The Best Movies About Giants

Cortland Jacoby
Updated May 15, 2024 23 items
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Vote up your favorite movies about larger than life humaniods.

Actors are always bigger on the silver screen, but these roles loom large. Towering over everyone and often providing enough strength and fear of ten normal characters, giants are powerful creatures to base a story on. 

On this list, you'll find traditional depictions of giants, ones large, ugly, and snaggle-toothed. Jack the Giant Slayer and The BFG are adaptations of classic stories and fairytales. Iron Giant and Colossal both feature giant humanoid robots at risk of destroying entire cities. My Giant and The Giant are more grounded films about humans with Giantism.

And if you're looking to stream a movie about a giant right away, check out the most recent version of Gulliver's Travels, #3 on this list, which is streaming on Disney. Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Apple TV+ are also great options for streaming these movies about giants. Now be sure to vote up your favorite movies and vote down any that you think other fans should skip.

  • The Iron Giant
    Jennifer Aniston, Eli Marienthal, Harry Connick
    50 votes

    The Iron Giant masterfully captures the essence of a complex giant character, humanizing the titular robot through an emotionally resonant bond with a young boy. This animated gem brilliantly subverts the traditional "giant as a threat" trope, instead weaving a narrative about friendship, identity, and sacrifice that transcends its colossal protagonist. Director Brad Bird's use of traditional 2D animation gives The Iron Giant a charming and timeless quality, allowing its touching story and potent themes to shine through. Ultimately, this film stands tall as a powerful testament to the possibilities of non-linear character development and emotional depth in stories involving giants.

  • Jack the Giant Slayer
    Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ewan McGregor
    47 votes

    Jack the Giant Slayer revitalizes the classic fairy tale by injecting it with thrilling action and stunning visual effects, making the titular giants both menacing and awe-inspiring. Director Bryan Singer expertly balances the film's fantastical elements with a clever sense of humor, creating a refreshingly modern take on the age-old tale of humanity's struggle against otherworldly beings. With giants that are as fearsome as they are fascinating, Jack the Giant Slayer offers viewers a thrilling adventure filled with heart-stopping battles and breathtaking set pieces. This film not only stands as a testament to the power of cinematic imagination, but also as a must-see experience for fans of epic, larger-than-life storytelling.

  • Ella Enchanted
    Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy, Cary Elwes
    24 votes

    Ella Enchanted puts a charming and whimsical spin on the traditional fairy tale world, incorporating giants as an integral part of its enchanting universe. The film's unique mix of comedy, romance, and adventure is amplified by the inclusion of a diverse array of fantastical creatures, and the giants play a pivotal role in adding depth to its magical landscape. By incorporating giants as characters rather than mere plot devices or adversaries, Ella Enchanted demonstrates the vast potential of these larger-than-life beings in enriching and diversifying narrative worlds. This delightful family film serves as a prime example of how giants can become lovable and intriguing components of a fantastical story.

  • Gulliver's Travels

    Gulliver's Travels

    Jack Black, Jason Segel, Emily Blunt
    38 votes

    Gulliver's Travels is a delightful adaptation of Jonathan Swift's satirical novel, expertly utilizing the giant protagonist to explore themes of perspective, power, and the absurdity of social hierarchies. As audiences follow the misadventures of the oversized Gulliver, the film presents a captivating exploration of human nature and the ways in which our perceptions of others can be skewed by physical differences. Rich in imagination and brimming with wit, Gulliver's Travels showcases the potential for engaging social commentary within stories of giants, shining a light on the ridiculousness of prejudice and the importance of empathy. This film remains a timeless classic that continues to enthral viewers with its clever narrative and insightful themes.

  • Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
    Allison Hayes, William Hudson, Yvette Vickers
    18 votes

    Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is an iconic piece of 1950s science fiction, exploring the subversive potential of the giant trope as a vehicle for examining gender roles and societal expectations. The film's unforgettable titular character, played by Allison Hayes, becomes an unstoppable force of rebellion against the patriarchal norms of her time, offering a fascinating glimpse into the era's shifting cultural landscape. With its striking visual effects and innovative narrative, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman remains a groundbreaking example of how giants can be utilized to challenge and subvert traditional storytelling conventions. This cult classic continues to captivate viewers with its daring exploration of power dynamics and its unforgettable central character.

