Manhattan Mini Storage Partners with Rock the Vote to Amplify Voter Registration Efforts During 2024 Election Year

NEW YORK, May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Manhattan Mini Storage, New York City's leading self storage provider since 1978, is proud to announce its partnership with Rock the Vote, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to building the political power of young people. Through this collaboration, Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote aim to raise awareness about voter registration and education and ensure that every voice is heard in the democratic process during this important election year.

Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote partner to raise awareness about voter registration.
Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote partner to raise awareness about voter registration.

The partnership between Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote was a natural fit, with both organizations sharing a commitment to empowering individuals and strengthening their communities. With Manhattan Mini Storage's prominent presence across New York City and Rock the Vote's three-decade-long legacy of encouraging young voters, this collaboration seeks to make voter registration more accessible and convenient.

"In an important election year, we wanted to use our platforms to encourage others to share their voice through the power of the democratic process - because every vote matters and there is space for all in the voting booth," said Sarah Little, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Manhattan Mini Storage.

Manhattan Mini Storage is no stranger to sharing their voices and opinion around New York City with their well-known billboards including their current "Vote for Manhattan Mini Storage" collection that can be seen here.

We're thrilled to be partnering with Manhattan Mini Storage during this important time, and on this critical effort of ensuring everyone has access to the resources and information they need to register and cast a ballot this election year," said Rock the Vote Director of Corporate Partnerships, Chris Palumbo. "Providing New Yorkers and visitors with the trusted tools they need to help them navigate the voting process also means giving them the power to help make a difference in their very own communities."

As a part of the partnership, Manhattan Mini Storage will feature QR codes and text codes at all their locations, directing individuals to Rock the Vote's online registration platform to register for the first time or update their registration since they last moved or changed their name. Individuals will also be able to check registration status to confirm their registration is active and up-to-date with their current address. Additionally, both organizations will leverage their social media platforms to share important election dates and reminders, encouraging New Yorkers to stay engaged and participate in the democratic process.

Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote invite New Yorkers to join them in this important initiative. For more information and to stay updated on voter registration resources, follow Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote on social media – or check your voter registration status now by visiting today.

About Manhattan Mini Storage

Manhattan Mini Storage has been the leading provider of self storage solutions in New York City since 1978, offering secure, convenient, and accessible storage options tailored to urban lifestyles. Manhattan Mini Storage serves a diverse clientele with a wide range of storage needs, delivering peace of mind and convenience at 20 locations throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. Visit for more information and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok @manhattanministorage and X @manhattanmini.

About Rock the Vote 

Rock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people. For over 30 years, Rock the Vote has revolutionized the way we use culture and technology to engage young people in the civic process, registering and turning out millions of young voters. Since its founding, Rock the Vote has processed over 14 million voter registrations and empowered its voters with information and resources to turn them out at more than 30 points above the national youth average with approximately 60% voting for the first time. Rock the Vote works to modernize the civic process and fights to protect young people's access to our democracy.

Learn more at and follow us on X, Facebook and Instagram @rockthevote and TikTok @rockthevoteofficial.

Contact: Sarah Little

Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote collaborate to make voter registration more accessible and convenient.
Manhattan Mini Storage and Rock the Vote collaborate to make voter registration more accessible and convenient.

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SOURCE Manhattan Mini Storage; Rock the Vote
