Get Your Business Video Seen by More Customers in 9 Ways - Blog

You understand the power of video. You've invested time and resources to create amazing content that showcases your business – whether it's a polished brand video, an explainer for a new product, or a customer testimonial that tells your story. But now what?

Corporate Video Production

It's frustrating when incredible videos get buried in the depths of the internet. That's where video SEO comes in! SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your potential customers find your videos when they're searching online. Let's dive into some ways to give your videos a visibility boost:

1. Your Video's Online Home

Different video hosting platforms cater to different needs:

  • red checkYouTube: The biggest player, great for reaching a wide audience and maximizing views.
  • red checkVimeo: Ideal for showcasing high-quality work in a professional setting.
  • red checkWistia: Offers in-depth analytics to track how your videos are performing.
  • red checkYour Website: Hosting directly on your site keeps visitors engaged with your brand.

2. Speak Your Customers' Language (Keywords!)

To help potential customers find your videos, it's essential to use the right keywords – the words and phrases they're typing into search engines like Google or YouTube when looking for a business like yours. Here's how to incorporate these keywords:

  • red checkTitles: Create clear, attention-grabbing titles that include your main keyword. For example, if you're a bakery in New York, your title could be "The Best Cupcakes in New York City | Your Bakery Name."
  • red checkDescriptions: Write a few sentences that explain what your video is about and what viewers will learn. Include your main keyword and related keywords naturally throughout the description.
  • red checkTags: Add relevant tags to your video to help categorize it for search engines. Use a mix of broad and specific tags related to your video's content and your business.

3. Mobile Matters

With more people watching videos on their phones, it's crucial to ensure your videos are optimized for mobile devices. This means:

  • red checkUsing a responsive video player that adapts to different screen sizes
  • red checkChoosing a mobile-friendly thumbnail image
  • red checkTesting your videos on various devices to ensure smooth playback

4. Transcripts: Not Just for Accessibility

Transcripts make your videos accessible to viewers with hearing impairments, but they also give search engines more content to understand, which can help your rankings!

5. Thumbnails That DEMAND Clicks

Your thumbnail is the first impression. Make it count:

  • red checkEye-catching: Use bright colors, interesting visuals, and your logo.
  • red checkInformative: Include a short, snappy title.

6. The Secret Language of Sitemaps

A video sitemap is an XML file that lists all the videos on your website, along with their titles, descriptions, and other metadata. By submitting a video sitemap to search engines like Google, you can help them discover and index your video content more efficiently. If you're not comfortable creating a sitemap yourself, consider working with a web developer or using a plugin if your website is built on a platform like WordPress.

7. Find the Right Length

How long your videos should be depends on their purpose:

  • red checkShort & Sweet: Company intro videos, quick product demos.
  • red checkIn-Depth: Tutorials, case studies, webinars.

No matter the length, keep it engaging!

8. Analytics: Your Roadmap to Success

Data tells you what's working and what's not:

  • red checkWatch Time: Are people sticking around to the end?
  • red checkClick-Through Rate: Are your titles and thumbnails enticing?
  • red checkTraffic Sources: Where are viewers finding you?

9. Smooth Playback = Happy Viewers

To ensure your viewers have a positive experience with your videos, focus on the technical aspects of video delivery:

  • red checkFast Loading: Optimize your video files for fast loading times by choosing the right file format, compressing your videos, and using a content delivery network (CDN).
  • red checkResponsive Design: Make sure your website and video player adapt to different screen sizes and devices by using responsive design techniques.
  • red checkSecure Hosting: Protect your viewers' privacy and build trust by hosting your videos on a secure platform with HTTPS encryption.

Ready to See Results?

Video SEO takes some effort, but the results are worth it. By following these tips, you increase your chances of connecting with potential customers actively searching for businesses like yours!

Need Help?

That's where companies like Regeneration Productions come in. We specialize in video production AND video marketing, so we can help you create amazing videos and get them seen by the right audience.

Let's chat! Schedule a free consultation to see how we can partner to showcase your business in the best light.

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