thing are looking up - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

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looked up

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Noting the enemy's apparent
[...] retreat, he exclaims "things are looking up", seconds before [...]
a bullet severs his carotid artery.
Ante la aparente retirada del
[...] enemigo, exclama "esto va bien" segundos antes de que una [...]
bala le cercenara la car�tida.
Things are looking up for Yahoo on the online advertising market
Yahoo cuenta con posibilidades en el campo de la publicidad online
So, things are looking up and looking great.
As� que la cosa no puede ir mejor".
topics - Things are looking up
topics - Buenas se�ales
Still, things are looking up.
No obstante, las cosas est�n mejorando.
From satellites to new software, sophisticated cornea transplants and experimental stem cell
[...] transplants, things are looking up.
Desde sat�lites hasta un nuevo software, sofisticados trasplantes de c�rnea y otros experimentales con c�lulas
[...] madre, la situaci�n est� mejorando.
Things are looking up
Buenas se�ales
This season, however, things are looking up. Shakhtar Donetsk are currently sweeping all before them both at domestic and international level.
Este balance podr�a mejorar en el ejercicio en curso, pues el Shakhtar se est� mostrando intratable no s�lo en el �mbito nacional sino tambi�n en el internacional.
It is part of the European treaties, it
[...] is an important thing we are looking at, and that society [...]
needs all the talents and all the skills that we can bring.
Forma parte de los Tratados
[...] europeos, es un asunto importante que examinamos y esa [...]
sociedad tiene necesidad de todos los
talentos y cualificaciones que le podamos brindar.
It is significant that, amongst the various
approaches, as these agreements
[...] illustrate, they are looking to achieve the same thing, which is to [...]
foist a single-society economic
model on a market which is free but not fair.
Es significativo que, entre los diferentes enfoques, como
ilustran estos acuerdos, se
[...] intente conseguir lo mismo, a saber: imponer un modelo econ�mico [...]
de sociedad �nica en un mercado que es libre, pero no justo.
Next thing she knew, she woke up on the locker room floor with her sister looking over her anxiously.
Lo siguiente que recuerda es que se despert� en el suelo del vestuario y vio el rostro de su hermana observ�ndola con cara de preocupaci�n.
And there are a number of very specific examples - I shall provide
the relevant documents later - funded from the public purse,
[...] of the type of thing our children are looking at these days.
Y tienen ah�, les facilitar� en seguida los documentos, una
serie de ejemplos muy concretos financiados con fondos p�blicos
[...] que dan testimonio de lo que nuestros hijos ven actualmente.
I hope - and we are at one with the Commission on this - that we can agree on this urgency and wrap the whole thing up tomorrow.
Espero -nos enmarcamos en la misma l�nea que la Comisi�n- que se apruebe el car�cter urgente de la presente decisi�n y que ma�ana podamos [...]
cerrar este cap�tulo.
Once installed, maintenance concerns are a thing of the past the impressive life duration of up to 50,000 hours, guaranties a reliable and maintenance-free [...]
Debido a la vida �til extremadamente larga de los LED de hasta 50.000 horas dispondr� de l�mparas duraderas y, de forma fiable, libres de mantenimiento.
The thing you are looking for is inside you, so why look for it outside?
Aquello que buscas est� dentro de ti as� que �por qu� lo buscas afuera?
The one you are looking for, the very thing that you are looking for, always has [...]
been and always will be - till your very last breath - within you.
Eso que est�s buscando, aquello que buscas siempre ha estado y siempre estar�, [...]
hasta que tomes tu �ltimo aliento, dentro de ti".
Even at home we are looking for the real thing, unaffected and unique.
El entorno en que vivimos debe ser �nico e inconfundible como [...]
nosotros mismos.
As a creative agency, you are always dreaming up the next great thing.
Como agencia
[...] creativa, siempre est� pensando en tener la idea perfecta.
There are however some key
[...] qualities which we are looking for in the kind of people that are suited to take up this exciting opportunity.
Existen, sin embargo, algunas de las principales
[...] facultades que estamos buscando en el tipo de personas que son adecuados para asumir esta gran oportunidad.
Lastly, we have heaped scorn on
the reality of a
[...] situation with which we are all familiar and we have ended up looking ridiculous, for having [...]
given in to a left-wing
and sectarian political agenda.
Por �ltimo, hemos ido acumulando ira por
la realidad de una
[...] situaci�n que nos es familiar a todos y hemos terminado haciendo el rid�culo, por haber [...]
cedido a la agenda
pol�tica de izquierdas y sectaria.
If we do not deliver on
[...] those promises, we would be terribly disappointing the people who are looking up to us, and we would be judged by history.
Si no cumplimos esas promesas, decepcionar�amos enormemente a las personas que nos admiran, y nos juzgar�a la historia.
As urban development claims greenery and brownfields below,
[...] conservationists are increasingly looking up.
A medida que el desarrollo urbano reclama los lugares verdes y los terrenos abandonados abajo, los
[...] conservacionistas dirigen su mirada cada vez m�s hacia arriba.
Through this process of looking up at the problem tree, stakeholders are likely to identify [...]
other causes of the effects
of the problem and may conclude that the immediate solution to the project-level problem identified may not be adequate to address some of these other causes of the higher level effects.
[...] este proceso de b�squeda del �rbol de problemas, las partes interesadas probablemente [...]
identificar�n otras causas
de los efectos de los problemas y pueden llegar a la conclusi�n de que la soluci�n inmediata al problema a nivel de proyecto que ha identificado puede no ser adecuada para afrontar algunas de esas otras causas de los efectos de m�s alto nivel.
The best thing about sea eel fishing is looking for where there are lots of them.
Lo mejor en cuanto a las anguilas de mar es ir a buscarlas donde hay muchas.
But with the continuing commitment and dedication of the international community -
including UNICEF and its partners - their chances of making it through the emergency
[...] and rebuilding their lives are looking up.
Pero gracias al constante compromiso y la dedicaci�n de la comunidad internacional
-entre ellos UNICEF y sus asociados- sus posibilidades de superar la emergencia y
[...] reconstruir sus vidas son cada vez mayores.
Another thing which I am looking forward to is the apprenticeship programme which will force me to become successful, [...]
that is for sure.
Me alegro mucho de la pr�ctica que me toca hacer, estoy segura de que me ayudar� mucho a tener �xito en el futuro [...]
But if there's one thing that's truly racist it's & looking away when 'these other children' are being deprived [...]
of their basic rights and freedoms.
Pero si algo [es]
[...] racismo, entonces m�s bien ... mirar hacia otra parte cuando a 'estos otros ni�os' se les priva de los derechos [...]
y libertades que se dan por supuestos.
The problem with many such measures is
that even if they were
[...] considered to be worth looking at, they all have one thing in common: they [...]
introduce a special regime
for computer-related inventions.
El problema de muchas de estas medidas es que, aun
cuando se considere que
[...] merecen la pena ser estudiadas, todas poseen una cosa com�n: introducen un [...]
r�gimen especial para las
invenciones relacionadas con los ordenadores.
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