Distance Calculator - Distance between 2 cities / points / locations

Distance & Route Calculator

Calculate distance between 2 cities, locations, points. Get driving directions & alternative routes for your trip.

What makes distance.info different from other distance tools?

distance.info is not only a tool for determining distance and the most optimal route from point A to point B, but it also allows us to compare several alternative routes with each other. What's more, it helps estimate the cost of the trip, one of the most important issues of trip planning these days. All these facilities are available not only from the level of your computer screen - with a view to convenience and general accessibility, distance.info has been prepared also as a smartphone version!...

An accessible tool with a World Map

Upon entering the site (distance.info), our eyes are presented with a simple and intuitive menu, with which we can easily navigate the screen with the mouse pointer. In the foreground we will see a map of world, and on it a button referring us to an equally pleasant to use route calculator. A big plus is that the map will automatically center itself in our current location. There is no need to manually search for the locality we are currently in, as in other routing tools. In addition, we can choose the mode in which the map shows us. The standard is a drawing view of all roads on a uniform background. In addition to it, we can choose the bird's-eye view mode. This is nothing more than pictures taken from a satellite orbiting the Earth, reflecting the actual appearance of the landscape over which we want to travel. The last and perhaps most interesting mode available is the eye-level view of a passerby. Thanks to it, we can literally look around the area and, for example, check out exactly what our destination looks like and familiarize ourselves with the topology of its streets even before we get there. No more wandering around and asking local residents for directions!

Distance Calculator Route

How to plan a route?

To access the route calculator, click on the previously mentioned button visible on the map. It is a blue rectangle with a white inscription "Calculate Distance". It will redirect you to a tool that will quickly calculate your route based on at least two parameters - the starting point and the ending point (or point A and point B). The simplest use of this tool is to designate the address from which we will start our journey (starting address), the destination address and press the blue "Calculate Route" button. The algorithm will calculate the most optimal route for us and show it on the map.

Of course, such a route planning service can adjust the calculated route to some additional options that we indicate to it. If we care, the tool is able to adjust its calculations and show the route that will be the most time-optimal.

It's often the case that we need to plan a few stops during a trip. There can be several reasons for this, starting with whiny children and ending with at least the simple need to stretch our legs. Fortunately, Mapa Polski gives us the possibility to add another point on our route, so we can devise our stop already at the stage of planning the road.

How to use a distance calculator?

A distance calculator is a mechanism that allows you to determine the shortest possible distance between two points. For this purpose, it must use the most up-to-date map with access to the destination via roads. Such calculators usually use external sources of information for their calculations, providing data on the state of the road, repairs in progress, trends related to traffic jams, etc. A special algorithm will summarize the collected conditions and display the most optimal route for us in terms of distance on a map - and all this will happen in just a few seconds, or even milliseconds!
To use distance.info's distance calculator, it takes just a few clicks. First, we need to click the blue "Calculate Distance" button, which will take us to the right tool. After entering start and end addresses and click on "Calculate Distance" button. Our eyes will be shown the most optimal route that the system has chosen for us - along with several alternatives.

World Map


Planning a route manually is inefficient and leaves a lot of room for human error. An excellent solution is route optimization, or route planning, software. Such a tool uses complex algorithms to choose the best route to a destination and reduce travel time as much as possible. It also offers a visualization of the route (map) to each driver and instructs us in real time on how to get to our destination, which greatly reduces stress while driving. With a tool like distance.info, we can also save on fuel costs or vehicle maintenance while traveling to our destination.