Watch: King and Queen receive first vegan Coronation Roll

Watch: King and Queen receive first vegan Coronation Roll

‘Extraordinary’ 21-metre long document the first since 1308 not printed on calf skin because of concerns for animal welfare GEtN7a3JngI

The King and Queen have been presented with an official account of the Coronation, which has been printed on vegan paper for the first time since the tradition began in 1308.

The royal couple were shown the “extraordinary” 21-metre Coronation Roll at Buckingham Palace ahead of the first anniversary of their May 6 crowning.

It contains information about the planning of the Coronation and a full description of the ceremony, including those involved, the music, the layout of Westminster Abbey and the flowers. It also provides, for the first time, an account of the anointing that took place behind a screen.

The practice of creating a handwritten record of coronations dates back to Edward II in 1308 but this one includes notable differences to those of old.

Sonja Schwoll, head of conservation at The National Archives, said Charles’s roll was the first to be made of paper, rather than the traditional vellum, or calf skin, because “the King is very interested in animal welfare and so we’ve avoided the use of any animal products”.

The document has also been digitised, allowing the public to explore it online for the first time. The website will include recordings of 15 key players, including Penny Mordaunt and the Duke of Norfolk, recalling special moments.

As the roll was unfurled on a trestle table in the 1844 room at Buckingham Palace, the King said: “It goes for miles”, before praising “the most marvellous illuminations”.

He joked: “All the right spellings?”

The Coronation Roll
The first page of the Coronation Roll

The roll comprises 57 pages of Fabriano Artistico watercolour paper, made from cotton, filled with 11,500 words and colourful illustrations. The pages are sewn together with “chancery” stitching.

The Queen joked of the handwritten, 5mm text: “Goodness me! I won’t attempt to read it without my specs.”  Noting that historically, the rolls were written in Latin and French, Charles replied: “At least it’s in English.”

The roll was handwritten by calligrapher Stephanie Gill and decorated by heraldic artist Timothy Noad.

Ms Gill revealed that she had worked for up to 12 hours a day, seven days a week for eight weeks on the document, prompting the King to joke: “You need a stiff drink.”

“It is incredibly intense,” she told The Telegraph. “The eyes are straining and I worked with magnifying glasses to ensure it was neat and nothing was uneven.”

The text is written in Copperplate script, the same cursive style used for the rolls of Elizabeth II and George VI.

All speech is underlined in red, while the crowning and the acclamation are highlighted and written in larger script in gold.

The paper was chosen in careful consultation with historians and experts from The National Archives to ensure it was durable and would survive hundreds of years.

Similarly, Ms Gill said the acid-free ink was mixed with gum arabic to hold it in place and “preserve it for eternity”.

In contrast to previous rolls, the pages describing the processional element depict the actual layout rather than just a list of names.

Ms Gill said she was “incredibly honoured” to have worked on such an historic document and said the King and Queen appeared delighted with it.

For the first time, the Coronation Roll will be able to be viewed online as a digital version has been created
For the first time, the Coronation Roll will be able to be viewed online as a digital version has been created Credit: Victoria Jones/PA Wire

“I got the feeling they were amazed by the sheer amount of writing and the length of the roll, as well as the detail and the stitching,” she said.

“It showcases craftsmanship skills that the King is passionate about but overall, I think people will find it very accessible. It is a very personal record, specific to King Charles.”

The roll was authored by Antonia Romeo, the clerk of the crown in chancery, who included, also for the first time, information for her successors about how it was written.

The King acknowledged the intricate work that had gone into the roll, telling Mr Noad and Ms Gill, who were at the palace for the presentation:  “Thank you very much, I cannot tell you how grateful I am.”

Stitching of ribbon into pages by Janet Rowe on the the Coronation Scroll of King Charles III
Stitching of ribbon into pages by Janet Rowe on the the Coronation Scroll of King Charles III

The King and Queen were also shown the rolls belonging to Elizabeth II, Victoria, William, Mary and Edward II.

As he looked at his late mother’s roll, Charles noted that it was made of parchment, which was “the most impossible thing to sign on”. He added: “Mama probably had the most frightful difficulty signing that.”

Surviving rolls

The 17 surviving rolls are held by The National Archives but none exist for Edward III, Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I and Charles I.

The King said: “I’m riveted, I read that after 1308, there are quite a lot missing. And we don’t know where they disappear to? What happened to all the other lost rolls?”

Sean Cunningham, head of medieval records at the National Archives, told him: “George III was the only one they didn’t make one for,” adding that several rolls from the 15th century were thought to be lost due to issues over “the contested crown”.

The Coronation Roll of Queen Elizabeth II
The Coronation Roll of Queen Elizabeth II

Dr Cunningham said later: “Originally they captured who came, what claims they had to perform at the service at the coronation – this is all part of establishing that relationship between the King and the leading subjects.

“The new roll is kind of the final version of this, in that it takes elements of those earlier allegiances, oaths and homages and incorporates a narrative story of what happened on the day, so we see much more of what people said, what they were wearing, what the prayers and the anthems and the music [were].”

Oliver Dowden, the deputy prime minister, who joined the presentation, said: “The Coronation marked a new chapter in our national story and it reflects the very best of our national traditions, which are admired the world over.”

The digital version will go live on Friday, allowing members of the public to search for specific information using hyperlinks on ceremonial items and the regalia.

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