White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell | Goodreads
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White Power

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White Power is an anti-Semitic and racial commentary by the most public White racialist in US history, George Lincoln Rockwell. This book may not be for everyone but it is an important historical writing, which has never been published by a major press and has never offered in bookstores. Nevertheless, numerous "underground" copies of White Power have been printed and sold. The book may be of special interest to the growing number of disaffected Whites who may want to critique Rockwell's philosophy before drawing any rash conclusions.

438 pages

First published January 1, 1967

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About the author

George Lincoln Rockwell

15 books74 followers
Rockwell was a WW II veteran and founder and former leader of the American Nazi Party.

He became famous for his speeches in colleges and his media appearances. He also recorded a racially insensitive country song with a band called "Otis Cochran and the Three Bigots".

Rockwell was killed in 1967 by a disgruntled party member.

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews
Profile Image for Greg.
1,121 reviews1,994 followers
July 28, 2008
I'm going to go with three stars for this piece of Americana. GLR was the leader of the American Nazi Party. He's a bigot, I mean he loves the white race, and he has some very stereotypical views one would associate with someone who is the leader of the American Nazi Party and who loves the white race. Loving the white race apparently means really disliking Jews and non-white people, but you need to have some kind of hate to offset and really make your love stand out, right?
Anyway this book is pretty amusing, and full of all kinds of victim mentality. It's also the book that made me realize just how close his writing was to the basic premises of certain identity theorists, and hegemonic thinkers; they just happen to have a little bit different aims at the end (actually not that different just some are considered acceptable, and probably aren't going to end in millions of people dying, and some have historically been proven to be bad ideas, both strive for legitimacy from the same basic ground though (without concerning myself here with the legitimacy of that legitimacy, or the meta-legitimacy of their claims), but in a minor way it's the same as the victim mentality present day Conservatives like to whine about, and how about those fucking Christians, I mean it must be hard living in a Christian country and having the right to worship as you please, and pretty much force your religion down everyone else's throat and yet still be on the oppressed side. Huh?).
So this book is sort of the book that made me realize that there was a whole lot of stinky smelling shit going on in academia when it could be turned into hate literature just by changing a few words... but that academia just didn't have the unintentional humor that moronic redneck racist assholes have to them.
Profile Image for Kate.
Author 1 book32 followers
October 16, 2020
*Second reading* This book is very interesting, although it's a dense and grim read. I found Rockwell's awakening process to be one of the best aspects of it. A veteran of WW2, he describes how he fully believed America was fighting for liberty and freedom. He gradually realized, years after the war was won, that half of Europe had been handed over to Communist Russia. Europeans were living miserably under Bolshevism, because of the supposedly heroic war effort of the Allies. This is a difficult realization for anyone, but I imagine much more so for a veteran.

