A Brief History of Shorthand

For me, summer reading doesn’t just mean using Dean Koontz novels as manual sunblock, but catching up on all sorts of things that drifted to the bottom of my to-read pile over the course of what I can’t stop thinking of as the “school year.”

And so a few days ago, I finally got around to Leah Price’s oddly fascinating essay on the history of shorthand, published last winter in the London Review of Books. I’m always a sucker for anything about invented languages and outmoded literary technologies, and Price — a professor of English at Harvard — tells a truly weird story.

Shorthand wasn’t always just for secretaries and court reporters, Price writes. Before the 1870s, it was used more for writing down one’s own thoughts or discreetly noting the conversation of others. Samuel Pepys, Isaac Newton and Charles Dickens used it, as did legions of “spirit-rappers, teetotalers, vegetarians, pacifists, anti-vivisectionists, anti-tobacconists,” and other members of a “counter-culture of early adapters” who generated something of a shorthand craze in mid-19th-century Britain. Isaac Pitman, creator of the wildly successful “Stenographic Soundhand” method still used today, made arguments that don’t sound so different from the tweeting techno-evangelists of our age. When people correspond by shorthand, he declared “friendships grow six times as fast as under the withering blighting influence of the moon of longhand.”

As in today’s Internet-enabled subcultures (and yes, there does seem to be such a thing as a “shorthand-themed Listserv”), Victorian shorthand enthusiasts found each other through magazines that included a mix of new articles and “translations” of “Robinson Crusoe,” Sherlock Holmes stories and other literary works — a startling notion, though perhaps not entirely different from consuming Chekhov in Hungarian, sign language or Kindle-ese.

Today, Victorian shorthand editions of the Bible, “A Christmas Carol” and other works languish unread in library basements. So what turned shorthand into one of the world’s disappearing literary languages?

Price points to the rise of the typewriter, as well as demographic shifts that turned clerical labor into women’s work. By 1901, she writes, one speaker at a stenographers’ club argued that it was “degrading for a strong, healthy man to be occupied all day long in using the pen upon what was little more than copying words.” At the same time, stenography came to seem less a newfangled source of identity and freedom than a practical skill that helped you land a job.

If this sounds a bit like the arc traced by more contemporary technology, that’s Price’s idea. At the end of her essay, she evokes the mountains of unread shorthand documents piled up like so many old floppy disks.

On shorthand Listservs, she writes, “the most poignant postings ask for help decoding a grandmother or an aunt’s diary.”

Comments are no longer being accepted.

“…or discretely noting the conversation of others.” An orthographical indiscretion: the adverb should be “discreetly.”

Similarly, the annotations for writing down choreography (usually written on music-ruled paper, for ballet) were rendered obsolete by the video camera. It’s an amazing “language” but simply not needed anymore…

Jennifer Schuessler August 6, 2009 · 6:01 pm

Thanks for the correction. I’m sure no one makes that mistake in shorthand.
–Jenny Schuessler

jose miguel moreno de alma August 7, 2009 · 6:31 am

Back in my salad days I learned shorthand so I could write down my thoughts as quickly as I thought them. I still have a bunch of journals I kept of my trips and life back then, all written in shorthand. Perhaps I should pull them out and read them and see if I had anything worth writing about….

You’ve forgotten Tiro, the slave who invented it and did it on wax tablets with a stylus in Latin for his master Cicero, [v. “Imperium” by Robert Harris’s ]

In the Middle Ages, scribes developed a shorthand by replacing certain letters of words, e.g., “m” or “n”, or the endings of words, with bars and squiggles over the adjoining letters or at the end of the word. We still see the remains of this system in abbreviations such as viz. (videlicet, i.e., “namely”) and Rx (recipe), where the “z” and the “x” represent the squiggle showing that the last letters of the word had been dropped.

I disagree with CKHB. Shorthand is still in used in many offices today (especially law firms). I use it everyday when my boss dictates to me. I use gregg instead of pittman.

In the Pacific Northwest, Roman Catholic missionaries utilized shorthand to publish a magazine for the First Nations populations. This magazine, called Wawa (Chinook jargon for ‘talk’,) would have side by side columns of English and shorthand. The use of symbolism was readily accepted as a form of language and a dictionary and reading text was published.

When I inherited a huge stack of old books recently, our youngest’s favorite became Gregg’s Manual of Shorthand (which I don’t know how to underline, although I know it’s a book title, in case Lucidity’s looking).

Shorthand has become the new spy language in our neighborhood among the 11 yr. olds….they think they’ve hit on the newest spy trick!

Thanks to Alba Boyrie for stating that shorthand is still being used today. Just yesterday, my daughter and I were talking about it, and we both thought that with computers, shorthand had now become obsolete. Apparently not, but I think that the demand for stenos has definitely decreased. But it is refreshing to know that even kids use it sometimes. I myself use it when I want to write something fast.

