47 Facts about the movie Viva Las Vegas - Facts.net
Anni Dubois

Written by Anni Dubois

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Tcm.com

Are you ready to take a trip to the glitzy city of Las Vegas? Well, get ready to ignite your excitement because we have 47 fascinating facts about the movie Viva Las Vegas! This iconic film, released in 1964, stars Elvis Presley and Ann-Margret, taking viewers on a whirlwind adventure through the vibrant streets and dazzling casinos of Sin City.

Viva Las Vegas is not just a movie; it is a cultural phenomenon that continues to captivate audiences to this day. From its electrifying musical performances to the incredible chemistry between the lead actors, this film has left an indelible mark on the world of cinema. So, grab your popcorn, put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to dive into the colorful world of Viva Las Vegas!

Key Takeaways:

  • Viva Las Vegas” is a 1964 movie starring Elvis Presley and Ann Margret, featuring electrifying musical numbers, high-energy dance sequences, and a captivating romance set in the vibrant city of Las Vegas.
  • The movie’s enduring popularity, iconic soundtrack, and captivating visuals make it a beloved classic, showcasing the charm of 1960s musicals and the spirit of Vegas entertainment.
Table of Contents

Viva Las Vegas was released in 1964

Viva Las Vegas, the famous musical film starring Elvis Presley and Ann Margret, hit the screens in 1964, captivating audiences with its lively performances and energetic dance numbers.

The movie is set in the vibrant city of Las Vegas

Viva Las Vegas showcases the glitz and glamour of the iconic city of Las Vegas, providing a visually stunning backdrop for the thrilling storyline.

Elvis Presley plays the role of Lucky Jackson

In Viva Las Vegas, Elvis Presley portrays the character Lucky Jackson, a race car driver who dreams of winning the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

Ann Margret stars as Rusty Martin

Playing the role of Rusty Martin, the talented Ann Margret adds her charm and charisma to the movie, creating a captivating on-screen chemistry with Elvis Presley.

Viva Las Vegas features electrifying musical numbers

The film is renowned for its exhilarating musical performances, showcasing Elvis Presley’s incredible singing talent and energetic dance moves.

The iconic song “Viva Las Vegas” is featured in the film

The title track of the movie, “Viva Las Vegas,” became one of Elvis Presley’s most famous songs and is closely associated with the film.

Viva Las Vegas was a commercial success

With its irresistible combination of music, dance, and romance, Viva Las Vegas became a box office hit, solidifying Elvis Presley’s status as a superstar.

The movie was directed by George Sidney

Under the direction of George Sidney, Viva Las Vegas showcases his talent for bringing vibrant and entertaining stories to the big screen.

Viva Las Vegas is often considered one of the best Elvis Presley films

The film is highly regarded among Elvis Presley’s fans and critics alike, praised for its captivating performances and memorable soundtrack.

It was Elvis Presley’s 15th film

Viva Las Vegas marked Elvis Presley’s 15th film, further establishing his career as both a musician and a talented actor.

The chemistry between Elvis Presley and Ann Margret is palpable

Elvis Presley and Ann Margret’s on-screen chemistry is often cited as one of the highlights of the film, adding depth to their characters’ relationship.

Viva Las Vegas features stunning cinematography

The cinematography of Viva Las Vegas captures the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas, showcasing the city’s vibrant nightlife and iconic landmarks.

It has become a beloved cult classic

Viva Las Vegas has gained a dedicated fan following over the years, with its catchy songs and memorable performances continuing to captivate audiences.

The film is known for its high-energy dance sequences

Viva Las Vegas includes several unforgettable dance numbers, showcasing the incredible talent and choreography of the performers.

Elvis Presley performed his own stunts in the film

Known for his dedication and athleticism, Elvis Presley took on his own stunts in Viva Las Vegas, adding an extra level of excitement to the film.

Viva Las Vegas is a perfect blend of romance and comedy

The film seamlessly combines romance and comedy, creating a lighthearted and entertaining story that keeps the audience engaged throughout.

It showcases the vibrant atmosphere of Las Vegas in the 1960s

Viva Las Vegas provides a glimpse into the lively and glamorous era of Las Vegas during the 1960s, capturing the essence of the time period.

The film features impressive race car scenes

Viva Las Vegas incorporates thrilling race car sequences that add an element of excitement and adrenaline to the storyline.

Viva Las Vegas has a timeless appeal

Despite being released over five decades ago, the movie continues to charm audiences with its timeless story and captivating performances.

The film’s soundtrack was a commercial success

The soundtrack of Viva Las Vegas, featuring songs performed by Elvis Presley, achieved great success, further elevating the film’s popularity.

Elvis Presley and Ann Margret became close friends during the filming

The bond between Elvis Presley and Ann Margret extended beyond the screen, as they developed a close friendship while working on Viva Las Vegas.

Viva Las Vegas showcases Elvis Presley’s signature style

The film allows Elvis Presley to exhibit his distinctive singing style and charismatic stage presence, solidifying his status as the King of Rock and Roll.

Viva Las Vegas includes exciting casino scenes

The movie captures the thrilling atmosphere of Las Vegas casinos, adding an element of glamour and risk to the storyline.

The film’s costumes are iconic

Viva Las Vegas features memorable and stylish costumes that perfectly reflect the fashion trends of the 1960s.

Viva Las Vegas has a memorable opening dance sequence

The film starts with a high-energy dance number, setting the tone for the lively and entertaining story that follows.

