The Meaning Behind The Song: Driving With The Brakes On by Del Amitri - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Driving With The Brakes On by Del Amitri

Unveiling the Emotions: The Depth of “Driving With The Brakes On” by Del Amitri

Exploring the Nighttime Narrative:

“Driving With The Brakes On” by Del Amitri stands as a lyrical journey through the complexities of relationships, unveiling a narrative that resonates with the human experience. As the protagonist maneuvers through the long night, attempting to decipher right from wrong, the song becomes a reflective piece that encapsulates the ebb and flow of love’s uncertainties. The departure of the kid marks a turning point, setting the stage for introspection and contemplation.

Metaphors and Symbolism:

The metaphor of driving with the brakes on becomes a poignant symbol representing the hesitancy and caution within a relationship. The protagonist, belted up tight, signifies a restrained approach to the journey, while the act of swimming with boots on amplifies the difficulty of expressing genuine emotions. The struggle to articulate love or its absence adds layers of vulnerability, creating a lyrical canvas rich in metaphorical depth.


1. What inspired the lyrics of “Driving With The Brakes On”?
The lyrics draw inspiration from the complexities of relationships, offering a nuanced exploration of love’s uncertainties and the challenges it brings.

2. Why is the metaphor “driving with the brakes on” significant?
The metaphor symbolizes the resistance and caution inherent in the progression of a relationship, reflecting the challenges faced by the protagonist.

3. How does the song capture the weight of silence in a relationship?
The shutting of the ashtray becomes symbolic, highlighting unspoken aspects and the difficulty of expressing true emotions within the relationship.

4. What emotions does “Driving With The Brakes On” evoke in listeners?
The song evokes a range of emotions, including contemplation, vulnerability, and determination in the face of relationship challenges.

5. Is there a specific setting implied in the lyrics, given the mention of a long night?
The long night serves as a metaphor for the challenges and uncertainties within the relationship, creating a contemplative atmosphere.

6. What is the significance of “unless the moon falls tonight” in the song?
The phrase symbolizes an unwavering commitment, suggesting that even highly unlikely events wouldn’t alter the determination to stay together.

7. Are there musical elements that complement the lyrical narrative?
Yes, the melodic composition and delivery of the song contribute to the emotional depth, enhancing the impact of the lyrical storytelling.

8. How does Del Amitri use poetic elements to convey emotions in the song?
Del Amitri employs metaphors, symbolism, and poetic language to create a lyrical landscape that resonates with the complexities and nuances of human emotions.

9. Does the song offer any resolution to the relationship challenges presented in the lyrics?
The song leaves room for interpretation, allowing listeners to reflect on the resolution or ongoing journey of the relationship.

10. Has “Driving With The Brakes On” been featured in any notable cultural contexts?
The song has been recognized for its poignant lyrics and has been featured in various cultural contexts, contributing to its enduring popularity.

11. How does the song balance contemplation with determination?
The lyrics delicately weave contemplative moments with a strong sense of commitment, portraying the nuanced nature of love and relationships.

12. What role does vulnerability play in the narrative of “Driving With The Brakes On”?
Vulnerability becomes a central theme, as the protagonist grapples with expressing genuine emotions and navigating the uncertainties of the relationship.

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