All 6 ‘Goosebumps’ Movies & Series in Order

all goosebumps

One of the many different titles fans have always loved regarding the horror genre is ‘Goosebumps’ because the ‘Goosebumps’ books have always been quite popular among children, young adults, and adults alike. Of course, the wacky horror style that ‘Goosebumps’ comes with has a special appeal.

Because of the popularity of ‘Goosebumps,’ this franchise has had its fair share of live-action adaptations in the form of series and movies. All of the adaptations have their unique appeal, and that’s why they are popular in their own right. And with the release of the 2023 ‘Goosebumps’ series, it’s right that we look at all of the different ‘Goosebumps’ movies and series so that you can get an overview of the many different live-action adaptations that this franchise has had.

1. ‘Goosebumps’ (1995-1998)


It was in 1992 that RL Stine published the first ‘Goosebumps’ book, ‘Welcome to the Dead House.’ That was when the entire franchise became popular, as many different books were released after the success of the first ‘Goosebumps’ book. And because Stine wanted his audience to enjoy his work on their television screens, that was when the first ‘Goosebumps’ series was made.


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The original ‘Goosebumps’ TV series had its fair share of success because it ran on a handful of networks trying to capitalize on its popularity. This was one of the most successful anthology series of all time, and it was able to run for four seasons until it concluded in 1998. Of course, while the TV format of the ‘Goosebumps’ series last its marvel during the 2000s, it has seen a revival in the form of the 2023 ‘Goosebumps’ series.

2. ‘The Haunting Hour: Don’t Think About It’ (2007)

haunting hour

In 2007, RL Stine decided to follow the movie format instead of the TV series format, which was when ‘The Haunting Hour: Don’t Think About It’ was released. The film was based on the children’s book of the same name by Stine himself. However, it was never released on the big screen because it was a direct-to-DVD release.

The storyline of ‘The Haunting Hour’ movie follows a goth girl named Cassie, who moves to a new town. Fascinated by the occult, Cassie visited a Halloween store where she bought an old book from the store owner. On Halloween night, she read the book to his brother even though the book itself warned not to read it aloud or think about the monster depicted in the book. However, that was when the monster came to life and messed up the entire night as Cassie now had to rescue her brother from the monster that captured him.

3. ‘The Haunting Hour: The Series’ (2010 – 2014)

haunting hour

During the latter part of the 2000s, RL Stine looked to try to revive the ‘Goosebumps’ for the modern era. That was when he created an anthology series on Discovery Family for four seasons. Of course, this series shares the same title as the 2007 movie that was based on one of Stine’s books.


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‘The Haunting Hour’ series, however, was an anthology series that followed the same format as the original ‘Goosebumps’ series. However, the difference is that this series was never based on any of Stine’s books. All of the stories featured in this series were directly featured in the episodes, making it one of the most interesting of Stine’s works because no one knew what to expect from the episodes.

4. ‘Goosebumps’ (2015)


Released in 2015, the ‘Goosebumps’ movie was a massive success because it garnered an impressive sum at the box office even though it didn’t come with the fanfare that other young adult fantasy movies come with. What made it great was that it was a family-friendly movie that served as a safe and fun way to introduce the horror genre to children. And while it was meant for younger audiences, the ‘Goosebumps’ movie had a lot of references that adults could also enjoy.

Of course, one of the references that adults were quick to notice was the feud between Stephen King and RL Stine, and it was a really fun and entertaining subplot for adults to follow along. The movie also featured an ending that may be cliché to fans but was a good way of introducing the twist ending trope to children and other younger audiences. The popularity of the movie opened up the production of a sequel.

5. ‘Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween ‘(2018)


Due to the popularity of the 2015 ‘Goosebumps’ movie, a sequel in the form of ‘Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween’ was released later. Jack Black returned to the film to reprise his role as RL Stine, and he was the only character from the original movie to return in the sequel. The storyline of this movie focused more on Slappy, the evil ventriloquist dummy.

In the movie, Slappy can trick two friends into forcing him out of a Goosebumps book, paving the way for the dummy to also bring out the other monsters featured in Stine’s works so that they could take over the town. While the sequel couldn’t live up to the first movie’s success, it was still pretty much successful regarding its box office performance.

6. ‘Goosebumps’ (2023)


The latest ‘Goosebumps’ live-action adaptation is the 2023 ‘Goosebumps’ series that can be streamed on Hulu and Disney+. This series, however, focuses more on high school teenagers instead of kids, as it can be said that the latest ‘Goosebumps’ series is more of a young-adult show. And it also did away with the anthology format of the other ‘Goosebumps’ TV series.


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This series follows a group of high schoolers who ended up getting entangled in a web of nightmares that all stemmed from the death of a teenager named Harold Biddle 30 years ago. While they experienced their fair share of horrors, the five high teenagers ended up unearthing a mysterious and dreadful event that can be traced back to their parents and the dark things they were involved in.

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