Personality Test For Teens👧🏻

Personality Test For Teens👧🏻

Curious about the intricate facets of your personality? You're in the right place. This quiz, featuring 10 straightforward questions, is specifically designed for teens to gain a deeper understanding of their personality traits. Whether you're a creative spirit, a natural-born leader, or someone who thrives in the company of friends, you'll uncover aspects of yourself that might surprise you. So, go ahead and dive in; you're just a few clicks away from discovering more about the unique person you are.

  • 1
    You are in line at your school's snack bar. Someone you don't recognize pushes past you in line. You:
  • 2
    It's almost time to go back to school. You get your list of classes. Immediately, you:
  • 3
    Your favorite subject is:

  • 4
    Your favorite color is:
  • 5
    Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • 6
    Your signature is:

  • 7
    Do your friends come to you for advice?
    Do your friends come to you for advice?
  • 8
    You take an online IQ test and find out that your IQ is 110. You:
  • 9
    Your favorite sport is:
  • 10
    Do you know what I.Q. stands for?

    (Last question of the teen personality test)

Comments (254)


46 days ago
Great quiz! Definitely accurate!
116 days ago
It was stunning that 28% of the participants of this quiz are like me. I do not know whether to feel disappointed and ashamed or to feel rare. Also, some of the text in the test results hardly depicted who I am. I like doing the quiz though.
117 days ago
The Genuis of Leadership comes through skill and workload.
156 days ago
Nice test it is accurate
234 days ago
I, Steve Harvey was feeling confused about who I actually was as a person. Therefore, I did this test and found out, I am actually supposed to be a jobless bum sitting under a bridge. Thank you, I now know who I am.
240 days ago
hi all
240 days ago
i recently found out my dad Trevor was diagnosed with short pp syndrome so i feel this site will be the only place to really express my feelings as my friends are to cool to hear my thoughts
240 days ago
I recently did this test and it told me i am 70% a leader so i went to tescos for and interview and they told me i look like a brussel sprout and the only thing im gonna be useful for is to lick the paint of a road, i am currently crying in asda as i am now inbetween jobs
240 days ago
i recently found out my nan is a tractor enthusiast and loves the smell of petrol so after doing this test i realised the true meaning of life now im a bald monk living in the rockys with bruce lee and his wife kim kardashian we have 3 ways every night and i always love to be the little spoon feeling his pp on my back.
240 days ago
jack p loved this as he now wants to be an artist and sell photos online from his bedside table :]
240 days ago
this was an amazing quiz i found my true calling in painting old people naked
241 days ago
110 IQ is good, why were all of the reactions negative?
248 days ago
This 😻we had to do it for school
360 days ago
The answer that I got is pretty me.
365 days ago
Idk, its kind of bad, idc. 19% of the people are like me!! CAP.
454 days ago
I got the one that 20% percent of people got :)
457 days ago
This is really boring
479 days ago
This is great!! Though some questions really back into a corner and you aren't sure which one to choose because both the questions feel like something you would do but this is accurate
506 days ago
This test, like a lot of others, lack a lot of substance and choice, you can't really determine someone, it makes a lot of generalizations of things so idk. 0-0 over all just kinda bad
506 days ago
Dear, the person who said magenta was their colour. Magenta isn't real. I am not joking magenta is a made up colour

Also i'm 99% sure this test is kinda bad