Solved: The function f(x)=2x^3-30x^2+96x-3 has two critical numbers. The smaller one is x=□ and th [Calculus]


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The function f(x)=2x^3-30x^2+96x-3 has two critical numbers.
The smaller one is x=□
and the larger one is x=□

The function f(x)=2x^3-30x^2+96x-3 has two critical numbers. The smaller one is x=□ and the larger one is x=□

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Expert Verified Solution

Smaller one is x=2 , Larger one is x=8
1 Identify the critical numbers of the function f(x)=2x330x2+96x3f(x)=2x^{3}-30x^{2}+96x-3 , which are the values of x where the first derivative of the function is zero or undefined
2 Find the derivative of the function using the power rule for derivatives, which states that the derivative of f(x)=axnf(x)=ax^{n} is f(x)=naxn1f'(x)=nax^{n-1}
3 Apply the power rule to the given function f(x)=2x330x2+96x3f(x)=2x^{3}-30x^{2}+96x-3 to get the derivative f(x)=6x260x+96f'(x)=6x^{2}-60x+96
4 Set the derivative equal to zero and solve for x to find the critical numbers. The equation 6x260x+96=06x^{2}-60x+96=0 can be simplified by dividing each term by 6 to get x210x+16=0x^{2}-10x+16=0
5 Factor the quadratic equation to find the values of x that satisfy the equation. The factors are (x-2)(x-8)=0 , which gives us the solutions x=2 and x=8
6 Conclude that the smaller critical number is x=2 and the larger critical number is x=8
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