The Meaning Behind The Song: Early Morning Dreams by Kadebostany - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Early Morning Dreams by Kadebostany


The Meaning Behind The Song: Early Morning Dreams by Kadebostany

Title Early Morning Dreams
Artist Kadebostany
Writer/Composer Guillaume de Kadebostany
Album Monumental: Chapter 1
Release Date June 2, 2017

The song “Early Morning Dreams” by Kadebostany is a mesmerizing piece that captivates listeners with its ethereal sound and enchanting lyrics. The lyrics take the listener on a journey filled with deep emotions and a sense of destiny.

The Lyrics

The opening lines of the song set the tone for the emotional depth that follows:

This storm in your eyes, makes me feel like I was made for you
This storm in your eyes, in your eyes, in your eyes
You cannot escape from me, the gods have woven our destiny
You cannot escape from me, the gods have woven our destiny

These lines convey a profound connection between two individuals. The storm in the other person’s eyes represents a powerful attraction and a feeling of being destined to be together. It evokes a sense of fate and an unbreakable bond.

The chorus of the song echoes this sentiment:

Ale ale aleo, ale ale ale aleo
Ale ale aleo, ale ale ale aleo
Ale ale aleo, ale ale ale aleo
Ale ale aleo, ale ale ale aleo
Run fast as you can, it’s not an early morning dream
Run fast as you can, it’s not an early morning dream
Ale ale aleo, ale ale ale aleo
Ale ale aleo, ale ale ale aleo

The repetitive nature of the chorus emphasizes the urgency and intensity of the emotions. The message is clear: don’t dismiss this connection as a fleeting dream. It’s real and should be pursued.

The next verse further reinforces the idea of a deep and everlasting love:

I’m giving you my love, we’ll always be together
I’m giving you my love, we’ll always be together
Remove your layers
Come as you are, come as you are

Here, the speaker expresses their commitment and willingness to be vulnerable. They encourage the other person to reveal their true selves, free from any pretenses or barriers.

Personal Reflection

Listening to “Early Morning Dreams” takes me on a personal journey through my own experiences with love and destiny. The song resonates with me on a deep level, reminding me of those rare moments when you meet someone and instantly feel a cosmic connection.

I remember the first time I heard this song. I was having a particularly melancholic day, feeling lost and questioning the existence of true love. The haunting melody and captivating lyrics seemed to understand my emotions at that very moment. It was as if Kadebostany had tapped into my innermost thoughts and feelings.

As the song played, my heart swelled with a mix of hope and longing. It reminded me that love can be both beautiful and powerful. The idea that destiny can bring two souls together is a comforting thought.

The lyrics of “Early Morning Dreams” also encourage authenticity and vulnerability in relationships. It speaks to the importance of removing the layers we often hide behind and embracing our true selves. This message resonates deeply with me as I believe that true love can only thrive when both individuals show up as their authentic selves.

Overall, “Early Morning Dreams” by Kadebostany is a song that explores the depths of love and destiny. Its enchanting melody and evocative lyrics create a captivating experience for listeners. Whether you relate to the message on a personal level or simply appreciate its musicality, this song has the power to transport you to a realm where love and destiny intertwine.

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