5th Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition entry deadline set - JAZZIZ Magazine

5th Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition entry deadline set

The entry deadline for the 5th Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition has been set for September 12 at 5 p.m.


The competition provides a platform for one outstanding jazz singer to gain widespread recognition in the music industry. It was inspired by the amateur night at New York City’s Apollo Theater that helped launch Vaughan’s career more than 70 years ago. It is open to vocalists aged 16 or older who are presently not signed to a major label.


Following a selection process, five finalists will be announced during the course of the TD James Moody Jazz Festival at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) in Newark, New Jersey. The finalists will then perform in front of a panel of judges on the festivals closing night on November 20. Judges this year include bassist and NJPAC Jazz Advisor Christian McBride and vocalist and NEA Jazz Master Sheila Jordan.


For more information, go to sarahvaughancompetition.com

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