Noises Off | APA
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Noises Off

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Noises Off

April 25, 2024 - May 12, 2024

Called “the funniest farce ever written,” Noises Off presents a manic menagerie of itinerant actors rehearsing a flop called Nothing’s On. Doors slamming, on and offstage intrigue, and an errant herring all figure in the plot of this hilarious and classically comic play.​

Michael Frayn's Noises Off takes a fond look at the follies of theatre folk, whose susceptibility to out-of-control egos, memory loss, and passionate affairs turn every performance into a high-risk adventure. This play-within-a-play captures a touring theatre troupe’s production of Nothing On in three stages: dress rehearsal, the opening performance, and a performance towards the end of a debilitating run. Frayne gives us a window into the inner workings of theatre behind the scenes, progressing from flubbed lines and missed cues in the dress rehearsal to mounting friction between cast members in the final performance. Brimming with slapstick comedy, Noises Off is a delightful backstage farce, complete with slamming doors, falling trousers, and -- of course -- flying sardines!

Noises Off Cast List

Mrs. Clacket / Dotty Otley - Julia Randall 

Lloyd Dallas / Show Director - Dan Rabold

Roger Tramplemain / Garry Lejeune - Mark Roderick

Vicki / Brooke Ashton - Missy Potash

Poppy Norton-Taylor / Stage Manager - Rachel Walman

Philip Brent / Sheikh / Frederick Fellowes - Keith Chamberlain

Flavia Brent / Belinda Blair - Erica Morris

Tim Allgood / Assistant Stage Manager also Sheikh body double - Jace Carpenter

Burglar / Selsdon Mowbray - Nick Dorr

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