Scott Wolf on His 'Complete' Family, New Movie and Life After 'Party of Five' - ABC News

Scott Wolf on His 'Complete' Family, New Movie and Life After 'Party of Five'

Wolf opens up about how his priorities changed after "Party of Five."

ByABC News
August 11, 2014, 4:24 AM
Scott Wolf and Kelley Wolf attend the 2011 Napa Valley Film Festival, Nov. 12, 2011 in Napa, Calif.
Scott Wolf and Kelley Wolf attend the 2011 Napa Valley Film Festival, Nov. 12, 2011 in Napa, Calif.
Randall Michelson/Getty Images

— -- Scott Wolf is running late for an interview to talk about his new film "37: A Final Promise," but it's not because his last interview ran long or because he's got another meeting, his issue is a bit more pressing.

Wolf had to drop everything and help his wife Kelley Limp, who had an unexpected appointment, so he stepped in and offered to put their 10-week-old daughter Lucy to sleep.

"Hey bubba," Wolf says in the background after excusing himself for a second on the phone and tending to his little girl.

This basically epitomizes Wolf and where he is in his life. Former 90's heartthrob on "Party of Five" turned doting father and working actor, whose priorities are clear - family first.

"I was half responsible for making them so, it's the least I can do right," Wolf says of the situation. "It's awesome, my family life has always been a huge priority to me and I knew early on when I started my career I was going to need to figure out how to create a little bit more balance in my life, because through the early part of my 20's I was working a ton."

A ton is an understatement. From 1994 to 2000, Wolf was part of one of those iconic shows that comes along only once or twice a decade, playing Bailey Salinger on "Party of Five."

Now Wolf tends to sons Jackson, 5, and William, 20 months, and new addition, daughter Lucy, who was born this past May.

"It is controlled chaos, thankfully our baby is super mellow and sleeping well," he says, describing life with three kids. "All the other stuff during the day, managing the kids, feeding them and bathing them and hanging out -- the sleep thing is pretty huge, we've been pretty lucky. You'll meet people who have a 2-year-old who still doesn't sleep more than a few hours at a time. That would be torture."

He continued, "There's definitely hectic moments throughout the day where we feel like we run a daycare center. But there's way more beautiful, magical moments watching these kids figure stuff out, they're just so funny and fun ... it's beginning where my two sons just go off and play and just hang out. Thankfully, our oldest, he's one of the sweetest people I'll ever know, he's setting a pretty good example of kissing not hitting."

In fact, Jackson can't get enough of his baby sister Lucy.

"He just wants to hold her and it's just nonstop kisses," Wolf said. "Our 20-month old William does whatever Jack does. Thankfully, he's setting a brilliant example for him. But yeah, I think three is the new two. This is it. This is it. We are going to close the shop on baby making ... that's also kind of a cool moment as a family, we are here now, now everyone's here."

The coincidence of Wolf's complete family of "five" doesn't escape the 46-year-old actor.

"I think we both just envisioned this, we both just in our mind's eye saw the five of us," he says. "The fact that we have a chance now to experience this brand new thing [having a daughter], is amazing. It's mostly the same, but it is a little different. When this little girl smiles at me, it just buckles me."

For his involvement with "37," Wolf admits he probably would have done the movie anyway with one of his best friends in the world, Randall Batinkoff, taking the lead on the project, but with that said, he was drawn to the material.

"37: A Final Promise" just opened in Los Angeles and on Video on Demand and will open this Friday in New York.