Always Building: LinsCraft | Minecraft

Always Building: LinsCraft

The best build crews take on themes voted for by you!

To celebrate the ever-expanding, globe-spanning joy of Minecraft we thought we’d invite some of our favourite build teams to contribute their skills to a single map and ask you to vote on what they make. Once all the build teams have created their own island, we’ll put the map up for you to download!

Last time, the amazing Blockception built a lighthouse embedded in a giant tree! This week, it’s the incredibly talented LinsCraft’s turn - building on the theme you voted for: haunted mansion!

Check out the timelapse above, and an interview with LinsCraft themselves below. Stay tuned to our Facebook page tomorrow for the next chance to vote!

For a build team founded in Shanghai, China, this Halloween theme was an interesting one: China has its own ghostly festivals, but the somewhat lighthearted celebration of spookiness that happens on October 31st is mostly a Western thing, and means something slightly different.

“We had a long conversation with our build team regarding our previous experience with this foreign festival and gathered what we could base on our childhood experience,” says the team’s founder LiPing Lin. “The challenging part was to grasp what it really means to enjoy the festival in a fun but also a spooky way.”

LinsCraft have a long history of dealing with these kinds of challenges. “The build team’s initial purpose was to display the beauty and artwork of Chinese culture to the world with the help of Minecraft,” says LiPing Later as we grew, LinsCraft became a multicultural group. We moved on to explore the cultures around the world, working on special projects that help our members understand the importance of being a global citizen. From the beauty of Chinese architecture to the gorgeous decoration of Islamic cultures, we build them to express our love for the beautiful art around the world.”

One of the team’s first projects was creating an Asian-style vacation site, inspired by the Japanese animated film, Spirited Away. Since then they’ve explored the magnificent beauty of China’s Sanya Island in Sanya Mangrove Tree Hotel, and, most recently, The Port of Frontier, a project that imagines a Chinese industrial age in steampunk fashion.

It’s all part of LinsCraft’s noble mission to bring talented people together across the globe in the act of artistic creation. As LiPing says, “We want to give the architecture community new ideas in design, and hopefully, push new ways of building a structure for mankind. We also want to invite more artists and architects from different areas of the world to work with us closely, as we all have different talents.”

A fine aim, indeed! Thanks to LiPing and the incredibly talented LinsCraft team! You can find more of their stunning builds on their PlanetMinecraft page.

And remember to vote on the next build team’s theme tomorrow, over on our Facebook page.

Marsh Davies
Marsh Davies

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