His awakening process didn't stop at history, though, as he vividly describes the degeneracy of 1960's America. By this point in his life, he had fully understood the JQ and where the nation was headed if Whites remained docile, lulled into carelessness by alcohol and television. In Rockwell's scenario, the police and national guard are no help.
Profile Image for Michael.
940 reviews154 followers
July 30, 2018
I have decided to continue my policy of not giving ratings to books which are written to promote racist viewpoints. The reasons for this are 1) I do not read these books because I like or dislike them, but in order to study the viewpoint, and 2) giving even one star to such a book is giving it one star too many. In this case, I debated whether to adhere to the policy, because so far everyone who has rated it has been predisposed to agree with it – but I decided there was little danger of non-racists being duped into buying a book called “White Power” on the strength of a high rating on goodreads (and my one-star vote wouldn’t have lowered the average by that much, anyway).
This book is the opus of George Lincoln Rockwell, written no doubt to be his version of Mein Kampf. Rockwell founded the American Nazi Party, and the phrase “White Power” was one he invented during the high point of his career, the protests against integrated housing in Chicago in 1966. During this period, he received the largest and most sympathetic crowds of his career, and no doubt he hoped this would be an entrée to mainstream recognition. It wasn’t, but this is partly because he was assassinated by a former follower, John Patler, the same year that the book was released. Rockwell’s death made him a kind of martyr to the extreme right in America, and he remains a kind of hero-figure among neo-Nazis and other White Nationalist sympathizers.
“White Power” was actually not Rockwell’s first book, he had previously published This Time The World, an autobiography, and also a book designed to help Nazis and other extremists avoid being institutionalized in psychiatric hospitals. This final book was certainly the longest, most involved explanation of his ideology, and it appears to have borrowed some material from the earlier works and Rockwell’s various newsletters and magazines as well. This may explain some of the inconsistencies, along with the lack of professional proofreading help, that crop up in the text, although compared to many extremist books it is mostly cohesive and logically arranged. Rockwell’s arguments tend to be consistent as well – although he has the habit of stating his own opinions as “facts” – and once he has explained what he means by a term, he tends to stick to that definition throughout.
The first chapter of “White Power” is called “Death Rattle” and it stands as a testament to Roger Griffin’s theory of fascism as an expression of the myth of the rebirth of the nation from the ashes of a corrupt society on the verge of collapse. It establishes the many things Rockwell fears and expects his readers to fear – sexual libertinism, crime, young protestors, artistic freedom, and African Americans. These themes will recur, but here they function to attempt to outrage the reader at “what is going wrong” with sixties society. The next several chapters develop a complex allegory of the United States as a “ship of State” which has been hijacked by “ship wreckers” determined to run it onto the rocks and pillage it. Throughout this section of the book, Rockwell maintains a logical tone, calmly presenting the case by which he concluded the “true identities” of his ship wreckers, who are, predictably, the Jews. This sequence concludes with an extensive series of quotes from “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” the famous anti-Semitic forgery that has been the basis of many ideologies of hate for the past century.
It is after this section of the book that Rockwell’s racism gets really explicit and ugly, beginning with a chapter called “The Black Plague.” In spite of his previous efforts to remain “detached” and “objective,” arguing that African Americans are a unfortunate dupes of schemers smarter than themselves, he unleashes in the second half of the book his true feelings, which are truly loathsome. Black people start off as animals, and quickly degenerate to something far more monstrous, far less natural, ravening after white female flesh and all the good things they can steal from white people. This section of the book requires a strong stomach.
After this, Rockwell puts a few chapters toward presenting his own theories of the world, and the reasons why National Socialism is the model he chose to identify as the salvation for civilization, despite prevailing wisdom and political opinion. He presents five principles, which he calls “LAWS OF THE TRIBE” (Rockwell was given to overuse of capitalization, but not to quite the egregious degree of some extremist writers). These include laws of “BIOLOGICAL INTEGRITY,” TERRITORY,” “LEADERSHIP,” “STATUS,” and “MOTHERHOOD.” It would have been nice to see these more fully articulated and explored, in the sense of a development of the more “positive” side of his philosophy, but the chapter has a short essay-like style, which makes me suspect it may have been a recycled newsletter article. In explaining his “law of LEADERSHIP,” (no doubt derived from the Führerprinzip of Hitler), Rockwell says “Throughout the animal kingdom, the leader is never chosen by vote, but always by the natural selection established by Nature as the only sure method of ensuring that the group is led by the best – combat.” Later he compares this to the methods used by gangs of juvenile delinquents in choosing their leaders. If we apply this principle (which, recall, he asserts as “fact”) to his own sordid end, we find that John Patler, following the basic laws of nature, eliminated a weak leader to make way for stronger ones to come later. Rockwell should have applauded such a development, without pity for the unfortunate individual it inconvenienced.
Profile Image for Vagabond of Letters, DLitt.
594 reviews328 followers
December 3, 2019
Rated on historical interest and importance.


I wonder what people thought of this book when it first came out.

Detailed review forthcoming for this essential piece of mid-century American political history, the manifesto - alternately cloudy and brilliant, illuminating and maddening, and lucid and pellucid - of the original self-proclaimed 'neo-Nazi': the anticommunist, iconoclastic, bombastic, cocky, shock jock 'rock star' speaker and politician George Lincoln Rockwell, one of the last ideologues of the 'Old Right'. He was shot dead by a traitorous one of his own men days after the sending of this manuscript to the printers.

In this work, he is at his best when working to overcome the false left-right political spectrum in fits and starts and diagnosing the decadence and moral lassitude of late modern Western Civilization (at points prophetic); at his worst when proposing contradictory and overly-extreme solutions proposed to the problems he (rightly or wrongly) identified, and when veering (a bit too often) in to the realm of conspiracy theory, and always in to good old-fashioned racialism.

This book is impossible to rate objectively on any single scale, whether of historical importance, on its own merits and demerits (impossible because the work is so multifarious and disjointed, with so many thoughts carried through on the leitmotiv of racialism, that it can not be evaluated as a coherent whole), on correspondence or lack thereof to other truths, etc.: I can only conclude tentatively that the work contains on itself everything from negative-star garbage to five-star thought, though of a decidedly instinctual, amateur, and nonrigorous type.

Definitely not easily digestible reading for modern homo Americanus - for the better of antimodern, reactionary homo sapiens.

He was a poet, too. Not bad, technically speaking:

'His eyes are lit with fire, yet sadness forms his face,
yet his heart burns with desire to bring freedom to his race.
Once they ruled an empire, but lost those glorious days:
they toil now in factories as little more than slaves.

'He's an Aryan warrior, like an eagle taking flight...'
Profile Image for Jack.
45 reviews21 followers
July 13, 2023
Interesting, entertaining, well worth the read. The book is written in an informal tone, like you were hearing Rockwell speaking at a rally or in a bar (and in fact I could almost read some pieces in his voice).

