HTML Color Names - The Complete List

HTML Color Names

Here are all 140 HTML color names supported by modern browsers. Included are the hex values, names and preview for each color. If you click a color you’ll be able to get additional information including shades and tints of the color.

HTML standards allow you to use color names instead of hex code values.

background-color: blue;

For example the value blue is equivalent to the hex code value of #0000ff.

background-color: #0000ff;

To use them in your CSS simple use “color: NAME” syntax. For example “h1 {color: antiquewhite;}” would make all of your H1 tags antique white.

Now let’s dive into the full list of HTML color names.

These HTML color names work anywhere a hex color values would in your stylesheet. This includes ‘color’, ‘background-color’, ‘border-color’, and many more CSS attributes. So this list will help no matter if you’re trying to color your text on a page or background.

Frequently Asked Questions about HTML Color Names

What are HTML color names?

HTML color names are predefined color values used in HTML and CSS code. Each color name corresponds to a specific color value, allowing web developers to easily apply colors to their websites without needing to know the exact hexadecimal color code.

How many HTML color names are there?

There are 147 HTML color names recognized by most modern web browsers. These include common colors such as white, black, red, blue, and green, as well as less common colors such as thistle, rosybrown, and seagreen.

How do I use HTML color names in my code?

To use an HTML color name in your HTML or CSS code, simply type out the name of the color followed by a colon and semicolon. For example, to set the background color of an HTML element to red, you would use the code “background-color: red;”

Can I use custom color names in HTML?

No, HTML only recognizes the 147 predefined color names. However, you can use hexadecimal color codes or RGB values to specify custom colors in your code.

Do all web browsers recognize HTML color names?

Most modern web browsers recognize the 147 HTML color names, but some older browsers may not. In these cases, the browser will default to displaying the color as either black or white.

Are HTML color names case-sensitive?

No, HTML color names are not case-sensitive. You can use either uppercase or lowercase letters when typing out the color name in your code.

Can I use HTML color names in other programming languages?

No, HTML color names are specific to HTML and CSS code. Other programming languages may use different color values and syntax to specify color.

Can I use HTML color names in graphic design software?

It depends on the software. Some graphic design software may recognize HTML color names, while others may require hexadecimal color codes or RGB values to specify color. Check the software’s documentation to see what color values are supported. Typically hex colors are the most supported color format.

Looking for more colors? Try the ColorKit color picker to find shades and variations of any hex color.

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