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Explain Trunks´s Super Saiyan Rage


This transformation is incredibly hard to understand. I mean, it is supossed to be Trunks´s potential been revealed, but how did he unlock it?

I mean, he was fighting side by side/against 4 god-ki users and was still somehow keeping up. Trunks blows were actually hurting Goku Black in Super Saiyan Rosé alone and he did some considerable damage.

What are your headcannons for it? Mine is that somehow, Trunks managed to understand the concept of god ki and tried to apply it himself, but without proper guidance and training, what he managed to do was force is SS2 to the upper limit, and unlock his own potential using that "pseudo-god ki" that he learnt/created.

Any ideas?

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u/AutoModerator avatar
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This form really has no explanation, none what so ever.

Like others, my head cannon is that he (somehow) obtained a small amount of God Ki and transformed into an incomplete SSJ2 God form(?)There are three things that happen in that scene that lead me to believe this.

  • His aura is the exact same as the aura we normally saw presented for Super Saiyan Blue. The only difference is the color. Normally, SSB’s aura has a primarily blue color with a yellow inner glow. The aura for SSJ Rage is the opposite.

  • While Trunks is transforming, Vegeta goes “Is he….”. He stops his sentence but what I think he was going to say was “Is he a god?” This has to be what he was gonna say because it seemed like everyone was shocked by the insane power boost he just got, and would explain why he could suddenly compete with Black.

  • His hair fades from Blue to Yellow.

So what do I think SSJ Rage is? it’s an SSJ2 mutation that somehow was able to obtain just enough God Ki at the very moment, to put him in the (very low) realm of the gods.

u/angrygnome18d avatar

My 2 cents: Trunks was shown to be a prodigy in the anime and manga. In both versions he was copying complex techniques from healing, to the mafuba, to perfecting SSJ2 to the point of rivaling Goku’s SSJ3. My theory is that when he trained with Vegeta and felt Goku and Black go SSB and SSR, he kinda picked up on how they were doing it. However, because he had no training he hadn’t learned how actually go SSB, so he kinda did it and boosted it with his rage, forming SSR.

Don't forget he also trained with Shin to beat Buu. That could have been a factor of how he first grasped God Ki. And then, fighting next to two gods, he unlocked a fraction of God Ki.

healing? when?

u/angrygnome18d avatar

In the manga he learned how to heal from Shin while training for Majin Buu.

u/DavidANaida avatar

Small clarification: he didn't learn it from Shin. He was unknowingly granted the ability when he went through the ceremony to become an Attendant to the Supreme Kai. Apparently it gives you healing powers; that's why Zamas and Kibito had them.

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My take is that it's a mutation of SSJ2, further enhancing the form but not in the way that SSJ3 does.

In my opinion there is a high likelihood that Trunks' form has nothing to do with god ki and is the "true" evolution of SSJ2. SSJ3 was only ever achieved by a dead Goku and Gotenks who both just mutated the SSJ2 form further for more power. It's similar to SSJ Grade 3 but instead of speed it sacrifices ki.

Trunks instead perfect SSJ2, and presumably SSJ Rage could be the true continuation of ssj forms. I believe that rage is simply what SSJ3 is supposed to be, but Goku instead mutated SSJ2 to make the SSJ3 we know, and Gotenks achieved that form because he knew that form as the pinnacle of power. Not because it truly is what the evolution of SSJ2 is.

Notice how trunks keeps a similar hairstyle to in SSJ2, with it getting spikier and much sharper and more defined. Just as SSJ2 does to SSJ1 hair. And the blue in the aura could simply be the lightning effect present in SSJ2 compressed into a physical aura around him instead of intermittent sparks in his SSJ aura.

Quick edit to add onto my point:

Having just re-watched the transformation itself a massive "storm" of lightning occurs while he's transforming so it's not unreasonable to assume the blue is the lightning, especially since it seems to be absent in the rest of the aura now, as opposed to SSJ2 where it was actually there.

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Powerlevels in super are, like, very bad.


Powerlevels are, like, very bad.

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He seems to buff up like his old bulky Ultra SSJ form against Cell, also seems to be the same thing during the other 2 times when he first went into it and right before the Father-Son Galick gun, except it seems he "learns his lesson against Cell about relying on a speed sacrificing form" so he takes an extra step and possibly uses some kind of god ki principle to slim it back down cause SSG slims the body in the BOG arc and god ki was shown to be about keeping it within and not leaking.

(yes this theory is a big stretch. Also I would add a quick flashback showing that he gained a god ki crash course with Geets in the time chamber before they came with him to the future right after Trunks 1st goes into the form against Black to quickly reveal how he invented it.)

And there you have it, SSJRage personally to me was trying to be about him using USSJ again but with a god ki upgrade to take away its weakness and a call back to his infamous use of it from the Cell saga, but fixed. Maybe the writers wanted that to be it from what was hinted to me from those transformation scenes and could've more effectively and completely written that in if they gave themselves more time or planned it out better.

