how's it going

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how's it going

1. How are you? Used as an informal greeting. A: "Hey, Tom! How's it going?" B: "Not too bad, thanks. How are you?"
2. How is some process or activity proceeding? How's it going in the mail room today, fellas? A: "Well, how's it going?" B: "Good! We've almost finished compiling the data set."
See also: going
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Every winter I'd meet him at the Links Golf Society and I'd say, 'How's it going?' "He'd say, 'Great, I've got five things to work on.' He doesn't want to believe that when he retires he might say, 'Maybe I could have been even better'.
Try "It's good to see you" or "Hey there, how's it going?"
"The guy said, 'How's it going?' and I replied, 'Yeah, I'm having a nervous breakdown'.
He said: "I asked him, 'How's it going?' And he said, 'It's going to be incredible.' He couldn't wait for us to see the show.
HOW'S it going? Man Utd v Arsenal is the key match this weekend and here at Sportingbet we've rolled out the red carpet for punters.
It's the concerned listening to someone's problem, the "Hey, how's it going?" or the box of candy you brought in for everyone for no special reason that garner good will.
If someone who doesn't give a damn about you asks, "How's it going?" tell the person in detail and at great length.
"Investors call and ask, How's it going? And you have to answer." The emphasis is not on quarterly reports as it may be in traditional business.
You often say 'Do this' rather than 'How's it going?