  • Honey, I Blew Up the Kid
    Rick Moranis, Marcia Strassman, Robert Oliveri
    30 votes

    Honey, I Blew Up the Kid delightfully flips the script on traditional giant narratives by introducing a toddler enlarged to gargantuan proportions as its central character. This unlikely premise allows for a wealth of both comedic and heartwarming moments, as the film deftly explores the challenges of parenting and the unbreakable bonds of family. The juxtaposition of an innocent, lovable toddler with the destructive potential of a typical giant creates a unique experience, expertly blending humor, action, and emotional depth. Honey, I Blew Up the Kid showcases the versatility of giant stories, proving that they can be just as charming and heartwarming as they are thrilling and intense.

  • Big Fish
    Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup
    32 votes

    Big Fish's enchanting blend of magical realism and heartfelt drama is perfectly encapsulated by the character of Karl the Giant, portrayed by Matthew McGrory. The film's whimsical and surreal tone is enhanced by the presence of the gentle giant, whose poignant search for belonging adds an additional layer of emotional resonance to the narrative. Karl's deeply human qualities and his role in the film's central themes of love, legacy, and the power of storytelling showcase the potential for giants to serve as emotionally complex characters in tales that transcend their fantastical elements. Big Fish stands as a beautiful example of how giants can be woven seamlessly into heartfelt narratives exploring the very essence of what it means to be human.

  • The Princess Bride
    Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Mandy Patinkin
    21 votes

    The Princess Bride's charming blend of humor, romance, and adventure is exemplified by the inclusion of the lovable giant Fezzik, brought to life by the late André the Giant. Fezzik's endearing personality and surprising complexity adds depth to the film's fairy tale world, showcasing the narrative potential of well-rounded giant characters. The film's iconic scenes, such as Fezzik's poetic rhyming and his impressive feat of strength in carrying his companions up the Cliffs of Insanity, have become beloved staples of the fantasy genre. The Princess Bride remains a timeless classic, demonstrating the power of incorporating giants into a fantastical narrative filled with wit, heart, and adventure.

  • The BFG
    Mark Rylance, Ruby Barnhill, Penelope Wilton
    31 votes

    The BFG showcases the boundless imagination of author Roald Dahl and the creative genius of director Steven Spielberg, merging together to create a magical world inhabited by giants both gentle and terrifying. The film's exploration of the unique friendship between the titular Big Friendly Giant and young orphan Sophie offers a heartwarming and inspiring look at the power of connection and understanding in a fantastical setting. With its breathtaking visuals and charming characters, The BFG demonstrates the potential for giants to serve as empathetic and relatable protagonists in stories that celebrate the magic of childhood wonder. This delightful film enchants viewers of all ages with its breathtaking world-building and tender exploration of the bonds that unite us, regardless of our size.

  • I Kill Giants
    Madison Wolfe, Zoe Saldana, Imogen Poots
    27 votes

    I Kill Giants masterfully weaves together fantasy and reality, using the protagonist's obsession with hunting giant creatures as a powerful metaphor for her inner turmoil. The film's striking visual style and emotionally charged narrative effortlessly transport viewers into the protagonist's vivid, dark world, making the titular giants feel both fantastical and hauntingly real. By utilizing giants as a metaphor for personal demons and mental health struggles, I Kill Giants deftly explores powerful themes of grief, resilience, and the power of imagination. This captivating film stands out as an innovative and impactful examination of the ways in which stories of giants can reflect the complex and often challenging aspects of the human experience.

  • Fun and Fancy Free
    Luana Patten, Anita Gordon, Cliff Edwards
    10 votes

    Fun and Fancy Free is a charming Disney classic that features the lovable giant Willie the Giant in its second segment, "Mickey and the Beanstalk." This animated retelling of the classic fairy tale relies on a clever mix of humor and adventure to keep viewers engaged, while expertly humanizing Willie through his surprising vulnerability and child-like nature. The film demonstrates the potential to reimagine and reinvigorate traditional tales involving giants by infusing them with Disney's trademark charm and whimsy. Fun and Fancy Free remains an enjoyable example of how giants can be utilized to create delightful, family-friendly stories that entertain and enchant viewers of all ages.

