What does a court reporter do? - CareerExplorer

What is a Court Reporter?

A court reporter is responsible for creating an accurate and verbatim record of legal proceedings, including court hearings, depositions, trials, and other legal events. Using stenographic machines or voice recording technology, court reporters capture spoken words, gestures, and other auditory cues during proceedings. They play an important role in ensuring an official and complete record of the spoken word, which is essential for legal documentation, appeals, and future reference.

Court reporters work in various legal settings, such as courtrooms, law firms, government agencies, or as freelancers. Their transcripts serve as official records that lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals rely on for legal research, case analysis, and the preparation of legal documents. Precision, attention to detail, and the ability to work in high-pressure situations are necessary attributes for court reporters, as they contribute significantly to the integrity and accuracy of the legal process.

What does a Court Reporter do?

An image of a court reporter typing on a steno machine.

Duties and Responsibilities
The duties and responsibilities of a court reporter are diverse and vital to the legal process. Here are key aspects of their role:

  • Record Legal Proceedings: Capture verbatim and accurate records of legal proceedings, including court hearings, depositions, trials, and other legal events. This involves using stenographic machines or voice recording technology to transcribe spoken words.
  • Create Transcripts: Prepare written transcripts of proceedings, ensuring that they are complete, accurate, and adhere to the specific formatting and documentation requirements of the legal system.
  • Maintain an Official Record: Serve as the official record keeper for legal proceedings, creating a reliable and impartial documentation of spoken words, gestures, and other auditory cues. The transcripts produced by court reporters become part of the official court record.
  • Real-Time Transcription: Provide real-time transcription services during live events, allowing judges, attorneys, and other participants to view a written record as the proceedings unfold. This service is particularly valuable in fast-paced legal settings.
  • Collaborate with Legal Professionals: Work closely with judges, attorneys, and other legal professionals to ensure that the court record is accurate and comprehensive. Court reporters may be asked to read back portions of the transcript upon request.
  • Manage Recording Equipment: Operate and maintain stenographic machines, voice recording equipment, or other technologies used for capturing and transcribing spoken words. Troubleshoot technical issues to ensure seamless transcription.
  • Take Oaths and Administer Oaths: Administer oaths to witnesses or other individuals providing testimony, and take an oath to faithfully and accurately perform the duties of a court reporter.
  • Time-Stamp and Index Transcripts: Time-stamp and index transcripts, indicating key moments and events during proceedings. This helps users navigate and reference specific portions of the record efficiently.
  • Proofread and Edit Transcripts: Review and edit transcripts for accuracy, clarity, and completeness. Correct any errors in grammar, punctuation, or transcription to ensure the highest quality of documentation.
  • Maintain Confidentiality: Adhere to strict confidentiality standards, as court reporters handle sensitive and private information related to legal proceedings. Uphold the integrity and impartiality of the legal process.
  • Provide Transcripts to Relevant Parties: Distribute transcripts to judges, attorneys, parties involved in the case, and other relevant individuals or entities. Ensure timely delivery to meet legal deadlines.

Types of Court Reporters
There are several types of court reporters, each specializing in different areas of the legal field. The primary distinction lies in the method they use to capture and transcribe spoken words during legal proceedings. Here are some common types of court reporters:

  • Stenographic Court Reporters: Utilize stenotype machines with specialized keyboards to input phonetic symbols or shorthand codes. Stenographic court reporters are highly skilled in shorthand writing and can transcribe spoken words rapidly and accurately.
  • Voice Writing Court Reporters: Use voice recognition technology to capture spoken words. Voice writers repeat verbatim what is said during legal proceedings into a voice mask, and the technology converts their spoken words into text in real-time.
  • Digital Court Reporters: Record proceedings using digital recording equipment, capturing audio files that can be later transcribed. Digital court reporters may also use specialized software for editing and organizing transcripts.
  • Real-Time Court Reporters: Provide instantaneous transcription of spoken words during live events. Real-time court reporters use specialized software to display a running transcript on a computer screen, allowing judges, attorneys, and other participants to view the text in real time.
  • Freelance Court Reporters: Work independently on a contractual basis. Freelance court reporters may be hired by multiple law firms, court reporting agencies, or other entities for specific legal proceedings.
  • Official Court Reporters: Employed by the court system or government agencies, official court reporters transcribe proceedings that occur within a specific court. They may work with judges, attorneys, and other legal professionals.
  • Deposition Court Reporters: Specialize in recording and transcribing depositions, which are out-of-court witness testimonies given under oath. Deposition court reporters may work for law firms or court reporting agencies.
  • Closed Captioning Court Reporters: Provide real-time transcription services for individuals with hearing impairments. Closed captioning court reporters create captions that are displayed on screens during live events, broadcasts, or presentations.
  • Broadcast Captioners: Create captions for television broadcasts, ensuring accessibility for viewers with hearing impairments. While not exclusive to legal settings, broadcast captioners may be involved in transcribing legal programs or court-related broadcasts.
  • Captioned Telephone Relay Service (CTS) Reporters: Work in a telecommunications setting, providing real-time captioning for individuals with hearing impairments during telephone conversations. This service assists individuals who may have difficulty hearing over the phone.