Rockwell uses a lot of analogies, metaphors, but also a lot of precise facts and sources for specific events. The topics covered would require dozens of books, so inevitably many things that I know have been left out, but you're still given a decent selection of arguments. Rockwell discusses the issue of race, degradation of culture, the Jewish question, and the American politics of his day. Particularly interesting is his explanation of how the Jews control both sides of the "acceptable" political spectrum, the communist side and the capitalist side, promoting class warfare to divide the White race. Capitalism, the ruthless exploitation of working people and basing society only on profit is a Jewish movement that dumb "conservatives" have been duped into supporting (with the consequences that masses of working people will not vote for them).
Rockwell says: "The Jew, Karl Marx, then slyly ATTACKED this immoral process, identified it as the SAME THING as Aryan free enterprise, cleverly called BOTH the enterprise and the usury, “CAPITALISM,” and thus got all our people DEFENDING JEWISH USURY as our “sacred way of life,”—“Capitalism.”"

The American "conservatives" have also been duped into offering ineffective opposition by abiding to the rules that the Jews have established, for example that racism is bad. In fact, the "conservatives" even rabidly attack White Nationalists to try to please their enemies on the left, because they are compromisers who think that it's a good idea to try to win the enemy's temporary favor. "How can you fight-and win-without provoking the enemy?".

Or they are simply led by Jews. Rockwell explains all of this about American politics in the 1960s, and it's still the exact same thing today. The Jews pretend to fight each other in two movements that, while apparently opposed to each other, are simply two sides of the same coin: communism wants open borders, and so does capitalism. This has the added benefit that naive people won't understand that the Jews are a common front against the White race (and the rest of humanity), and if one points at all the Jews who are communists he'd receive as an answer that many Jews are also capitalist / libertarian and therefore we shouldn't see a pattern. But the pattern is very clear once you see things from the perspective of race: virtually all Jews are for opening the borders and removing the White identity of America (and denying it had one in the first place).

Rockwell distinguishes the Jews from the rest of humanity, as the Jews are unique in having to live with other peoples because they are not capable of manual labor. Jews cannot live off the land on their own, they can only live off other peoples (Israel is funded by German reparations for the holocaust and the Palestinians are used as slave labor). The most powerful argument that he makes is quoting the Bible. If you read the story of Joseph, it explains how he ended up exploiting and taking all the wealth away from the Egyptians. In the book of Esther the Jews massacre tens of thousands of people including women and children, and to this day they celebrate these brutal killings every year during Purim. It would be like if the Germans celebrated committing the holocaust every year.

Rockwell's positions are very solid and well argued. I particularly enjoyed his critique of conservativism and of capitalism, and of course his recognition that Hitler wanted to save the White race from Judeo-Bolshevism. This puts Rockwell well above those authors who are against Jewish communism but refuse to admit the solution, which is racial consciousness. Promoting libertarianism or Christianity are not viable solutions. Rockwell believes that fascism is the solution, and fascism is how America was founded, regardless of how the kosher conservatives scream "muh freedom". Have you noticed that in the statue of the Lincoln memorial Lincoln's hands are on two fasces?
More importantly, Rockwell makes it clear that conservativism has no chance of success because in a war what is needed is heroic men willing to sacrifice their own life for something greater. Nobody would sacrifice his life for the materialism and hedonism that the "conservatives" are pushing for; nobody would give up his life for the stock market. But most people would fight to protect their family. Rockwell makes the case that all White people are part of the same family; all White people in the world need to be united by our racial consciousness and see each other as family, if we want to survive. In case you're absolutely new to fascism / White Nationalism, you must know that every authoritarian / collectivist measure is needed for the survival of the White race; nobody wakes up one day thinking "oh, I wish I had less individual freedom today".

Rockwell also dedicates one short chapter to explain National Socialism, and I feel he did a great job in capturing its essence. This alone is worth the book.
National Socialism is based on the laws of Nature. To live in peace and in productive happiness each human being needs to be a part of a tribe to which we are loyal and from which we receive spiritual guidance. There are five "laws of the tribe":

1) BIOLOGICAL INTEGRITY (the genetic bonds among people of the same race).
2) TERRITORY (a people's homeland).
3) LEADERSHIP (rule by the best).
4) STATUS (the natural place of every individual in a group).
5) MOTHERHOOD (recognizing the women's role is having and raising strong and well-adjusted children, and not making PowerPoint presentations in an office).

Rockwell highlights how Hitler could only rule with massive popular support, as every form of fascism is also a form of democracy (a fascist leader takes its legitimacy from the support of the people, and not from God like in a monarchy). What fascism opposes is the parliamentary form of democracy, which is in practice a tyranny of some occult power where you can choose between two possible figureheads. The American and European people have never voted for demographic replacement, and to this day, mass immigration would be stopped if there was a referendum about it.

