ResearcHStart - UChicago Medicine
UChicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center

ResearcHStart is a multi-institutional program welcoming high school students from the Chicago and Urbana-Champaign areas to explore exciting careers in cancer research. Participants work full time in the laboratories of established cancer researchers, gaining hands-on experience in areas at the forefront of the field: cancer immunology, bioengineering, experimental cancer therapeutics, cancer disparities and more.

Rigorous research training is complemented by career development and skill-building workshops, a cancer-based faculty lecture series, and a network of faculty and peer mentors dedicated to students’ success. The program culminates in a research symposium for family, friends and members of the scientific community. Participants receive a taxable stipend of $3,000.

About researcHStart

Program Team

Students & Alumni

Advisory Committee

The researcHStart Advisory Committee provides strategic guidance regarding the program's continued growth and development.

Members include representatives from each participating program site, program donors and other members of the Illinois cancer community.