Larry Page | Biography, Google, & Facts | Britannica MoneyLarry Page | Biography, Google, & Facts

Larry Page

American computer scientist and entrepreneur
Also known as: Lawrence Edward Page
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Larry Page and Sergey Brin
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Larry Page (left) and Sergey Brin, creators of the online search engine Google.
© Google Inc. Used with permission.
byname of:
Lawrence Edward Page
March 26, 1973, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S. (age 51)

Larry Page (born March 26, 1973, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.) is an American computer scientist and entrepreneur who, with Sergey Brin, created the online search engine Google, one of the most popular sites on the Internet.

Page, whose father was a professor of computer science at Michigan State University, received a computer engineering degree from the University of Michigan (1995) and entered into the doctorate program at Stanford, where he met Brin. The two were both intrigued with the idea of enhancing the ability to extract meaning from the mass of data accumulated on the Internet. Working from Page’s dormitory room, they devised a new type of search engine technology that leveraged Web users’ own ranking abilities by tracking each site’s “backing links”—that is, the number of other pages linked to them.

In order to further their search engine, Page and Brin raised about $1 million in outside financing from investors, family, and friends. They called their expanded search engine Google—a name derived from a misspelling of the word googol (a mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros). By September 1998 the two had founded Google Inc., with Page as chief executive officer (CEO). The next year Google received $25 million of venture capital funding and was processing 500,000 queries per day.

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Page stepped down as CEO in 2001 to become president of products. He was replaced as CEO by technology executive Eric Schmidt. However, both he and Brin remained intimately involved in running Google. By 2004 the search engine was being utilized 200 million times a day. On August 19, 2004, Google Inc. issued its initial public offering (IPO), which netted Page more than $3.8 billion. In an acquisition reflecting the company’s efforts to expand its services beyond Internet searches, Google purchased in 2006 the most popular Web site for user-submitted streaming videos, YouTube, for $1.65 billion in stock. In 2011 Page resumed his duties as Google’s CEO, Schmidt having moved to the position of executive chairman. Google was restructured in August 2015 as a subsidiary of the newly created holding company Alphabet Inc., and Page became CEO of Alphabet. Page left that post in December 2019 but continued to serve on Alphabet’s board of directors.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by Encyclopaedia Britannica.