(Hell, he even used the bulky form went he had a spare with Vegeta so I feel this was really hinted. It could've worked if it was better written and explained. They shouldn't have done a Toriyama and just get straight into the arc, it would've been worth it to just not have the anime for a month or 2 or more so they could plan, explain and then animate it all better)


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What are your headcannons for it?

Mine is that I follow the manga, so it doesn't exist.

It was made to sell toys and cards, don't put too much thought into it.

Yeah sure, next thing you’ll tell me is Toriyama made ssj hair yellow cuz black is more work to ink

u/leviathanxz24 avatar

yeah right, that’s like if toriyama forgot to give trunks and goten tails

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u/Queasy_Swordfish_332 avatar

My head canon for Ssj Rage is that it’s a transformation and power up that is only exclusive to Saiyan Hybrids and part human Saiyans and how it’s used and acquired is basically from Trunks being so enraged and while being so enraged, unintentionally and naturally uses ki control and rage at the same time to both achieve and use his dormant power from within and also use his Saiyan ki and Human ki to their maximum potential and power which then allows Trunks to unlock a Special Saiyan Hybrid power that multiples his power, speed, and strength to an insane amount and also greatly heightens and strengthens the power of his Super Saiyan transformations as well as unlocking a different evolution of Ssj that is only exclusive to Saiyan Hybrids and part human saiyans.

Ether that or its basically like a different type of God Ki Ssj form that is basically a combination of Ssj2 and Ssj Grade 3 combined together and mixed with God Ki and Rage with Trunks naturally and unintentionally getting god ki due to sparring and training for bit with Vegeta.

u/True-Awareness4702 avatar

They wanted to give homie a power up so they did.

Some kind of power that involves rage with maybe some god ki

I think it is accessible only with the saiyans highest form

So SSJ2 for Future Trunks.if he unlocked ssj3, SSJ3 would be the form to access the rage power.

Dumb but if I had to head cannon it you could say with all the god ki he was around & the retcons. Since trunks at his power was I ln the presence of/ fighting ppl with god ki plus Kai training he manifested a sort of in between form due to lack of training/control. Wish they just Gave him ssg tbh tho there’s not a good explanation. Also like how the mags handle this arc a little better it’s still wild.

u/BlackMan9693 avatar

He was the apprentice of the Supreme Kai. He may have learnt a thing or two about increasing power efficiently. Combine that with the intense emotions he felt in that moment + the desperate need to fight back for their very survival (given that the struggle has been ongoing for quite a while and he was really pushed into a corner there), and you have that power up. As someone else said, it's Toei fanfic bullshit.

But Toriyama once said that Ki was composed of three aspects: Genki (vigor, lively spirit, vitality) (physical aspect), Yuuki (courage, bravery, valour) (emotional aspect) and Shouki (right-mindedness, sanity) (mental aspect). So, these concepts all put together make the Transformation less bullshit.

u/TopShelfIdiocy avatar

I think the writers explained that it's like Vegeta's boost when Beerus hit Bulma, only he learned to tap into it at will.

Plus it puts him in the ballpark but you can still tell he's weaker, as his strongest attack on Black (the one that destroyed the mountain) only managed to knock him out for a few moments and didn't do any real damage

It’s Trunks anger and mortal spirit powering up. His anger is the yellow and his spirit is the blue, which is why when he gets the spirit energy from everyone later the blue aura grows even more. It’s his own genki dama in a sense.

u/ShineProfessional615 avatar

Lol just like 95% of other stuff in dbs, there is zero sense to it.

Wasnt supervised by toriyama. Toei threw it in. You cant really explain it.

u/PeachsBigJuicyBooty avatar

Toei. It's Toei fanfic bullshit.

What that means is there is no explanation to it other than Trunks really just raged out in Super Saiyan and got that strong.

u/Minimum-Poetry609 avatar

Trunks gets super angry


Really? I think its name gives us just about all we need to know. He unlocks it with rage.

Id say the only real question is whether it uses godly ki or is just on the same level as godly ki due to the aura colours

u/IllConference2930 avatar

PLOT required him to reach that level so he did.

u/JonathanRiou avatar

I hate it. It makes no sense. Much prefer the manga where instead Future Trunks has trained his SSJ2 to be comparable to Goku’s SSJ3

u/PowerPamaja avatar

I see it as the same as when other saiyans get rage boosts. Vegeta got one when Beerus hit Bulma. Goku got one when Zamasu told him how he killed his family. I don’t even need to talk about Gohan. 

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I see it as a mutation. Trunks has the same potential as Gohan, probably even more so with Vegeta being naturally stronger than Goku when we first see him. Just like how Gohan got his beast form, I'm assuming his human side also gave him a unique form

Headcanon is that he is in fact vegetas son. So just like gohan, he can sometimes have random transformations


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I kind of assumed it was some sort of extension of SSJ2 that didn't quite reach Super Saiyan 3.


Rage is sdbh creation. Believe it or not, trunks was ssj 2 in both manga and anime.

It makes no sense. It’s arguably the worst thing in the entire Goku Black Saga, alongside the stupid ass Genki Dama and Goku forgetting the seal of the jar. But hey, this is 10x better than Fairy Tail levels of bad, so I’m not complaining