34 Facts about the movie An Affair to Remember - Facts.net
Cicely Mitchell

Written by Cicely Mitchell

Modified & Updated: 29 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Unsplash.com

An Affair to Remember is an iconic romantic movie that has captured the hearts of audiences for decades. Released in 1957, this film, directed by Leo McCarey, stars the legendary duo of Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr, who deliver unforgettable performances. It tells the story of Nickie Ferrante (played by Grant) and Terry McKay (played by Kerr), who meet on a transatlantic voyage and fall deeply in love, only to be separated by circumstances beyond their control. The film is known for its timeless and captivating story, as well as its breathtaking cinematography and memorable musical score. In this article, we will delve into 34 fascinating facts about An Affair to Remember, giving you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of this beloved romantic masterpiece.

Key Takeaways:

  • An Affair to Remember, released in 1957, has left a timeless mark on cinema, inspiring love stories and capturing the hearts of audiences with its iconic scenes and emotional depth.
  • The film’s enduring quotes, memorable dialogue, and exploration of love and sacrifice continue to resonate, making it a classic in the world of cinematic romance.
Table of Contents

An Affair to Remember was released in 1957

An Affair to Remember, directed by Leo McCarey, was released in 1957, starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. It is a romantic drama film that has captivated audiences for over six decades.

The movie is a remake

Did you know that An Affair to Remember is a remake of the 1939 film Love Affair? The original film starred Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer.

The iconic Empire State Building scene

One of the most memorable scenes in An Affair to Remember takes place at the Empire State Building. This scene has become an enduring symbol of love in cinema history.

The movie was not a commercial success initially

Although An Affair to Remember is now considered a classic, it did not achieve commercial success upon its initial release. It was only in later years that the film gained popularity and a large following.

The movie was nominated for several awards

An Affair to Remember was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Original Song and Best Cinematography. While it didn’t win any awards, it remains a beloved film among audiences and critics.

The film has inspired other works

The story and themes of An Affair to Remember have inspired other films, including the 1993 romantic comedy Sleepless in Seattle, which pays homage to the iconic Empire State Building scene.

The chemistry between Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr

Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr’s on-screen chemistry in An Affair to Remember is often praised. Their performances and the emotional depth they bring to their characters contribute to the film’s timeless appeal.

An Affair to Remember has a famous quote

The line “Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories” from An Affair to Remember has become a famous quote associated with the film. It captures the bittersweet nature of the story.

The film’s theme song

The theme song of An Affair to Remember, composed by Harry Warren and lyrics by Harold Adamson, is titled “An Affair to Remember (Our Love Affair). It has been covered by various artists over the years.

The movie explores themes of love and fate

An Affair to Remember delves into themes of love, destiny, and the power of connections. It explores the complexities of relationships and the choices we make.

The film’s stunning cinematography

The cinematography in An Affair to Remember is often praised for its beautiful and visually striking compositions. The film makes excellent use of its locations and sets to create a visually captivating experience.

The movie’s influence on pop culture

An Affair to Remember has had a significant impact on pop culture. It has been referenced in various films, TV shows, and songs, further cementing its status as a timeless romantic classic.

The film’s enduring appeal

Despite being over six decades old, An Affair to Remember continues to resonate with audiences of all ages. Its timeless story of love, missed opportunities, and second chances remains relevant to this day.

The emotional rollercoaster of the film

An Affair to Remember takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster, with moments of joy, heartbreak, and hope. It’s a film that elicits a range of emotions from its audience.

The movie’s impact on romantic films

An Affair to Remember has had a significant influence on the genre of romantic films. Its portrayal of love and its ability to tug at the heartstrings has inspired countless filmmakers in their own work.

The film’s iconic poster

The movie poster for An Affair to Remember, featuring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr, has become iconic in its own right. It captures the romantic essence of the film and has been replicated and parodied in various forms of media.

The film’s unforgettable ending

The ending of An Affair to Remember is often considered one of the most memorable and tear-jerking moments in cinematic history. It’s a conclusion that leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

The film’s critical acclaim

While An Affair to Remember didn’t win any major awards upon its release, it has since been critically acclaimed and recognized as a classic of the romance genre.

The movie’s timeless fashion

An Affair to Remember showcases stylish and elegant fashion from the late 1950s. The costumes worn by the characters have become synonymous with classic Hollywood glamour.

The film’s musical score

The musical score of An Affair to Remember, composed by Hugo Friedhofer, enhances the emotional impact of the film. It beautifully accompanies the unfolding love story on screen.

