The Meaning Behind The Song: Work Is a Four-Letter Word by The Smiths - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Work Is a Four-Letter Word by The Smiths

The Meaning Behind The Song: Work Is a Four-Letter Word by The Smiths


As a music enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the lyrics and the stories behind the songs. One particular song that has deeply resonated with me is “Work Is a Four-Letter Word” by The Smiths. I first heard this song on a rainy afternoon, as I was browsing through my friend’s vinyl collection. Little did I know that this song would captivate me and stay with me for years to come.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Work Is a Four-Letter Word” are simple, yet profound. Morrissey, the lead vocalist of The Smiths, sings about a love that is driving him crazy. He expresses his frustration with the societal pressure to work, as if it is a four-letter word in itself. The song highlights the idea of breaking free from the mundane routine of work and finding true happiness.

The chorus, “So change your life, there is so much I know that you can do, come and see. Wide-awake, and take all of this love that is waiting for you,” speaks to the power of love and the potential for personal growth and fulfillment. It encourages the listener to step out of their comfort zone and explore the possibilities that lie beyond the confines of work.

The Story Behind the Song

Interestingly, “Work Is a Four-Letter Word” is a cover of a song originally recorded by Cilla Black, an English singer and television presenter. However, the song took on a whole new meaning when The Smiths performed it. Johnny Marr, the guitarist of the band, confessed his strong dislike for the song and revealed that it was one of the reasons he decided to leave the band.

In an interview with Record Collector magazine in 1992, Marr said, “‘Work Is a Four-Letter Word’ I hated. That was the last straw, really. I didn’t form a group to perform Cilla Black songs. That was it, really.” The song became a turning point for Marr, leading him to make the decision to leave the band and pursue his own musical journey.

Personal Reflection

I can’t help but sympathize with Marr’s sentiments towards the song. Sometimes, there are certain songs that strike a chord within us, and “Work Is a Four-Letter Word” undoubtedly did that for me. It made me question the societal norms and expectations surrounding work, and reminded me of the importance of finding true passion and fulfillment in life.

Whenever I listen to this song, an overwhelming sense of freedom and liberation washes over me. It serves as a reminder that we shouldn’t let work define us, but rather, we should strive to create a life that is filled with love, joy, and purpose.


“Work Is a Four-Letter Word” by The Smiths is a song that goes beyond its simple lyrics. It delves into the realms of love, self-discovery, and the pursuit of happiness. Despite the controversy surrounding the song within the band, it remains a powerful anthem for those who yearn for a life that goes beyond the confines of work.

So, the next time you find yourself feeling trapped by the monotony of work, remember the message of this song. Embrace the possibilities that lie beyond it, and let love guide you towards a life that is truly fulfilling.


– Produced By Grant Showbiz
– Written By Guy Woolfenden & Don Black
– Performed By Morrissey, Johnny Marr, Andy Rourke & Mike Joyce
– Release Date: August 10, 1987
– Tags: Pop, Rock

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