Herbert Hainer at the 2022 Bayern AGM: "Open for one-twos"

Herbert Hainer: Open for one-twos

President Herbert Hainer opened the 2022 FC Bayern annual general meeting on Saturday evening. After welcoming the guests of honour including honorary president Uli Hoeneß, honorary vice-presidents Fritz Scherer and Bernd Rauch, the FC Bayern München AG board led by CEO Oliver Kahn, and first-team head coach Julian Nagelsmann, as well as players Thomas Müller, Joshua Kimmich, Leon Goretzka and Kingsley Coman, the 68-year-old addressed the members present in the Audi Dome.

Hainer first spoke in his speech about last year's AGM. "We all know that that evening was not a glorious one for FC Bayern. It wasn’t how we know and want to see our FC Bayern. And I also made mistakes that evening as chairman of the meeting. For this I would like to apologise to you, dear members, once again," said the president. "We have critically scrutinised ourselves and considered what we need to do better. Over the past 12 months, we have intensified our exchange with you - also and especially on the subject of Qatar."

“The most important lesson”

With this, Hainer addressed the "most important lesson after the annual general meeting. "We want to be a partner for you as a club - and play a one-two. We don't always have to agree on that, but we have to stay in exchange." The FCB president had visited numerous fan clubs in recent months. "They were interesting, great conversations. Controversial, passionate, lively. That's how a club should be. I was able to take many insights back to Säbener Straße, just as much as from our new dialogue formats such as our workshops with our members. Thank you all for the interaction of the past months. That - precisely that - is the style of FC Bayern. This is how we want to continue and this is how we will continue, I promise you."

Hainer then reviewed the past three years of his time in office, which were marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. "FC Bayern stands on three pillars: sporting success, economic stability and social commitment.” He added that the pandemic had not caused any of the pillars to collapse. "We continue to be absolutely stable as a club overall with all departments. Even more than that, we have made profits every year and continue to set standards as a club, in all three areas. Our club - your club - is a role model throughout Europe."

Women to face Barcelona at the Allianz Arena

Looking at the current season, Hainer announced that the FC Bayern Women's Champions League home match on 7 December against Barcelona will take place at the Allianz Arena. "Our goal must for another attendance record!"

Social commitment

In his speech, the president and chairman of the supervisory board also emphasised FC Bayern's social responsibility. "As a club, we have an enormous reach and therefore have to assume a social responsibility - which we always try to live up to. We will continue to get involved and set an example."

The FC Bayern path

In his speech, Hainer thanked his colleagues in the presidium and the AG board. "Oliver Kahn is our mastermind, Hasan our pacesetter in the sporting area - and I'm happy to work closely with both of them, as someone always open to receiving the ball and distributing it." He added that they want to continue on the "FC Bayern path and always develop new ideas. We have the highest goals - that is also your aspiration as our fans, and socially we also want to remain a role model because this social commitment is part of our club DNA. Bayern Munich must always remain Bayern Munich."

Hainer addressed special thanks to vice-chairman and board member for finances Jan-Christian Dreesen, who will leave the club in the summer after 10 years: "Our economic successes are closely linked to his name. Your value to this club cannot be overestimated."

Largest membership of any sports club

With 295,000 members, FC Bayern remains the largest sports club in the world. "Despite Covid’s difficult times, we are experiencing the biggest growth in the past five years. This is a strong sign of the global cohesion and popularity of our club. Together with you, we want to continue making history. We will not let up - not one millimetre. And we count on your support. Together, because only together, are we FC Bayern," Hainer concluded.