June 9, 2024

Come out from behind that wall, and you might be pleasantly surprised by what happens next. On Saturday, sweet Venus pokes your ruling planet, stern Saturn, in your communication center, coaxing you to let your guard down and show people your soft side. What you think of as your “keep calm and carry on” persona can strike others as aloof and leave you all alone, feeling cut off from the very people you could be bonding with. Drop your defenses and meet them halfway. Get ready for your closeup on Sunday when dynamic Mars blasts into Taurus and your passionate, creative fifth house after hiding out in your domestic quarters since April 30, persuading you to hole up at Casa Capricorn. Book a salon appointment, add some statement pieces to your wardrobe—do what you need to do to feel like your most glamorous, camera-ready self. Between now and July 20, even the shyest Sea Goats will be excited to pump up the volume, strut your stuff and boldly pursue whatever your heart desires.

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