Homeschool FAQs – Homeschool Jamaica


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Homeschool FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Homeschooling in Jamaica

Curious about home education in Jamaica? Wondering if you can homeschool your child and where to start? Read through the FAQs below to see if your question is answered or contact us to see if we can help.

What is homeschooling?

Homeschooling is the practice of parents choosing to facilitate the education of their child at home, thereby opting not to enrol their child in the traditional or government public school system. With home education, parents accept full responsibility for all aspects of the child’s education, including selecting subjects, curriculum, books and supplementary resources, deciding on teaching styles, specialised training, whether to administer assessments or to use a hired tutor; and planning the child’s entire learning schedule. 

What is the difference between homeschool and home education?

Homeschooling and home education are interchangeable terms to describe the practice of parents facilitating the education of their children at home. The term ‘homeschool’ is most often used by Americans, while ‘home education’ tends to be used within the British system. Another term sometimes used is ‘home based education’.

Is homeschooling legal in Jamaica? Doesn’t the law say every Jamaican child has to go to school?

Homeschooling is legal in Jamaica. The Education Act 1980 states that “it shall be the duty of the parent of every child of compulsory school age … to cause him to receive full-time education suitable to his age and ability … either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.” The long-standing interpretation is that homeschooling falls under the use of “otherwise”. According to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, “compulsory school age” is deemed to be six (6) years old.

Why would I homeschool my child? What are the benefits?

Homeschooling offers many benefits and there are various reasons why families choose this option for their children. Download our free e-book Tan A Yuh Yard: The Pros And Cons of Home Education in Jamaica.

I am not a trained teacher- I don’t have a teacher’s diploma. Can I homeschool my child?

Yes. In Jamaica, you can legally homeschool your child without having any training or experience as a teacher. Being a teacher may be an asset but is not a requirement.  

Do I have to follow or use the Jamaican curriculum?

No. When homeschooling, use of the Jamaican national curriculum is not a requirement, unless you intend for your child to sit the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) examinations in order to matriculate into high school.

How do I register with the Ministry of Education as a homeschooler? Is it mandatory?

No. Registration with the Ministry of Education as a homeschooler is not mandatory, though it is advised if you plan to transition the child into the public school system or to have the child sit the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) examinations. For in-depth details on how to register as a homeschooler, download our free e-book The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling In Jamaica.

If I homeschool, can my child still take PEP?

Yes. Quite often, Jamaican home educated children successfully sit the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) and previously, the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) examinations, transitioning to the high school of their choice.

I would like to homeschool my child. How do I start?

Read through our Homeschool How To and download our free e-book The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling In Jamaica to get insight as to how to go about starting to home educate your child.

Can I homeschool a child with special needs?

Yes. Jamaican parents often choose to home educate their special needs or neurodiverse child because it is often cheaper and offers the opportunity for an individualised learning experience that better suits the child.

Can I homeschool my high school aged child?

Yes. A number of Jamaicans have homeschooled all through the high school years. In The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling In Jamaica there is an outline of how Jamaican homeschoolers have achieved this and how you can too.

Can I homeschool an adopted child?

Yes, it it possible to homeschool an adopted child.

Can I homeschool someone else’s child?

Yes, it is possible to homeschool someone else’s child as a caregiver or  in-home tutor.

Can I start homeschooling my child in the middle of the school year?

Yes. You can start homeschooling your child at any time you decide. If your child is enrolled in a public or traditional school, you need to formally advise the school, as well as the Ministry of Education of your decision to withdraw the child.

What about socialisation? What about extracurricular activities?

The nature of homeschooling offers great advantages for socialisation, and sometimes better facilitates participation in extracurricular activities and sports. To explore how and why this is possible, download our e-books Tan A Yuh Yard: The Pros And Cons of Home Education in Jamaica and The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling In Jamaica.

What about homeschool co-ops? Where can I find a homeschool community or connect with other homeschoolers in Jamaica?

A homeschool co-op is a group or micro-community of home educating families that organises to meet and work together for various activities such as field trips, social events, arts and crafts, service and volunteer work, and sometimes sports and academics. They are sometimes also called learning or homeschool pods and there are some active ones in Jamaica. Most can be accessed through membership with the Jamaica Association of Homeschoolers which is a major support organisation for home educating families in Jamaica.

Will my child be able to go to university if they are homeschooled?

Yes. In The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling In Jamaica there is an outline of how Jamaican homeschoolers have achieved this and how you can too.