COLUMBUS (WCMH) — Turns out, unicorns are not mystical fairy tale creatures, and scientists have the fossils to prove it.

We should point out first, however, that real unicorns are not pretty horses with wings and horns.

No, the real unicorn, known as Elasmotherium sibiricum, looked more like a hairy rhinoceros than a beautiful stallion. Unlike modern day rhinos, however, this one had a giant horn.

Scientists originally though the ‘Siberian unicorn,” as its known, went extinct 350,000 years ago. But a a well-preserved fossilized skull was recently found in Kazakhstan which proved the creatures were still roaming the Earth some 29,000 years ago.

That means they were alive the same time humans were on Earth, according to a study published this month in the American Journal of Applied Sciences.

The real unicorn stood about 6 feet tall, measured 15 feet long and weighed around 8,000 pounds, the scientists said. They were herbivores.

The team behind the discovery hopes their findings will help them understand what environmental factors played a part in the eventual extinction of the unicorn.