Summer School 2023|Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München

HFF Munich Summerschool

The Summer School of the University of Television and Film (HFF) Munich is going into its sixth round this late summer 2023 – due to the great demand again with five courses and in a mixture of proven and new course formats.

! Please note: all courses will be given in English – unless otherwise agreed among all course participants.




19th July – 21st July + 4th September – 29th September 2023
Max. 10 Participants
Fee: 1250€
Application deadline: July 1st, 2023

  • hybrid

From concept to first draft in 23 days: This intensive seminar guides you from your first idea to the first draft of your feature film screenplay in 23 days. It is divided into two modules: 3 days to test and deepen your concept, as well as
find the structure of your screenplay, followed by 20 days of writing the screenplay.
The seminar introduces and elaborates essential writing tools and offers hands-on advice from three experienced professionals, who help you navigate your writing journey all the way to the first draft.

To make it easier for participants from outside Munich to take part in the course, it will be held on a hybrid basis:
07/19-21: The first three days will take place at the HFF, but there is also an option to attend via Zoom. However, on-site attendance is definitely recommended.
09/04.-24.: The first 15 days via Zoom.
09/25.-29.: Final week at the HFF (in person).

Important: The seminar combines theory instruction with writing sprints and Writers’ Room feedback in the group each day. Attendance is essential for all 23 days – via Zoom and on-site.
Suitable for beginners and professionals. For brand-new ideas as well as for concepts you’ve wanted to write for a long time.

Application requirements:
1. Letter of agreement (available for download under the “Application” tab)
2. Current CV with filmography
3. An idea for a feature film / exposé, summarized on a maximum of 1-2 pages

Workshop Leader: Florian Puchert, Benedikt Schwarzer, Romina Ecker

Declaration of Consent


4th September – 9th September 2023
Max. 14 Participants
Fee: 500€
Application deadline: July 31st, 2023

  • on -site

This workshop is about telling stories through moving images – it means that we will concentrate on everything that happens when our scripts, our ideas and feelings are being transformed into images, shots and scenes of our films. This workshop programme starts with simple things concerning space, shots and images. Then it deals with characters and relationship between them and at the end of the workshop we will concentrate on the narrative.

In the first part of the workshop we will talk about the special task of film beginnings and analyze examples. The second part will be about communication with the audience (The Deal with the audience). Why and how we need to communicate with the audience ( Breakdown, how to break a scene in to shots). This will be explained in the analysis of key scenes.

Application requirements:
1. Letter of agreement (available for download under the “Application” tab)
2. Current CV with filmography
3. Write half a page about your motivation for this course

Workshop Leader: Hagen Keller

Declaration of Consent


11th September – 21th September 2023
12 Participants
Fee: 750€
Application deadline: July 31st, 2023

  • on -site

INTERNATIONAL SERIES MEETS AI is a 10-day masterclass by independent screenwriter and producer Prof. Taç Romey and cross-media professional Markus Walsch. The focus of this course is the development of 4-6 episodes for a mini-series, which will be pitched to film industry representatives at the end of the course. Likewise, a large component of the course is also the use of AI tools that can and are supposed to assist in this development. Also, previsuals for the individual pitches will be created with the help of AI generated images. How can artificial intelligence be used for creative work without losing one’s own style?

The course is about working on the perfect pitch with the support of mentors Taç Romey and Markus Walsch, learning about the link between creativity and AI, exchanging ideas together, making connections and finally presenting the material in front of a professional audience.

