'Weakness': Felon 45 Lashes Out Over Biden's EO To Secure The Border

After the news that President Joe Biden will sign an Executive Order today to toughen up border security, Felon 45 took to Truth Social to blast the move even though he has admitted to killing the bipartisan border bill earlier this year. The bill, penned in a bipartisan fashion, would have dramatically changed immigration law for the first time in decades, including a new emergency authority to restrict border crossings if daily average migrant encounters reach a certain level. There's more.

The bill would have created more than 1,500 new Customs and Border Protection personnel and allocated more than $20 billion to border security. Before we get into Trump's rant, here he is bragging about killing the direly needed bipartisan bill.

Lumpy is now lashing out at Biden even though Biden was forced to issue the EO after Trump killed the bipartisan deal.

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Trump Was Treated Just Like 9,793 Other Defendants

The Supreme Court is expected to return a ruling this week that could grant Donald Trump absolute immunity for any actions he took while in office. But even if the court comes down at the most extreme end of Trump’s SEAL Team Six fantasies, it still won’t match some of the magical solutions Republicans are inventing to avoid dealing with the fact that their candidate for president is a convicted felon.

In the Senate, a group of Republicans has vowed to block all judicial appointments in protest of Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records. However, considering that everyone in that group wasn't about to vote for a Biden nominee in the first place, it’s not clear how this is anything more than the weakest form of political grandstanding. It barely merits a “1” on the MAGA vs. Law and Order scale.

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Hunter Biden's Wife Unloads On 'Nazi Piece Of Sh*t' Trump Ally

Hunter Biden's court proceedings are nothing like Felon 45's. For example, the President's son is not being coddled for who he is. On the contrary, he's being hammered because he is Joe Biden's son. There are things I don't like about Hunter Biden, but none of them concern his addiction or his gun charge. I, too, was an addict. Oddly, Trump supporters will demean Hunter after he overcame the disease of addiction while ignoring Don Jr., a human 8-ball that does podcasts while he's high as a kite.

And then there's the laptop. Former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler, who has been in the courtroom for no understandable reason, was the fucknut who was part of an effort by people in Trump's orbit to make public the contents of the dubious laptop to embarrass Biden's son during the final days of the 2020 election.

The President's son's wife, Melissa Cohen-Biden, confronted Ziegler and didn't hold back. I think I love this woman. It's OK. It's Pride Month. We are all gay now. I need to explain this to my Honey somehow.

NBC News reports:

Hunter Biden sued Ziegler and the company he founded, Marco Polo, in September of last year, claiming they broke state and federal laws in an effort to create a searchable online database with 128,000 emails.
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MAGA Clown Mark Levin: Democrats Are The New Confederacy

Fox News host Mark Levin declared the Democratic Party as a new Confederacy because New York convicted Trump on 34 felony counts

If anyone has been turned into a caricature of what they wanted to try to appear to be, Mark Levin is among the leaders.

Hey Mark, MAGA turns your brain to mush.

In his first outburst he demands the Kangaroo Supreme Court to overturn the New York state verdicts against Trump. He then described the Democratic party as if Abraham Lincoln was still alive.

Levin throws around judicial terms like due process, and equal protection claptrap to sound knowledgeable to his rubes, followed quickly by the lie Democrats still support Jim Crow laws.

Look in the mirror, Mark. The south is solidly MAGA and that's where Jim Crow has resided since the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

And nobody is a better figure, illustration of that then Joe Biden. Now they do it for different reasons and they do it in a different way.
But it doesn’t change who they are and what they are. They hate the Constitution as they must, as they adopt an increasingly aggressive Marxist ideology. And this party is an autocratic party, an autocratic party. It doesn’t care how it gets power.
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Not Lovin' It: Nigel Farage Is Milkshaked In Clacton

To commemorate Farage's first day of campaigning, a young woman threw her milkshake in his face, the same as happened in 2019 when Farage ran in Newcastle.

Source: The Sun

NIGEL Farage was drenched with MILKSHAKE by a young woman today as his general election campaign got off to a soggy start.
The Reform Party leader left his event in the Essex seaside town of Clacton when he was splattered with the McDonald's banana drink.
It is the second time the Brexit champion has been swilled - having been covered head-to-toe in Newcastle in 2019.
Mr Farage had just left the Moon and Starfish Wetherspoon - where he kicked off his battle for Parliament - when he was targeted.
A blonde woman pushed her way through the vast crowds before hurling her milkshake at the Reform leader from point-blank range.
Members of his entourage - including former leader Richard Tice - looked on horrified as the yellowy substance was chucked.

Ted Cruz Is Having A Sh*t Fit Over Biden's EO To Secure The Border

Sen. Ted Cruz is showing off his hypocrisy after it was announced that President Joe Biden will sign an Executive Order today to toughen up border security. Cruz is one of the Republicans who voted against the bipartisan border bill in April, saying, "We don't need a border bill."

Trump instructed Republicans to vote against it, so they did his bidding as usual. That means they voted against adding more than 1,500 new Customs and Border Protection personnel. The GOP geniuses voted against more than $20 billion for border security. The bipartisan agreement would have provided critical resources at the border and significant policy changes. They voted against America to side with Trump.

