100 Best Cuisines
in the World

100 Best Cuisines
in the World
Based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these cuisines have recorded the best average ratings for their respective top 50 highest-rated dishes and food products. If two cuisines have the same average rating, the one with the highest-rated dish is ranked higher.
Chinese cuisine
Best restaurants to try Chinese cuisine
Wang Fu (Hong Kong), Gosto (Macau), Jesse (Shanghai), Hai Jin Zi (Shanghai), Hao Sheng (Shanghai) and 357 more
Brazilian cuisine
Best restaurants to try Brazilian cuisine
Mocotó (São Paulo), Restaurante Banzeiro (São Paulo), A Baianeira (São Paulo), Tordesilhas (São Paulo), Bar e Lanches Estadão (São Paulo) and 310 more
Argentinian cuisine
Best restaurants to try Argentinian cuisine
Don Julio (Buenos Aires), Heladería Cadore (Buenos Aires), Güerrin (Buenos Aires), El Cuartito (Buenos Aires), La Mezzetta (Buenos Aires) and 131 more