Niagara Crossing - formerly Barton Hill Hotel - now open

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Niagara Crossing Hotel & Spa
Niagara Crossing Hotel & Spa

Niagara Crossing - formerly Barton Hill Hotel - now open

by jmaloni
Sat, Mar 18th 2017 07:00 am

By Joshua Maloni

Managing Editor

The former Barton Hill Hotel & Spa has reopened with behind-the-scenes upgrades - and a new name: Niagara Crossing Hotel & Spa. The three-story Lewiston building, at 100 Center St., was shut on Jan. 1.

General Manager Paul Leroux said, "The hotel was closed for mechanical repairs. This will greatly help in the heating and cooling of the property, for a better and more enjoyable stay for the guest."

Additionally, "We went through and we have preventative maintenance in all of the guest rooms. We've done a fresh coat of paint, and recleaned the carpets, and did more of a deep-cleaning process before we reopened."

Leroux said there is a capital improvement plan, which "encompasses some areas of the exterior of the building, and also some interior areas. But we have not completed approval of all of the areas yet."

Coakley & Williams Hotel Management Co. oversees the property. It took operational control in April 2016.

"They've put into effect and are now rolling out more high standards with customer service interaction, and different processes for even cleaning the rooms, and enhanced (food and beverage) operations," Leroux said.

He noted, "We won't be reopening the restaurant this year, but we're very excited, because we have the most weddings on the books since the hotel has been open."

Leroux said guests interested in scheduling an event or booking a room should contact Director of Sales Nicole McCoy at 716-754-9070.

"The rates at the property are similar to years in the past, and will be all based on demand," Leroux said. "We've been seeing quite a bit of call volume and a lot more pickup recently, the last month. We're very excited about that."

For more information on the Niagara Crossing Hotel & Spa, visit

The Barton Hill Hotel opened in 2007.

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