The movie received positive reviews from critics

Critics praised Viva Las Vegas for its entertaining performances, catchy soundtrack, and captivating visuals, establishing it as a crowd-pleasing film.

Viva Las Vegas is a perfect showcase of Elvis Presley’s talent

The film allows Elvis Presley to shine as both a singer and actor, showcasing his incredible talent and charisma on the big screen.

Ann Margret’s performance in Viva Las Vegas is widely acclaimed

Ann Margret’s portrayal of Rusty Martin earned her critical acclaim, further establishing her as a talented actress in Hollywood.

Viva Las Vegas inspired the creation of the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend

The enduring popularity of the film led to the establishment of the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend, an annual event that celebrates the music and style of the 1950s.

The movie’s choreography is impressive

Viva Las Vegas features meticulously choreographed dance sequences that highlight the skills of the performers and add visual spectacle to the film.

Viva Las Vegas is often regarded as one of Elvis Presley’s most memorable films

Elvis Presley’s charismatic performance and the film’s catchy music have contributed to its enduring popularity among fans of the legendary singer.

The chemistry between Elvis Presley and Ann Margret fueled on-set romance rumors

The undeniable on-screen chemistry between the two stars led to speculation about a real-life romance, creating excitement among fans and the media.

The film captures the excitement of Las Vegas nightlife

Viva Las Vegas immerses viewers in the vibrant nightlife of the city, showcasing its iconic clubs, shows, and energetic atmosphere.

Viva Las Vegas is a visual feast

The film’s colorful and dynamic visuals make it a captivating cinematic experience, with each scene carefully crafted to enhance the story and entertain the audience.

Viva Las Vegas continues to inspire contemporary films set in Las Vegas

The enduring popularity of Viva Las Vegas has influenced the portrayal of Las Vegas in modern cinema, with many films drawing inspiration from its vibrant and glamorous depiction of the city.

The movie’s screenplay is known for its witty dialogue

Viva Las Vegas features clever and humorous dialogue that adds depth to the characters and contributes to the overall enjoyment of the film.

Viva Las Vegas showcases the charm of 1960s musicals

As a musical film from the 1960s, Viva Las Vegas captures the essence of the era’s musical productions, with its catchy songs and energetic dance numbers.

Elvis Presley’s performance in the film helped revitalize his career

Viva Las Vegas marked a turning point in Elvis Presley’s career, reigniting his popularity and reminding audiences of his immense talent.

Viva Las Vegas is a feel-good movie

The film’s lively energy, memorable music, and romantic storyline make it an enjoyable and uplifting cinematic experience.

Viva Las Vegas remains a beloved Elvis Presley classic

The enduring popularity of Viva Las Vegas among Elvis Presley fans ensures its place as a beloved classic in the singer’s filmography.

The movie’s iconic dance sequences continue to be imitated and celebrated

Viva Las Vegas’ memorable dance numbers have inspired numerous homages and tributes in popular culture, cementing the film’s status as a cultural touchstone.

Viva Las Vegas features a memorable wedding chapel scene

The film includes a charming and amusing scene set in a Las Vegas wedding chapel, adding a touch of humor and romance to the storyline.

The movie’s success led to a spin-off television series

Viva Las Vegas’ popularity resulted in a spin-off television series called “Love on a Rooftop,” which used the film’s setting as a backdrop for its romantic comedy storyline.

Viva Las Vegas highlights the allure and temptation of Las Vegas

The film explores the seductive nature of the city, portraying the characters’ struggles to resist its glitz and the temptations it offers.

It features a thrilling car race finale

Viva Las Vegas reaches its climax with an exhilarating race sequence, providing a thrilling and satisfying conclusion to the film’s storyline.

Viva Las Vegas remains a cultural phenomenon

The movie’s lasting impact on popular culture is evident in its continued references and tributes in various media, ensuring its place in cinematic history.

The film encapsulates the spirit of Vegas entertainment

Viva Las Vegas embodies the vibrant and captivating essence of Las Vegas entertainment, making it a must-watch for fans of the city’s iconic culture.



1. Is “Viva Las Vegas” based on a true story?

No, “Viva Las Vegas” is a fictional film and does not depict a real-life story.

2. Who are the lead actors in “Viva Las Vegas”?

The film stars Elvis Presley as Lucky Jackson and Ann-Margret as Rusty Martin, the two main characters.

3. When was “Viva Las Vegas” released?

The movie was released on May 20, 1964.

4. Who directed “Viva Las Vegas”?

The film was directed by George Sidney.

5. What genre does “Viva Las Vegas” belong to?

Viva Las Vegas” is a musical comedy film that combines elements of romance, comedy, and music.

6. Is the song “Viva Las Vegas” featured in the movie?

Yes, the iconic song “Viva Las Vegas” is prominently featured in the film, performed by Elvis Presley.

7. Did Elvis Presley perform his own stunts in the movie?

Elvis Presley performed several of his own stunts in “Viva Las Vegas,” including the famous race car driving sequences.

8. Was “Viva Las Vegas” a commercial success?

Yes, the movie was a box office success and is considered one of Elvis Presley’s most popular films.

9. Are there any notable cameos in “Viva Las Vegas”?

Yes, several renowned entertainers make cameo appearances in the film, including Frank Sinatra as himself.

10. Can I watch “Viva Las Vegas” online or on streaming platforms?

Yes, “Viva Las Vegas” is available for streaming on various platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, or Netflix.

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