  • The Giant

    The Giant

    Joseba Usabianga, Eneko Sagardoy, Iñigo Aranburu
    26 votes

    The Giant presents an intriguing twist on the traditional giant narrative, with its titular character embodying the destructive power of mankind's own creations. Set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, the film's haunting and atmospheric tone is perfectly complemented by the presence of its enigmatic giant, whose true nature remains a mystery throughout. This artistically ambitious film expertly explores themes of human greed, the price of progress, and the destructive potential of unchecked ambition through its unique giant-centric narrative. The Giant stands as a thought-provoking and visually stunning example of how stories of giants can be used to delve into complex and challenging themes that resonate with contemporary audiences.

  • Colossal
    Anne Hathaway, Jason Sudeikis, Austin Stowell
    6 votes

    Colossal ingeniously blends science fiction, comedy, and drama to create an unforgettable film that uses the concept of giants to explore themes of personal growth and self-discovery. The film's protagonist, played by Anne Hathaway, discovers that her own actions are directly linked to the appearance of a giant monster terrorizing Seoul, forcing her to confront her own demons and reevaluate her life choices. With its unique premise and genre-defying narrative, Colossal offers a fresh perspective on the potential for giants to serve as powerful allegorical devices in stories that challenge the conventions of cinema. This critically acclaimed film captivates audiences with its innovative use of the giant trope and its moving exploration of self-acceptance and the consequences of our actions.

  • 300
    Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham
    11 votes

    300 is a visually stunning and intensely visceral retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae, expertly utilizing giants as emblematic of the overwhelming odds faced by its outnumbered Spartan heroes. The film's larger-than-life adversaries, such as the hulking Immortal warrior, embody the might of the Persian Empire and accentuate the bravery and resolve exhibited by the Spartan warriors. With its striking visual style and adrenaline-pumping action, 300 masterfully incorporates giants into its dramatic narrative, creating an unforgettable cinematic experience that celebrates the indomitable spirit of heroism in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. This film stands as a powerful example of how giants can serve as awe-inspiring obstacles that underscore the magnitude of human determination.

  • The Amazing Colossal Man
    Cathy Downs, Hank Patterson, James Seay
    11 votes

    The Amazing Colossal Man is a classic piece of 1950s science fiction that explores the tragic consequences of one man's transformation into a rampaging giant, following a radiation accident. The film cleverly utilizes its titular character's metamorphosis as both a thrilling spectacle and a cautionary tale, examining the devastating impact of unchecked ambition and the dangers of scientific experimentation. With its atmospheric black-and-white aesthetic and haunting narrative, The Amazing Colossal Man remains a compelling exploration of the darker side of the giant trope, serving as a chilling reminder of the potential consequences of humanity's relentless pursuit of progress. This iconic film continues to captivate viewers with its enthralling special effects and emotionally resonant story.

  • Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
    Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario
    9 votes

    Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is a thrilling adaptation of Rick Riordan's beloved book series that showcases giants –in this case, Polyphemus the Cyclops– as powerful obstacles that our heroes must overcome. With its enthralling blend of mythology and modernity, the film expertly incorporates giants into its fantastical narrative, presenting them as formidable foes that require our heroes to exhibit great courage and teamwork to defeat. The visually striking portrayal of Polyphemus is a testament to the film's dedication to bringing the world of Percy Jackson to life, offering fans and newcomers alike a thrilling adventure filled with larger-than-life moments. Sea of Monsters demonstrates the powerful narrative potential of giants as threats against which both the characters and the audience can unite.

  • Hellboy
    David Harbour, Milla Jovovich, Ian McShane
    9 votes

    Hellboy masterfully injects the comic book superhero genre with a refreshing dose of supernatural intrigue, incorporating giants as imposing adversaries for its titular demon protagonist to face. The film's deft blend of action, humor, and horror is perfectly complemented by its awe-inspiring giant antagonists, who serve as formidable opponents for Hellboy while further enriching the film's richly imaginative world. Guillermo del Toro's visionary direction and unique aesthetic sensibilities ensure that Hellboy's encounters with these mythical behemoths remain as visually breathtaking as they are narratively thrilling. Hellboy offers an unforgettable cinematic experience that showcases the immense potential for giants to thrive within the realm of comic book adaptations and supernatural action films.

