
Mduduzi Mabaso 'intrigued, excited and thankful' about joining The Estate

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Mduduzi Mabaso.
Mduduzi Mabaso.
Photo supplied: S3
  • Award-winning actor Mduduzi Mabaso joins the cast of the S3 drama, The Estate.
  • Mabaso will play the character Khulekani Nzimande who is described as a 'traditionally inclined by global man'.
  • He will make his first appearance in the show on Friday, 9 December.

Safta-winning actor Mduduzi Mabaso has joined the cast of the S3 daily drama, The Estate.

Mabaso will first appear as the character Khulekani Nzimande on Friday, 9 December.

"Khulekani is a traditionally inclined but global man, assertive and passionate. He is dominant, fearless, and cares about his family and his sister Noxolo played by Lerato Mvelase," reads a press release from the channel.

Viewers will first meet Khulekani when he breaks into Castro's office. His arrival in town makes Melisizwe and Noxolo suspicious, but he plays his cards close to his chest. His presence causes tension in the Nobengela home, especially when he decides to move in. Melisizwe cautions GK that they have a spy in their midst. Sparks fly between Khulekani and Lwandle.

Khulekani previously ran a consultancy company with Melisizwe. But they had a fallout when he supported Nora instead of betraying her as Melisizwe did.

Mabaso says:

I have always believed that one should let their work speak for itself...because that allows room to explore and play! On joining The Estate team, I am intrigued, excited and thankful for the opportunity and the blessing. I cannot wait to play with the other Thespians on board.

"The channel is delighted to have Mduduzi join the cast of The Estate, acting alongside Dumisani and Aubrey Poo. We promise the viewers a heated storyline within the world of Echelon when these three great performers come together to deliver a stellar performance,"  says Dichaba Phalatse, SABC Video Entertainment Marketing Manager.

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