The Meaning Behind The Song: Slap That Bass by George Gershwin - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Slap That Bass by George Gershwin


The Meaning Behind The Song: Slap That Bass by George Gershwin

Title Artist
Slap That Bass George Gershwin
Writer/Composer Album
George Gershwin & Ira Gershwin Shall We Dance? (1937 film)
Release Date Genre
February 1937 Pop

Music has a way of transporting us to different emotions and moments in time. One song that has always held a special place in my heart is “Slap That Bass” by George Gershwin. This lively and infectious tune never fails to lift my spirits and make me want to dance.

The song was featured in the 1937 film Shall We Dance?, where Peter Peters, played by the legendary Fred Astaire, stumbles upon a group of African-American engine crew members singing a rhythmic song. Enamored by their infectious rhythm, Peter incorporates their beat into his tap dance routine, singing “Slap That Bass” as a prelude to his performance.

These lyrics immediately convey the chaos and dissatisfaction prevalent in the world at the time. The first verse mentions the mess of politics and taxes, as well as the grinding of axes. It reflects a disillusionment with the state of affairs and a desire for happiness.

The chorus, with its repeated use of the phrase “Slap that bass,” seems to be a call to action. The idea of “slapping” the bass implies finding a rhythm or groove that inspires joy and rhythm in one’s life. The bass represents the backbone of music, and by extension, the backbone of our existence. The song encourages us to find our own rhythm, to keep ourselves busy and engaged, banishing misery and allowing the flow of milk and honey in our lives.

But what does “Slap That Bass” truly mean to me personally? As a lover of music and someone who finds solace and inspiration through the art form, this song encapsulates the power of music to bring joy and harmony to our lives. Whenever I listen to “Slap That Bass,” I can’t help but feel a surge of energy and optimism.

This song is a reminder that happiness is not just a distant dream or an unattainable riddle. It can be found in the simplest things, such as listening to the resonant notes of a big bass fiddle. The deep, thumping rhythm creates a sense of unity, allowing us to forget our troubles and immerse ourselves in the pure enjoyment of the music.

As an aspiring musician, “Slap That Bass” has also taught me the importance of finding my own rhythm and adding my unique touch to the world of music. It encourages me to be bold, to improvise, and to not be afraid to let my passion and creativity shine through. It reminds me that music has the power to bring people together, bridging gaps and breaking down barriers.

Throughout history, music has played a pivotal role in shaping societal movements, empowering the marginalized, and bringing about change. And while “Slap That Bass” may seem like a fun and catchy tune on the surface, its underlying message of finding happiness, harmony, and rhythm has a profound resonance that transcends time.

So the next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the world, remember the words of “Slap That Bass.” Find your rhythm, banish misery, and allow the music to transport you to a place of joy and unity. Keep the rhythm busy and let the milk and honey flow.

Listening to “Slap That Bass” always brings a smile to my face and fills me with a renewed sense of passion and purpose. It serves as a reminder that music has the power to touch our souls and connect us to something greater than ourselves. So, why not take a moment, put on your dancing shoes, and let the rhythm of the bass sweep you away?

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