Are you suited to be a court reporter?

Court reporters have distinct personalities. They tend to be conventional individuals, which means they’re conscientious and conservative. They are logical, efficient, orderly, and organized. Some of them are also enterprising, meaning they’re adventurous, ambitious, assertive, extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic.

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What is the workplace of a Court Reporter like?

The workplace of a court reporter is dynamic and multifaceted, with the specific setting depending on the nature of the legal proceedings they are involved in. For court reporters employed within traditional courtrooms, their workspace is centered around the judicial environment. Positioned in close proximity to judges, attorneys, and witnesses, these professionals meticulously capture spoken words, gestures, and other auditory cues, playing a pivotal role in creating a verbatim record of legal events such as hearings and trials.

In addition to courtrooms, court reporters working with law firms or as freelancers may find themselves in deposition settings. Deposition court reporters, employed by private practices or contracting independently, attend witness testimonies outside the courtroom, ensuring accurate transcription of statements for legal purposes. The flexibility of freelancers allows them to move between different courtrooms, law offices, or deposition locations based on the needs of their clients.

The advent of technology has expanded the scope of a court reporter's workplace. Those involved in real-time transcription services may extend their services beyond legal proceedings, providing instantaneous transcription for conferences, corporate meetings, or broadcasted events. In these instances, court reporters may operate from home offices, contributing to the accessibility of spoken content by individuals with hearing impairments through closed captioning on live broadcasts or recorded programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Court Reporter vs CART Provider

A court reporter and a CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) provider are both professionals who specialize in capturing and transcribing spoken words in real-time, but they serve distinct purposes and work in different settings.

Court Reporter

  • Legal Setting: A court reporter primarily works in legal settings such as courtrooms, depositions, and other legal proceedings.
  • Verbatim Transcription: The main responsibility of a court reporter is to create a verbatim and accurate record of spoken words during legal events. This includes capturing the dialogue between judges, attorneys, witnesses, and other participants.
  • Stenographic or Voice Writing: Court reporters may use stenographic machines with specialized keyboards or voice writing technology to transcribe spoken words quickly and accurately.
  • Legal Record Keeping: Their transcripts become an official part of the court record, serving as crucial documentation for legal proceedings, appeals, and other legal purposes.

CART Provider

  • Accessibility Setting: A CART provider, on the other hand, typically works in non-legal settings to provide real-time captioning for individuals with hearing impairments.
  • Communication Access: CART is often used in educational institutions, conferences, business meetings, or public events to ensure real-time access to spoken content for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Use of Technology: CART providers use stenographic machines, voice writing technology, or other methods to transcribe spoken words into text. The text is then displayed on a screen for the individual or audience to read.
  • Not Part of Legal Record: Unlike court reporters whose transcripts are part of the official legal record, CART transcripts are generally not considered legal documents. They are produced to facilitate communication and accessibility.
  • Educational and Corporate Settings: CART services are commonly employed in educational environments, providing real-time captioning for students with hearing impairments. They are also utilized in corporate settings to ensure accessibility during meetings or training sessions.

In summary, while both court reporters and CART providers specialize in real-time transcription, court reporters primarily work in legal settings, creating official records of legal proceedings, whereas CART providers focus on providing accessibility in diverse non-legal settings for individuals with hearing impairments.

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Court Reporters are also known as:
Court Stenographer Stenotype Operator