How to download and install Panda Cloud Antivirus - Technical Support - Panda Security

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How to download and install Panda Cloud Antivirus

Information applies to:

Panda Cloud Antivirus

You can download and install your Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro product easily.

From the welcome email

After you have purchased Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro, Panda Security will send you the welcome email. All you need to do is find it and follow the instructions on the email: Download, Install and Create your Panda Account.

Cloud AV welcome email

There is no need to manually enter your Activation Code during the installation process, as it is integrated in the product installation file. If you cannot locate the welcome email, please send your request to:

From your Panda Account

Remember that you can always download the installation file from your Panda Account. Just follow these steps:

  1. Access Panda Account.
  2. Login using your user name and password.
  3. Add the Activation Code of your product after clicking Add your product.

    Add your product
  4. Locate the Panda Cloud Antivirus and select Install.

    Install from Panda Account

If you have any problems with your Panda Account, please refer to article Troubleshooting Issues with the Panda Account of Panda Cloud Antivirus.

Want to try Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro?

If you want to try Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro, download the free version either from the Panda Cloud Antivirus webpage or from the Downloads Area of the Panda Security website.

Free version

During the installation process, you will be given the choice to stay with the basic protection or try Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro version for 30 days. Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro, unlike the Free version, includes the following additional features:

  • Firewall protection
  • Wi-Fi monitor
  • Advanced Technical Support to report your cases and get expert help in your language.

Panda Cloud Antivirus switch to Pro

The trial version of Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro lasts for 30 days and no Activation Code is required. Any time during or after the 30-day trial period, you will be able to upgrade to the full Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro version. All you need to do is click Upgrade to PRO! and enter the required Activation Code which you will need to buy.

Upgrade to Pro

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