Cruz is hoping for a terror attack on Biden's watch, and it's disgusting to watch. And now he's having a sh*t fit over the Executive Order, calling it "fake" on Fox News even though he voted against legislation to secure our border.

"This immigration order that's coming tomorrow, Joe Biden's going to stand up and say, we're securing the border, and you know what I'm going to predict in the next five months, we're actually going to see the border numbers go down a little bit," Cruz said as if that's a bad thing.

"Now, don't be deceived by that," he said. "It's just like the gasoline price is going down a little bit. They're doing this right before the election. They're doing it. So the useful idiots in the corporate media will say, gosh, Biden solved the problem."

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Adam Schiff Takes The Gloves Off, Punches GOPers In Their Stupid Faces

During the Merrick Garland hearing, which was after the Fauci hearing, both of which were after the Biden impeachment hearing, Rep. Adam Schiff got tired of Republicans' sh*t, so he smacked them all with a few truth bombs while making pew pew pew sounds. OK, I made that last part up. I always admit when I'm wrong. Schiff's rant reminds me of his badass speech at Trump's impeachment hearing.

"They would tear it down," the California Democrat said. "In the service of this convicted felon, they would tear everything down. They would tear the house of this democracy down around them."

"They say it's unprecedented to bring charges against a former president," he continued. "You're damn right; it's unprecedented. We've never had a president of the United States who was making hush money payments to a porn star and then falsifying business records to cover it up. Yeah, that's unprecedented."

"We've never had a president withhold classified information and then obstruct the investigation," he said. "That is unprecedented. We've never had a president incite a violent attack on the Capitol. That is unprecedented."

"And you know what else is unprecedented?" he added. "The fact that so many leaders of that party are perfectly fine with all of that. In their headlong pursuit of power, they're perfectly fine with that. They're going to nominate a convicted felon as their presidential candidate."

He's not done.

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Klan Mom Marge Says Mike Johnson Needs An Exorcism

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, the QAnon Klan mom of Georgia, described the House Republican Caucus as a Banana Republic, and claimed Speaker Johnson needs to be exorcised from his demons.

Greene is just as nasty as she was yesterday. She starts off by complaining about Johnson's leadership and bringing in Alvin Bragg to be questioned by Congress.

(I could have written three articles based on this psychotic rant alone.)

Greene: He said we are going to take action power of the person our appropriation bills but Steve our appropriation bills don't mean shit unless the Speaker of the House has the balls to walk into the Four Corners meeting and walk into the White House and say I'm going to shut down the government unless you pass these bills.
That's what our Speaker of the House needs to be doing right now because, Steve, our country is gone.
We are post-constitution, and that's because the Democrats in New York, the state of New York, convicted President Trump of 34 felony counts that are fake charges and nothing but a political attack and lies, and Steve, I'm done.

Is she quitting? Greene's ignorance grows exponentially each and every day.

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Fox News Attacks First Lady For Attending Hunter's Trial

Fox's Trace Gallagher and former Bill Barr flunky Kerri Urbahn accused First Lady Jill Biden of trying to send "a message from the White House by heaven forbid appearing in the courtroom during jury selection for Hunter Biden's trial in Delaware on federal gun charges.

Everything is projection with these people. Trump sits there glaring at the potential jurors during during jury selection in New York, and now they've got to accuse Jill Biden of doing the same thing.

Here's the exchange with Gallagher and Urbahn this Monday accusing the First Lady of trying to intimidate potential jurors:

GALLAGHER: Legal editor and former counselor to Attorney General Bill Barr, Kerri great to have you on I'm just wondering as you kind of listen to David go over what's happening in the courthouse there, are you surprised we got this far? Are you surprised this thing didn't end with some sort of plea deal?
URBAHN: Yeah, I'm very surprised. I think it would have been in Hunter's best interest to plead out to this given that it's a pretty open and shut case. You know, by his own admission he was a drug user during the time he purchased this gun we know that from his book. The prosecution says they have ample evidence of videos and photos and the like from his infamous laptop that showed the same.
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Hannity And Ted Cruz Root For Terrorist Attack On US

Sean Hannity and Senator Ted Cruz engaged in hyperbolic hysteria about the border, claiming President Biden already has blood on his hands while almost rooting for a terrorist attack on US soil from immigrants.

Cruz and Hannity erupted over news that Biden is preparing to sign an executive order that would shut down asylum requests if the total exceeded 2500 a day.

Hannity faux fury raged as he read off a list of migrants coming into the country that read like a who’s who list of terrorists.

HANNITY: He has blood on his hands.
HANNITY: And when some of these people from either China or Russia or Iran or Syria or Yemen or Egypt or Afghanistan or Kazakhstan, you know, one of those terrorist cells, which I'm pretty certain are here, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
CRUZ: They are. They tragically are. And the FBI is telling us they're here.
HANNITY: So it's a matter of when, not if.
Yes. Tragically yes.
HANNITY: And how sad is that? Yeah, well, they'll be a lot of dead Americans and they'll have blood on their hands.
HANNITY: And you know what? It's unforgivable. It's a clear and present danger and it's unnecessary.

Not if, but when.

Hannity and the MAGA cult are hoping and praying everyday for a bloodbath in America as they believe convicted felon 45 is going to jail.

Fuck you, assholes.

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