My Secret Life: Maggie O'Neill, actress | The Independent | The Independent

My Secret Life: Maggie O'Neill, actress

Saturday 27 October 2007 00:00 BST

Maggie O'Neill was born on 15 November 1962 in Buckinghamshire. She trained at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and starred in Simply Red's "Holding Back the Years" video before moving to theatre, then film with Gorillas in the Mist in 1988. She is best known for playing Sheila Jackson in Channel 4's Shameless and lives in south London with her partner. Series 4 and the Shameless 1-4 DVD boxset are both released on Monday through 4DVD

I drive: I don't and can't and won't.

If I have time to myself: I head back to bed with a book. Or just walk around the house singing my head off, deeply annoying the neighbours.

You wouldn't know it but I'm very good at: doing absolutely nothing. I love day-dreaming.

You may not know it but I'm no good at: equations.

A book that changed me: might sound a little perverse, as a lapsed Catholic, but it would be the stories from the Bible.

Movie heaven: Chinatown, The Godfather, Sunset Boulevard, Life of Brian – too many to mention!

Comfort eating: Marmite on white toast and tea, though otherwise I'm quite a healthy eater.

When I was a child I wanted to be: well it's a bit sad, but I did harbour a fancy about being a saint, then took the obvious route of being an actress.

I wish I'd never worn: bright green plastic Mary Quant ankle boots with see-through heels, woolly striped blue and white tight trousers and a mac. I thought I looked like Debbie Harry; actually I looked like a knob.

All my money goes on: wine, grub, friends, music and books. I'm not acquisitive in things and stuff.

At night I dream of: finding secret rooms in my flat that I never knew existed.

My favourite building: is a toss-up between St Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge. The view from the top of either is truly phenomenal.

My biggest regret: is that when both sets of my grandparents were alive I didn't take down more of their stories and history.

It's not fashionable but I like: politeness.

If I wasn't me I'd like to be: anyone with a massive musical talent. I saw Prince this year, who gave what has to be the best live show ever – that level of talent must make you feel happy.

My favourite work of art: is by Donatello. It's a tiny carving of Mary Magdalene just after Christ's death – I was so stunned that it made me cry. I'd never had an immediate response to a work of art before.

The soundtrack to my life: is Bob Dylan.

The best invention ever is: who can say? I suppose running water and sewage are pretty good. And bed gives me a huge amount of pleasure; not sexually, just laying there. That's enough for me!

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