What Ever Happened to Kristy McNichol? - ReelRundown Skip to main content

What Ever Happened to Kristy McNichol?

Kristy McNichol in the 1970s as a teenager.

Kristy McNichol in the 1970s as a teenager.

Kristy McNichol's Rise to Fame

Born on September 11, 1962, in Los Angeles, California, Kristy McNichol got her start in commercials as a child actress.

McNichol was the darling of mid-to-late '70s and '80s television. She blew up playing Buddy Lawrence on the intense television drama Family in 1976. She was only 14 years old when Family hit, and the series threw her into the spotlight, as the world watched her grow up in front of the camera.

Superstardom and Fall From Grace

Then, in early 1980, she was catapulted into superstardom when she was cast alongside Tatum O'Neal and Matt Dillon in the '80s film classic Little Darlings in 1980. Not only was McNichol a celebrated young actress, she was now a bona fide teen idol, as she constantly graced the pages of bubble-gum pop magazines like Bop and Tiger Beat.

By the time the end of the '80s was rolling in, Kristy had gone through rumors of substance abuse, lesbianism, failed B movies, and bankruptcy. But, our little Kristy persevered and was given a new show called Empty Nest, a spin-off of the crazy popular Golden Girls.

In Empty Nest, she starred opposite Dinah Manoff and Richard Mulligan. Success would be short-lived for McNichol, as she battled private demons that she had secretly struggled with for years.

A Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

For years, Kristy had been battling bouts of severe clinical depression, which made her erratic to work with and unreliable. Her mental health issues caused her to drop out of a film and drop a television show.

Eventually, McNichol was diagnosed with bipolar disorder; she shared her diagnosis and politely bowed out of the acting world in the early 1990s. She states that she retired from acting for her own sanity and peace of mind.

Poor Kristy was battling bipolar disorder at a time when people didn't really understand what the disease was. All she knew then was that she was popular, she made lots of movies and films, and it didn't make any sense to her why she wasn't the happy girl she often portrayed in her roles.

Kristy's former partner, actress Elisabeth Brooks

Kristy's former partner, actress Elisabeth Brooks

Persistent Lesbian Rumors

For the longest time, there had been rumors that Kristy McNichol was a lesbian. She never commented on those rumors during her heyday, but she has since come out as a lesbian, and it has been uncovered that she has been living with her lesbian partner, Martie Allen, for more than 20 years.

Kristy's former partner was actress Elisabeth Brooks. Brooks' most famous role was playing the leather-clad werewolf, Martha Quist; she's the chick who seduces and then bites the protagonist's husband in the film The Howling. Unfortunately, Brooks died of brain cancer in 1997.

Kristy has since stated that she decided to come out of the closet in order to help lesbian women who are struggling with their identity.

Kristy McNichol

Kristy McNichol

Life Since Retirement From Acting

The death of her former lover, Elisabeth Brooks, was a heavy blow to Kristy, but she persevered. As far as work goes, Kristy has taught acting in a private school, and she spends much of her time doing charity work ... I guess those bankruptcy rumors were just rumors.

In 2001, her official statement about retiring from acting was as follows:

"A lot of people have wondered what I've been up to. I retired from my career after 24 years. My feeling was that it was time to play my biggest part—myself! I must say that it has been the best thing that ever happened to me. So many fans are disappointed that I'm not currently acting; however, some may not realize that the process I'm in at this time is necessary and vital for my personal happiness and well-being."

Kristy McNichol and Martie Allen are still living together, and hopefully, they are living happily ever after.

Kristy, you deserve to be happy. Thanks for the memories!

Kristy McNichol today

Kristy McNichol today


Jennifer on September 10, 2020:

Happy early birthday Kristy! Bravo to you for being brave enough to admit that you are Bipolar and facing it head on and for being a voice for lesbian women! Hugs and wishing you a long and happy retirement.

Stephen Smith on September 24, 2019:

We loved kristy when we were growing up she was awsome and a great actress. Shes my age so it was cool to watch her grow as so was i. We miss you kristy. I hope your well.

Susan (Toronto, Canada) on September 12, 2019:

Hi (Kristy Mcnichol))

Happy Birthday (Sept 11/ 2019

Hope you are doing well.

Ray on August 30, 2019:

I never really understood her demons until I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2. Now I understand all to well the issues that come with that disease. At times it controls you and you can't do the things you want to do. Although I miss her on screen presence, I understand she has to do what is best for her. I respect her for that. God bless you Kristi. I hope you stay well.

Hal on July 23, 2019:

When i lived in West Hollywood many years ago there was a club called Peanuts on Santa Monica Blvd that msny of us would vist. She was a regular there. She was always very polite. But was having a hard time with things. Glad to see she is happy now

Rachelle Williams (author) from Paradise Valley, AZ on June 05, 2019:

It must have been super awesome to have met Kristy McNichol! Thanks for adding to the conversation!

Susan (Toronto, Canada) on June 05, 2019:


Yes I am so fortunate to have meet Kristy Mcnichol, she has been

a mentor to me for so many years. She is a very gifted actress and as well a singer. I wish her and Marnie the very best, lots of health

and happiness.

Happy that you are doing well.

Nancy ONeal on March 22, 2019:

The lady doing the Saint Jude commercials is Marlo Thomas.

Christa on March 14, 2019:

Is she the lady doing the st.jude commercials now?

Rachelle Williams (author) from Paradise Valley, AZ on February 25, 2019:

100% Same!"

danealwaysright on February 25, 2019:

I knew Kristy was gay when I saw her on family. To me it was very obvious. Then when I was made aware that she was having emotional problems I was certain it was due to her being into denial regarding her sexual preference. I never did buy the 'diagnosis' of bipolar.

So glad to see she's come to terms w/ who she is. Having to live a lie can tear one apart.

Thordi on December 28, 2018:

I was a Kristy fan before Family.. I loved the short lived show Apple's Way. It was a show with great actors Frances Lee McCain, Ronny Cox , Dreamy.. Vincent Van Patten. It was on for only 2 seasons

Spaceship1 on December 19, 2018:

Kristy and partner Martie Miles




Rachelle Williams (author) from Paradise Valley, AZ on September 28, 2018:

I'm sure Kristy McNichol would be happy to know that she had a positive impact on your life. Thanks for sharing!

Sammy Martin on September 08, 2018:

I have been a fan of Kristy since the first episode of Family. She was also the first (and longest still got it) girl crush. Had her pictures all over my room along with a couple of other girls and yeah a couple of guys too. I was a teenager the same age as Kristy. We grew up together. Thanks for bein a friend in more ways than should be possible with someone you never met. We had a lot in common.