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Money-B ($BMB) 🐅⭐️
F**k the government💣. Singer/Rapper,Songwriter #Confirmation is out now Bookings👉 August 2017

Money-B ($BMB) 🐅⭐️’s Tweets

Sometimes you just need one person to believe in your dream and that’s it the rest will come later, Giving up should never be an option there will definitely be some setbacks but still push through, Success might be closer than what you think.
O Lord. Carry me on any path and I shall trust the way, for I know U love me and Your intentions are always for the best for me. I shall not fear when the terrain is rough, my faith will not quake based on any conditions. For U are the one true God, and the love of my life Amen.
Please be kind to people,Love one another especially when those U love is in need,Bcz you dn’t knw the demons they are fighting in their closets.Sometimes all U see are the smiles but U dn’t see their struggles. May God help those going through a lot trying to make life better🙏.
The loss is only temporary. What you can’t see is that cutback is setting you up for new levels. You’re about to come into a season of much fruit, a season where you bloom, where you see increase, promotion, friendships, good breaks like you’ve never seen.
Never move into a woman’s house Never use her wrapper to cover your body. If she is annoyed she can collect her wrapper anywhere and u become naked Never eat free food in her house without giving her money no matter how small Never tell a woman to do her worst. She will do it
Dear Lord, Today, I pray to walk into this day with peace, confidence,& comprehension of who I am. Reignite my fire, give me back my enthusiasm. Grant me the tolerance to wait for Your plan to unfold & add some strength when I feel like I have none left. In Jesus’ name. Amen 🙏
Part of being a Christian is humbling ourselves and realizing that without God, our lives truly mean nothing. We are to acknowledge that we hav made a conscious choice to turn away frm the bad deeds and sinful habits, nd we hav turned to the holy life God has presented before us.
Dear God, I commit all my plans, dreams, and aspirations into your hands. These are only products of my thoughts; what I truly want is what you want for me because I know that, that is what will truly be best for me. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen 🙏
We have God, as our Father, who is able to provide for us with ease. This is why we do not panic where troubling situations come. Think of all the troubling situations that have come your way. They are all in the past now. This shows you that God will always settle ur situations.
When you develop this skill of listening to the whisper, following that still small voice, obeying the promptings, God will not only take you further, but He’ll protect you from things that would have caused you heartache and pain.
God will surly show up so don’t let your Faith on him dies, because He still the Incredible Father He will never forsake you