Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou: An Empowering Celebration of Femininity

Phenomenal Woman

By Maya Angelou


“Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou is a powerful poem that resonates deeply with themes of feminism, confidence, and the intrinsic strength of a woman. Published in 1978, it is one of Angelou’s most celebrated works, often praised for its vibrant tone and the strong, confident persona it portrays.

Maya Angelou, an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, has a wide array of work that primarily focuses on her identity as an African American woman, often intersecting her personal experiences with the wider cultural and political movements of her time. Her writing is noted for its clear, personal prose and its accessibility to a wide audience.

“Phenomenal Woman” falls within the genre of lyric poetry and is remarkable for its use of conversational language to express complex themes of self-assurance and individuality. As you read through the poem, it’s easy to feel the rhythm and cadence that reflect a speech-like quality, drawing readers into a collective and individual experience of empowerment. 🌟

Meaning of Phenomenal Woman

Opening Section In the opening stanza of “Phenomenal Woman,” Maya Angelou challenges the conventional standards of beauty and charisma, asserting her self-confidence despite not fitting societal norms: “I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size” Here, Angelou conveys a strong sense of self-awareness and confidence, setting the tone for the rest of the poem.

Mid Section The middle stanzas delve deeper into the sources of her power and allure, which do not stem from external appearances but from an inner grace: “It’s the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet.” Angelou uses vivid imagery to describe how her movements and expressions reveal her inner strength and confidence.

Concluding Section The poem culminates with Angelou acknowledging her effect on others and celebrating her own impact: “Now you understand Just why my head’s not bowed.” She expresses how her presence compels others to recognize her strength and depth, affirming her identity as a “phenomenal woman.”

In-depth Analysis

Stanza One —

  • Theme: Self-confidence.
  • Angelou uses simple yet powerful language to declare her self-worth, challenging the traditional notions of beauty.
  • Symbol: “Phenomenal woman.” Represents all women who own their strengths and defy the constraints imposed by society.

Stanza Two —

  • Theme: Inner strength.
  • The poet describes her physical movements, which radiate confidence and command attention.
  • Symbol: “The span of my hips.” A celebration of her body’s natural form, which she proudly owns and takes pride in.

Stanza Three —

  • Theme: Magnetic personality.
  • Angelou discusses the irresistible allure that she possesses, which comes from her self-assurance and the positivity she exudes.
  • Symbol: “The stride of my step.” The confident way she carries herself that makes people notice her as she passes.

Stanza Four —

  • Theme: Universal womanhood.
  • The poem concludes by addressing all women, suggesting that they all share this phenomenal nature.
  • Symbol: “My inner mystery.” Angelou points to the indescribable essence of a woman that makes her compelling and profound.

Each stanza uses a combination of direct speech and vibrant imagery to celebrate womanhood’s inherent beauty and power.

Poetic Devices used in Phenomenal Woman

DeviceExample from the Poem
Alliteration“Men themselves have wondered” — Enhances the musical quality of her lines, making them more memorable.
Assonance“The span of my hips” — Uses repeated vowel sounds to create internal rhyming which adds to the lyrical nature.
Metaphor“I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide” — Compares her emotional depth and resilience to an expansive body of water.
Repetition“I’m a woman / Phenomenally. / Phenomenal woman, / That’s me.” — Reinforces her self-identity and assurance.
Anaphora“The sun of my smile, / The ride of my breasts, / The grace of my style.” — Repeated structure enhances emphasis.
Hyperbole“I walk into a room / Just as cool as you please, / And to a man, / The fellows stand or / Fall down on their knees.” — Exaggerates to show her impact on men.
PersonificationGives human characteristics to abstract qualities, enhancing the emotional appeal.
Imagery“The curl of my lips” — Vivid descriptions create strong visual images that appeal directly to the senses.
SymbolismHer body parts (hips, feet, smile) symbolize strength and confidence, representing her inner qualities visibly.
Rhetorical Question“Did you want to see me broken?” — Challenges the reader, provoking thought about societal expectations.

Phenomenal Woman – FAQs

Q: What is the main theme of ‘Phenomenal Woman’ by Maya Angelou? A: The main theme of “Phenomenal Woman” is self-confidence and the empowerment of women, celebrating inner beauty as the source of true attractiveness.

Q: How does Maya Angelou convey confidence in her poem? A: Angelou conveys confidence through the use of positive affirmations, vivid imagery of her physical presence, and a tone that is assertive and proud.

Q: What literary techniques does Angelou use in ‘Phenomenal Woman’? A: Angelou uses a variety of literary techniques including repetition, imagery, metaphor, and direct address to enhance the poem’s message of empowerment and self-assurance.

Q: Why is ‘Phenomenal Woman’ considered an important work in feminist literature? A: “Phenomenal Woman” is considered important in feminist literature because it challenges traditional perceptions of beauty and success for women, promoting a message of self-acceptance and strength that resonates with feminist ideals.

Q: Can ‘Phenomenal Woman’ be seen as a universal message to all women? A: Yes, the poem’s universal appeal lies in its inclusive message that all women possess an innate phenomenal nature, regardless of their external appearance or societal expectations.

Q: What does the repeated line “I’m a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me.” signify in the poem?
A: This line serves as a refrain throughout the poem, emphasizing Angelou’s pride in her identity and femininity. It’s a powerful affirmation that helps build rhythm and reinforces the poem’s theme of self-confidence and the inherent worth of a woman.

Q: How does Maya Angelou’s life influence the themes in “Phenomenal Woman”?
A: Maya Angelou’s experiences as a Black woman facing racial and gender prejudices deeply influence this poem. Her life’s struggles and triumphs are reflected in her assertion of self-worth and dignity against societal standards.

Q: What role does structure play in “Phenomenal Woman”?
A: The poem’s structure, with its repetitive phrases and rhythmic verses, mirrors the traditional forms of blues and spirituals, which are deeply rooted in African American culture. This structure helps to emphasize the poem’s message and makes it both memorable and impactful.

Q: How can “Phenomenal Woman” be used in teaching about feminism?
A: “Phenomenal Woman” can be used as a teaching tool to discuss themes of feminism, including body positivity, self-love, and the defiance of patriarchal standards. It’s an accessible entry point for discussions about how poetry can influence and reflect social movements.

Q: What makes “Phenomenal Woman” a unique piece in feminist literature?
A: Unlike many traditional feminist texts that might directly confront societal norms through aggressive tones or complex symbolism, “Phenomenal Woman” stands out by celebrating femininity and confidence through a positive, uplifting tone. It makes a profound impact by simply declaring the innate power of being a woman.

Phenomenal Woman Study Guide

Exercise: Analyze the following verse from “Phenomenal Woman” and identify the poetic devices used:

“I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.”


  • Repetition: The repetition of “Phenomenal woman” emphasizes the poet’s self-affirmation and the celebration of her identity.
  • Alliteration: “Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,” uses similar sounds to create a musical effect, enhancing the poem’s auditory appeal.
  • Asyndeton: The lack of conjunctions in “I’m a woman / Phenomenally. / Phenomenal woman, / That’s me.” creates a quick, impactful rhythm that mimics natural speech, adding to the poem’s conversational tone.

This exercise encourages students to look closely at how Angelou crafts her poem to both sound appealing and convey a deep, resonant message of female empowerment and identity.
