Schwester Maria Fidelis Weiß O.S.Fr. - Welcome
Schwester Maria Fidelis Weiß O.S.Fr.
Schwester Maria Fidelis Weiß O.S.Fr.


"Only God alone is enough, He alone!”


Welcome dear visitors.
This page is intended to commemorate the life and work of the Servant of God, Sister Maria Fidelis Weiss.

She is referred to as one of the most important mystics of our time and every year, many people visit her grave in the monastery church of Reutberg to find comfort and help from her.

The life of Sister Maria Fidelis Weiss O.S.Fr.
Franciscan Sister of the Regular Third Order.  


1882 - Eleonore Margarete Weiß ( Sr.Fidelis ) was born on the 12th of June in Kempten/Bayern.
1902 - She entered the convent of Franciscan nuns and served as a hand work teacher and as

             the convent organist. She lived an intense monastic life and a mystical life of prayer.
1923 - Sister Fidelis died on the 11th of February in Reutberg.
1936 - Opening of the informative process.
1982 - Opening of the apostolic process.

2007 - Pope Benedict XVI. decreed on the 1st of June her life lived as a life of “heroic virtue”.


"Everything for Jesus and the souls"
Every year many prayer hearings are reported to Reutberg Monastery. Please report each hearing in writing, because it is necessary for the cause of beatification to receive numerous prayer hearings at the intercession of Sister Fidelis.
"The grace of charity stands as high as Gods love, for truly loving your neighbour, means to love God himself."


Prayer for the Beatification (for private use only)
O God, give us the spirit of your love, with which you pardoned your faithful servant Maria Fidelis so abundantly! Increase our confidence and hear our prayer, so that soon, for your greater glory and the blessing of our people, you may receive public worship.
Please also join in our prayer community and pray with us daily for the beatification of Sister Fidelis.

We hope that persistent trust and many prayers will be heard.

"Nothing honors God so much as trusting in him!"

Please send your prayer hearings or registration to the Fidelis Prayer Circle by email:

Visitors´ book


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83679 Sachsenkam


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Fidelis Rundbrief

Bitte lesen Sie den neuen  Rundbrief 2024

Fidelistag 2024

101. Todestag der Schwester Fidelis


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