Application requirements:
1. Letter of agreement (available for download under the “Application” tab)
2. Current CV with filmography
3. Write one page about “Something Worth Fighting For”

Workshop leaders: Prof. Tac Romey, Markus Walsch, Ronit Weiss, Agnieszka Kruk, Prof. Sylvia Roth

Declaration of Consent


18th – 27th September 2023
12 Participants
Fee: 500€
Application deadline: until July 31st, 2023

  • on -site

WOMEN WRITING LAB is a workshop by award-winning and Oscar®-nominated writer & director Robin Swicord, who has written the books for THE JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB, THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON, or LITTLE WOMEN, among others. In a week-long workshop setting, you will learn practical tools for creating compelling stories that are well-founded in the essential elements of drama. We will address the development of strong original characters, and how all story rises from character. We will explore the use of themes to ground every story in universal meaning. Through guided exercises, you’ll develop your own instincts for story, character, and powerful, visual scenes. During daily writing hours, you will expand and develop your own story ideas, and refine your ideas in individual mentoring sessions with the workshop leader, Robin Swicord.
The goal of the workshop is for each participating writer to develop a full story as a detailed treatment for a feature film or a multi-part episodic TV story, which will become the immediate blueprint for your screenplay. This is the workshop that will launch you into your first draft, or your next draft.

Application requirements:
1. Letter of agreement (available for download under the “Application” tab)
2. Current CV with filmography
3. A one-pager with your dramaturgical concept for a feature-length film

Workshop Leader: Robin Swicord

Declaration of Consent

Comic Toolbox Masterclass

25th – 27th September 2023
14 Participants
Fee: 350
Application deadline: until July 31st, 2023

  • on -site

Based on John Vorhaus’ best-selling book COMIC TOOLBOX – A Manual of Humor.


Day One:
COMIC TOOLS. We’ll discuss the comic premise, the other comic premise, the other other comic premise and all sorts of comic tools like clash of context, taboo, inappropriate response, exaggeration and much much much much much much more (that’s the exaggeration part.) We’ll also look at comic characters, comic opposites, and types of comic stories, plus start to think and talk about how to shape all this comic material into an in-person pitch (spoiler alert: Pitch Day is coming!)

Day Two:
COMIC STORIES AND SCRIPTS. On this day we’ll discuss all sorts of structures for comic stories and all sorts of shortcuts for creating them. We’ll look at the difference between stories for TV (sitcoms) and stories for film (happy-ending comedies) and talk about how to shape one’s material according to its intended use. Ah, we’ll also dig into such script-writing tools as pivots (new pieces of information that trigger changes in emotional states), lines of conflict, levels of conflict and much much much much much much more (and I just used a comic tool called callback, tee hee).

Day Three:
PITCH DAY! Using tools I will have shared, including my world-famous one-page pitch template, we’ll give students every opportunity to pitch their project (new or old but hopefully brand new) and get real-time feedback from, er, me. We’ll discuss next steps — how to move the material from pitch to premise, and how to start developing relevant story skeletons and story outlines. Everyone who wants to will have a chance to “play in the sandbox.” At the end of the day, as time allows, we’ll do Q&A, talk about “the writer’s life,” discuss the relationship between writers and editors, talk about working in writers’ rooms


Application Requirements:

  1. Declaration of Consent (available for download under the “Application” tab)
  2. Your CV with filmography
  3. A half-page letter of motivation (What is your personal connection to comedy? What are your goals in this field? Why do you want to participate?)

Workshop Leader: John Vorhaus

Declaration of Consent

“With our SUMMER SCHOOL 2023, we are offering a real gem for those who want to broaden their horizons and learn new things this late summer. Apart from the high-quality of teaching and as a place to network on an international level, we see our SUMMERSCHOOL as a place to experiment for all creative, important and new content from all areas of film, such as AI this year.. At the same time, courses that have run successfully since the beginning, such as first and foremost the WOMEN WRITING LAB with Oscar®-nominated writer & director Robin Swicord, remain as pillars of our program. Just like Robin’s confirmation for her course, I am delighted and honored by the attendance of all our great lecturers who will enrich this year’s SUMMERSCHOOL with their knowledge and hopefully make it unforgettable for our participants.”

Elena Diesbach

Initiator and director of the SUMMERSCHOOL, Head of the International Office of the HFF Munich