistry between you, instead of worrying about not hitting it off right away.


Blind dates can be awkward or they can lead to a long-term relationship. If you want to have a successful blind date, remember that your attitude and the way you act are important.

Go in with an open mind and go with the flow of things that aren’t going well from the start. Date whoever seems interesting to you and don’t look for a specific age, appearance, or anything about the person in advance.

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Qasim Adam
Hello, Love

Blogger, author, and freelancer. Top writer on Medium in Love, Life Lessons, Psychology, Parenting, and Relationships.