Trudy Christopher August 7, 2009 · 5:25 pm

I enjoyed learning Gregg shorthand in the late 40’s and enjoyed my 130 wpm expertise but was surprised when asked if I knew same in the mid 80’s at a law firm. Turned out the legal eagles always tried to utilize this skill since they thought it indicated a good background in grammar, spelling, punctuation and the like. I got the job but rarely used the shorthand except in an occasional confidential setting when recording equipment seemed too blatant. It makes for beautiful calligraphy.
Trudy Christopher–old steno

Journalists and stenographers: how odd that the two professions that still use shorthand are seeing (or have seen) their ranks dwindle.
I taught myself Teeline (which I think is British) as a reporter – I doubt that future generations will bother though. As with Trudy Christopher, I suspect editors were impressed because they saw in it a reflection of other qualities they were keen on (i.e. dedication, mainly) rather than the recognition that it was a desperately useful skill.

The Los Angeles Public Library has a number of books written in shorthand, including the Book of Common Prayer, Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and A Christmas Carol.

I’ve often wondered if anyone has read them, as so few know the skill today. Most shorthands other than Pitman and Gregg seem lost.

I loved all of the comments which inspired me to write mine. I never knew why I took Gregg shorthand in my elementary school years. But then I found out why…I had an awesome spiritual teacher who constantly inspired me to live my life to the fullest. Throughout my years in working with him, I would constantly jot down in shorthand his gems of wisdom – wherever and whenever I could – on just about everything from regular notepaper to napkins to pages torn out of the phone book. Today there are tons of published books available on his teachings and words. But I feel I have some of his most priceless of all – those back in the early 70’s when we didn’t record or videotape his words or lectures – and all done by thousands of pens and a simple knowledge of what is to me a treasured technique, still alive – and a friend providing sometimes much needed relief from the constant glare of my laptop. Nowadays I am happily attempting to sort through pages and pages of this delicate script towards what may be a monumental masterpiece of wisdom for me and others who enjoy not only timeless reading but happy living.

Shorthand is a way of writing words at the speed they are spoken. I find it interesting that although shorthand has virtually disappeared, nothing has filled that gap. The modern way of creating a transcript would be to make an audio recording, and then play it back slowly, while typing. Although the shorthand method is probably somewhat faster, it also requires a great deal of effort to learn.

Like many of the early shorthand methods, Pitman’s ambitions went far beyond office memos. It was originally intended as a self-contained method of writing – a sort of written Esperanto, which could replace the clumsy alphabets we’re used to, and had enthusiastic support from internationalists. In fact, the early editions show how the same system can be used to transcribe French, German, Greek, Russian, Latin, and Sanscrit.

It would probably have worked well for this purpose, but as time went on, Pitman shorthand was increasingly adjusted for higher speed, and these changes made the system harder to learn. Isaac Pitman’s constant fiddling with his system eventually led to revolt among US stenographers, and many alternative systems arose in America, mostly variants of the older versions of Pitman. The chaotic situation made it easy for Gregg to introduce his system, based on different principles, a few years later. In Britain and its former colonies, Pitman remained the dominant shorthand until shorthand started to fade out in the 1980s.

Dare I wonder aloud if texting is the new shorthand? What would “A Christmas Carol” look like in texting?

My father learned a German shorthand many years ago, to write down his own thoughts in notebooks, but he has long since forgotten how to read it, and doesn’t even recall the name of the kind of shorthand he used.

It’d be interesting to see if shorthand (or something like it) will revive with the advent of tablet computers. Would it be faster to notate something that way, which the computer could then translate into plain English for you via character recognition?

To my grandchildren, the most interesting thing about me is my ability to write a “secret language.” I still use it to make my Christmas lists, which they try & try to figure out. Since it seems to be disappearing, I shall begin to teach it to them for their own use. It did lead me to a successful career–back in the olden days :)

About 20 years ago I taught myself one of the alphabetic-script-based shorthands (QuickScript, I think it was called), and then a few years later studied a slightly different, although similar, one (EasyScript, I think) and now write in a highly personalized and quite eclectic mashup of the two styles.

What strikes me as funny is how shorthand these days has come to be thought of as somewhat useless. Let me tell you, I use it literally EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is one of the most truly useful skills that I know, and I am neither a secretary nor a journalist (I’m a computer programmer, actually). Seriously, after using it daily for over 20 years, it boggles me that people aren’t more interested in learning some system or another. It is just such an amazingly useful skill to have.

Just recently I decided to learn Teeline, as it will allow me to take notes even faster than the old alphabet-based system I’ve been using, which has a decided upper limit on how fast you can take notes. I’m finding it quite enjoyable, and not difficult at all. My speed right now is pretty pitiful, but that’s just a temporary issue which a little practice will take care of in no time.

I’ve enjoyed reading all of your comments. I took stenography shorthand in the early 90s because I wanted to be able to take good notes in college. And also because my mother knew and raved that it gave her an edge in any employment pool. Sadly though, I seldom practiced and eventually forgot much of it. But I have a renewed interest in learning the Gregg method and court reporting and I stumbled across this blog in in quest to find Los Angeles-based courses.