The film’s enduring popularity in the digital age

An Affair to Remember has found a new audience in the digital age. Its availability on streaming platforms has enabled younger generations to discover and appreciate this timeless romantic classic.

The film’s exploration of sacrifice

An Affair to Remember explores the theme of sacrifice, as the two main characters make difficult choices for the sake of their love. It raises questions about the sacrifices we are willing to make for those we care about.

The movie’s international success

An Affair to Remember achieved international success and gained a global fan base. Its universal themes of love and missed opportunities resonate with audiences across cultures.

The film’s memorable dialogue

An Affair to Remember features poignant and memorable dialogue that has become ingrained in the hearts of fans. Its profound quotes continue to be referenced and cherished.

The film’s impact on real-life relationships

An Affair to Remember has inspired countless real-life couples and has become a touchstone for romantic gestures. The film has become synonymous with grand gestures of love and devotion.

The movie’s iconic soundtrack

An Affair to Remember’s soundtrack has become iconic in its own right. The music evokes the romance and emotions portrayed in the film, providing a beautiful backdrop to the story.

The film’s exploration of missed connections

An Affair to Remember explores the idea of missed connections and the impact they can have on our lives. It reminds us to cherish the moments and opportunities that come our way.

The movie’s influence on wedding proposals

An Affair to Remember’s iconic Empire State Building scene has become a popular inspiration for wedding proposals. Couples often recreate the famous moment as a symbol of their love.

The film’s enduring quotes

An Affair to Remember is known for its memorable quotes, such as “I was looking up… it was the nearest thing to heaven!” These lines have become a part of popular culture and are often referenced in romantic contexts.

The film’s impact on storytelling

An Affair to Remember has influenced the way stories of love and romance are told. Its combination of heartfelt emotions and cinematic visuals has become a benchmark for romantic storytelling in film.

The movie’s exploration of second chances

An Affair to Remember emphasizes the importance of second chances in love and life. It reminds us that it’s never too late to follow our hearts and pursue the things that truly matter to us.

The film’s timeless appeal

An Affair to Remember’s timeless appeal lies in its ability to touch our hearts and remind us of the power of love. It continues to resonate with audiences, making it an enduring classic in cinema history.

The movie’s impact on cinematic romance

An Affair to Remember has played a significant role in shaping the genre of cinematic romance. Its influence can be seen in later films that aim to capture the same magic and emotional depth.

The film’s legacy

An Affair to Remember has left a lasting legacy in the world of film. It’s a movie that continues to be cherished and celebrated, reminding us of the enduring power of love and the impact of missed opportunities.


An Affair to Remember is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of audiences for decades. From its unforgettable performances to its beautiful cinematography, this movie continues to leave a lasting impact on viewers. Whether you’re a fan of romantic films or simply appreciate great storytelling, An Affair to Remember is a must-watch movie that will make you laugh, cry, and fall in love all over again.


1. Who directed An Affair to Remember?

An Affair to Remember was directed by Leo McCarey, a renowned filmmaker known for his ability to create authentic and emotional stories.

2. When was An Affair to Remember released?

The movie was released on July 2, 1957, and quickly became a box office success, solidifying its place in cinematic history.

3. What is the plot of An Affair to Remember?

An Affair to Remember follows the story of Terry McKay (played by Deborah Kerr) and Nickie Ferrante (played by Cary Grant) who meet on a cruise ship and fall deeply in love. However, circumstances separate them, and they agree to reunite in six months at the Empire State Building in New York City.

4. Why is An Affair to Remember considered a classic?

An Affair to Remember is considered a classic due to its heartfelt storyline, impeccable performances, and enduring themes of love, fate, and destiny. The movie’s iconic Empire State Building scene has become one of the most memorable moments in film history.

5. Are there any other versions or adaptations of An Affair to Remember?

An Affair to Remember was itself a remake of the 1939 film Love Affair. Additionally, the movie was remade in 1994 under the same title, with Annette Bening and Warren Beatty in the lead roles.

6. Has An Affair to Remember received any awards?

An Affair to Remember was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Music and Best Original Song. While it didn’t win any Oscars, the film has since garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base.

Immerse yourself in Hollywood's golden era by exploring more captivating facts about "An Affair to Remember"'s talented stars and timeless love stories. Uncover Deborah Kerr's astonishing life and career, from her humble beginnings to her iconic roles. Dive into Cary Grant's fascinating world, a journey filled with charm, style, and unforgettable performances. Discover the enduring magic of "Love Story", a film that continues to capture hearts and inspire generations. These classic tales of romance and resilience will transport you to a world where love conquers all, leaving you enchanted and eager for more.

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