Ofir Marciano Statistics - Goals, Passes & Shots etc | Infogol

Ofir Marciano Statistics and Player Profile

Statistics for Hapoel Be'er Sheva player Ofir Marciano, including Goals, Shots & Passes as well as expected goals data. Also get details including Age, Height, Weight & Squad Number.

Ofir Marciano

Ofir Marciano is a goalkeeper for Hapoel Be'er Sheva. Ofir Marciano joined Hapoel Be'er Sheva on 1 Jul 2023. Their squad number is 1. Ofir Marciano comes from Israel and their current age is 34 (Date of Birth: 07/10/1989). Their height is 193cm and their weight is 87kg.

The last match for Ofir Marciano was against Nice in the UEFA Europa League, when the match result was a 1-0 Hapoel Be'er Sheva home win.

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