Class Average Calculator: Calculate Averages
class average calculator

Class Average Calculator

Calculate the class average by entering grades below.


The class average is:


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Class Average Calculator

Calculate the class's average grade with our easy-to-use Class Average Calculator. Whether you're a teacher or a student, this tool helps you find the average grade for assignments, tests, projects, or overall student performance.

How to Use the Class Average Calculator:

  • Calculate Class Average Grade: Start by collecting student grades and entering them in the grades's text box. You can separate grades with commas, spaces, or put each grade on a new line.
  • Get Results: After entering all the grades, click "calculate" to see the class average instantly.
  • Start Over: To clear and begin again, just click "clear."

How to Calculate the Class Average Grade:

Follow these easy steps to find the class average grade:

  1. Add Grades: Add up all the grades you entered. For example, if four students received history test scores of 90%, 95%, 100%, and 80%, add them together: 90 + 95 + 100 + 80 = 365.
  2. Divide: Divide the total (365) by the number of grades (4 students): 365 ÷ 4 = 91.25. This gives you the class average grade, which, in this case, is 91.25%.

Class Average Grade Formula:

Calculate the class average grade using this formula:

Class Average Grade = (g1 + g2 + g3 + …) / (n)


  • g: Grade
  • n: Total number of grades

Real-Time Example:

Let's illustrate how to calculate the class average grade with a real-life example:

Imagine you have a small class with four students who recently took a history test. Here are their test scores: 90%, 95%, 100%, and 80%.

To find the class average grade:

  1. Add Grades: Sum all the grades you have. In this example, it's 90 + 95 + 100 + 80 = 365.
  2. Divide: Divide the total (365) by the number of grades (4 students): 365 ÷ 4 = 91.25. This gives you the class average grade, which, in this case, is 91.25%.

So, in this example, the class average grade is 91.25%. Use our Class Average Calculator to perform such calculations for your class effortlessly.

Benefits of Class Average Calculator:

  • Simplicity: Easily calculate the class's average grade without manual calculations or spreadsheets.
  • Efficiency: Quickly obtain the class average with just a few clicks, saving time for teachers and students.
  • Accuracy: Eliminate the possibility of calculation errors, ensuring precise class average results.
  • Convenience: Collect and input student grades with ease, whether for assignments, tests, projects, or overall performance.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Instantly see the class average, allowing for immediate assessment of student performance.


The Class Average Calculator on Calculator Central is a user-friendly tool designed to make calculating class average grades a breeze. Whether you're a teacher assessing student performance or a student interested in your class's overall grade, our calculator simplifies the process.

By following the straightforward steps outlined above and using the provided formula, you can quickly determine the class average grade. This enables you to make informed decisions about your students' progress. Use our calculator to save time and streamline your grading process.

Note: If the tool does not work properly or the results are different than you expected, please help us improve it by providing details about the issue. Click here to contact us and report the problem.

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