  • Monsters vs. Aliens
    Reese Witherspoon, Hugh Laurie, Seth Rogen
    12 votes

    Monsters vs. Aliens is a visually impressive and highly entertaining animated adventure that shines a light on the incredible potential of giants as protagonists. The film’s main character, Susan, suddenly transformed into a 50-foot tall woman with enormous strength, leads a team of unique creatures gathered by the government to save the world from an extraterrestrial invasion. With its action-packed and humorous narrative, Monsters vs. Aliens playfully challenges viewers’ expectations of giants by portraying them as heroic figures capable of inspiring others, instead of being feared as destructive beasts. This fun and thrilling tale emphasizes that greatness comes in all shapes and sizes.

  • My Giant
    Billy Crystal, Kathleen Quinlan, Gheorghe Muresan
    10 votes

    My Giant is a heartwarming drama that explores the power of an unlikely friendship between a struggling talent agent and a gentle giant, played by Gheorghe Mureșan. The film transcends the traditional giant tropes by focusing on the emotional bond between the two characters, showcasing the gentleness and vulnerability that can lie beneath a formidable exterior. With delicate humor and poignant sincerity, My Giant delivers a touching narrative that emphasizes the importance of kindness and acceptance, regardless of physical appearance or size. This film serves as a moving testament to the potential for giants to be vehicles for heartfelt storytelling that resonates with audiences on an emotional level.

  • Into the Woods
    Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, James Corden
    19 votes

    Into the Woods is a spellbinding musical adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's beloved stage production, masterfully weaving together numerous fairy tales into a lush and imaginative tapestry that prominently features giants as integral components. As the characters must confront the consequences of their wishes, the pursuing angry giantess serves as a catalyst for self-discovery, growth, and ultimately unity among the story's diverse ensemble. The film expertly utilizes the giant trope as a narrative device that transcends its fantastical origin, becoming symbolic of the interconnectedness of human lives and the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions. Into the Woods is a captivating triumph of storytelling that highlights the potential for giants to be effectively incorporated into rich and complex narratives that reveal deeper truths about the human experience.

  • Attack on Titan

    Attack on Titan

    Haruma Miura, Kiko Mizuhara, Kanata Hongô
    13 votes

    Attack on Titan: Part 1 is a thrilling live-action adaptation of Hajime Isayama's immensely popular manga and anime series, which expertly utilizes giants –in the form of the monstrous, human-devouring Titans– as the ultimate harbingers of terror and destruction. Set within a dystopian world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, the film is a gripping exploration of fear, survival, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable horrors. The imposing and grotesque Titans are a chilling visual spectacle that enhances the film's sense of dread and urgency, making the stakes feel truly colossal. Attack on Titan: Part 1 stands as a testament to the power of giants as a terrifying force within the realm of horror and action cinema, offering viewers an adrenaline-fueled and thought-provoking experience.

  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson
    8 votes

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix brings giants into the magical world of J.K. Rowling's beloved series, showcasing their awe-inspiring power as Hagrid, the half-giant gamekeeper, attempts to recruit them for the impending battle against dark forces. The film's expert integration of giants into its rich mythological tapestry adds another layer of depth and intrigue to its compelling narrative, while also exploring themes of prejudice and discrimination faced by Hagrid due to his heritage. With its spellbinding visual effects and poignant storytelling, The Order of the Phoenix demonstrates the potential for giants to enrich and expand upon a fantastical universe, further magnifying the magic of this iconic series. This film continues to captivate audiences with its vivid depiction of a world where giants stand alongside witches and wizards in a battle between good and evil.

  • The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter
    Jonathan Brandis, Kenny Morrison, Clarissa Burt
    9 votes

    The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter ingeniously incorporates giants into its fantastical narrative, as Bastian must face a series of trials and challenges while journeying through the magical realm of Fantasia. The presence of giants, such as the gentle giant Falkor and the threatening Xayide's monstrous minions, enhances the film's dreamlike atmosphere and sense of wonder, pushing the boundaries of imagination and storytelling. By incorporating these larger-than-life characters, The NeverEnding Story II expertly expands upon the enchanting world established in its predecessor, offering viewers a thrilling and visually stunning adventure that evokes the magic of childhood dreams. This captivating sequel stands as an exemplary demonstration of how giants can be seamlessly woven into a rich tapestry of fantasy and adventure, enthralling audiences of all ages.