Top Five Moments In Netflix’s The Gentlemen – TVovermind

Top Five Moments In Netflix’s The Gentlemen

In a surprising move, Guy Ritchie brought over one of his recent films to the small screen: The Gentlemen. The original feature starred Matthew McConaughey, Colin Farrell, and Henry Golding; it was a nicely acclaimed film that reminded audiences of Ritchie’s earlier works like Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. The Netflix series expands on the 2019 film, with a few changes to fit the episodic format. Below is the official synopsis:

The Gentlemen sees Eddie Horniman (Theo James) unexpectedly inherit his father’s sizeable country estate – only to discover it’s part of a cannabis empire. Moreover, a host of unsavoury characters from Britain’s criminal underworld want a piece of the operation.

Eight episodes that run nearly 60 minutes, there’s plenty of story about Ritchie’s fascinating world of criminals in Britain. The Gentlemen is certainly an entertaining experience that expands the scope of the original film, though the series isn’t too different what from Guy Ritchie did in 2019. Still, it’s an engaging romp packed with plenty of unforgettable moments. Here are the five best moments of the series.

Freddy’s Chicken Dance (Refined Aggression – Episode 01)

Top Five Moments In Netflix’s The Gentlemen

You’ve seen the meme of this moment by now. In fact, it may have been a big reason why so many people turned to the series. Freddy is a fun character overall, though his actions can be quite frustrating. Still, given his parallels to Eddie, it does challenge his brother and highlights just how well-suited he is for this business.

His long outburst earlier in the episode was great, but this moment was top-tier. Daniel Ings is perfect here; weaving through so many emotions all to cluck like a chicken. It’s understandable how Freddy became so frustrated with the experience, though the ending was extremely shocking. Freddy is essentially the “screw-up” of the family, and that characteristic is on full display throughout this scene. Ritchie seamlessly blended dark humor and drama, which resulted in an incredible scene that advanced the show’s narrative.

Eddie Proves His Fighting Skills (Tackle Tommy Woo Woo – Episode 02)

Top Five Moments In Netflix’s The Gentlemen

Of course, after Freddy’s rash decision to shoot Tommy Dixon, problems arose quickly. One of those problems was Jethro (Josh Finan), who was counting the money as the entire Chicken Dance sequence was happening. That resulted in the chase and capture of Jethro. This episode did an excellent job of showing Eddie’s morals and how they clash with the world he’s operating in. He didn’t want to kill Jethro, so he did his hardest to make sure that didn’t happen.

That resulted in the surprisingly rare fight scene in Jethro’s apartment that was brutal and violent. Ritchie shows nice restraint when it comes to the gore by often veering away from it, but this sequence was rather an exciting one that put Eddie’s time in the military to good use. There was never any danger that Eddie was dying, but to see him scrap with someone two times his size made the fight a nice clash of styles that resulted in something thrilling.

Madame Chop Chop (Where’s My Weed At – Episode 03)

Top Five Moments In Netflix’s The Gentlemen

It’s surprising that Jimmy (Michael Vu) made it through the series alive. He’s not the brightest bulb and came close to ruining the business on several occasions. That was the case here as he was duped by a beautiful woman and his van of weed was stolen. In turn, Eddie and Susie had to satisfy an unhappy customer who wanted a Lamborghini Hurricane (that had a trunk full of weed).

The episode hinted at just how dangerous Mercy (Martha Millan) was, but the sequence where she goes crazy on Toni Blair was one hell of a way to establish her psychotic character. It wasn’t just the murder itself, but how she’s relishing in it and forced everyone to watch. Her joyous laughing with blood-soaked on her face made the scene better. Though it’s disappointing that Mercy doesn’t get much time on the show, her character certainly stood out in a series that was packed with colorful personalities.

Jack Glass Is Put Into The Hospital (All Eventualities – Episode 06)

Top Five Moments In Netflix’s The Gentlemen

This moment is more about the shift in dynamic with Susie Glass. She’s been cunning, smart, and ruthless throughout the series, but this is the first time she’s been outsmarted. You knew the moment the fighter two times Jack’s size came out that he would lose, but it was a clever twist to showcase a different side of Susie.

This incident switched up the dynamic and allowed her character to be vulnerable for the first time in the series. It was also a powerful moment that introduced another big bad into the series. It’s understated just how great the acting is in The Gentlemen, but Kaya Scodelario especially gave a brilliant performance. Her look of worry and fear was organic; opening a softer layer to Susie that made her more relatable. She values her family, and despite being in such a seedy business, she would never sell them out for a quick buck.

Eddie and Susie’s Complex Plan (The Gospel According To Bobby Glass – Episode 08)

Eddie and Susie in The Gentlemen series

The season finale (or series) saw Susie and Eddie work together despite their differences. The series did a great job of piecing together all the events throughout the seven episodes and having them play a crucial factor in their plan. This made the climax of the series brilliantly done. Eddie and Susie got their main competition to take each other out in a thrilling sequence of events. Everything felt smooth from moment to moment: Mercy butchering Sticky Pete to Henry Collins blasting her sky high. It was quite a fun ride to watch these events unfold, with Eddie and Susie stamping their partnership by putting a bullet in Henry.

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