Profile Image for Anna Karen.
169 reviews7 followers
December 21, 2019
I really liked this book, not because of the racism but because of all the conspiracies, secrets and political dealings GLR brings out into the open. It´s pretty mind-blowing stuff and it´s not difficult to see why he was assassinated shortly after the book came out (and then vilified and forgotten). George Lincoln Rockwell was a very dangerous man for the deep state to have walking around and calling the sons of the West to action. His (non-supernatural) predictions about our culture and society have mostly come true and as much as that part is a sad read it´s also why I think this book is so powerful. My most surprising 5* review of 2019 goes to this book, written by a very honest and brave man who risked and eventually gave up everything to preserve the freedom and goodness of our culture.
Profile Image for Victor.
138 reviews1 follower
August 16, 2018
Nice try Rockwell, but I wouldn't exactly recommend this book if I wanted to redpill my friends on the problems with Western Civilisation. While some of the information in here is somewhat interesting, I feel as if Rockwell was a little too ranty on race, and a little too weak in terms of academic information. He sounded more like an old, tobacco spitting bitter man on a rocking chair with a gun nestled in his arm while ranting to his son about 'them damned niggers', rather than an author trying to produce a book of serious value. To be fair, Rockwell wrote himself that this book is intended for the normal, white working-class audience. I guess I just expected more literary elegance.

Some of the historical information Rockwell provides is somewhat interesting and relevant to his argument, unfortunately, however, he was a very unreliable and dodgy citer. His references to supposed pieces of information were either non-existent or poorly provided for within the brackets at the end of his sentences. Some of the information he provided, I could not find on Google or elsewhere, except for in the book. This made me doubt the legitimacy of some of his claims.

Furthermore, as previously mentioned, Rockwell rants way too much about what the white man 'should' be doing. This book could have been cut down to a third of its size in my opinion, for he overkills his analysis of the Jewish question by merely listing Jewish names involved with certain influential industries (although there may be a lot of Jews, some statistics and percentages would have been more interesting and persuasive rather than just a long list of names). Rockwell also constantly predicts an oncoming race war, and this makes him look like bit of a tin foil hat wearing lunatic. Although to be fair, the 60s were a much more unpredictable era as compared to today.

In conclusion, this book isn't bad. I learnt a little from the book, although I feel as if at least a quarter could be cut from the book (especially since the last quarter of the book was particularly boring and difficult to get through). I certainly would not read it again, and would only recommend this to someone who has a fascination with the American Nazi Party or the man himself, George Lincoln Rockwell.

Sorry that this review was a little bashy on you, Rocky.

~ Memorable Quotes ~
- 'It is not the death rattle in the throat of Western civilization which is surprising; it is the fact that millions of Americans believe that the death rattle is a beautiful song!'
- 'I have often found that I learn most, not from books and literature, but from people and events themselves.'
- 'What he found, unexpectedly, was what every human being needs to survive this life a PURPOSE - something which gives life more meaning than a constant search for more pleasure and kicks.'
- 'Other millions of good people who don't look like beatniks are lost, without purpose, without confidence, without ambition, without beliefs or religion, without respect for home, flag, country, parents or anything else, without self-control or discipline, without morals or standards of any kind, with neither love for their own people nor hatred for their mortal enemies, without hope and without any real desire to live in any real sense. "Beat" is an apt description. They have, indeed, had almost everything beaten out of them. They have gotten disgusted with the hypocrisy, disorder and corruption of our times and QUIT. In their own words, they have "dropped out."'
- '"Man cannot live by bread alone" says the Bible, and no truer words have ever been recorded. Men long for the admiration of other men, and a clear conscience. Every great religion in the world sets its precepts for human behaviour not on mere satisfaction of animal pleasures and "kicks" but on the more lasting and deeply satisfying joys of OUTGOING activity, activity to be good and helpful to other people. When men concentrate only on themselves and their own animal lusts, they begin to despise themselves, they become despicable and hated by other men, and they become unhappy and hateful, in turn.'
- 'The whole history of humanity is tragically soiled with a million repetitions of the burning of people who dared to suggest the wrongness of a precious prejudice of the times. Each generation in the last few centuries has looked with horror on this history of stupidity and insanity and then gone about the ruthless business of exterminating the men of its own times who dared to question the popular superstitions of the day.'
- 'My job is not to be a preacher, but a soldier in the service of my people.'
- 'It took the Jewish parasitic genius of Karl Marx to elevate that one tool, capital, to the status in our civilization by attacking it and calling it "capitalism." He has thus trapped us into defending what he created, and has thereby doomed us to defeat because we defend a system based not on production, but money manipulation.'
1,416 reviews18 followers
January 16, 2023
Rockwell's call to arms against the cancer that has rotted civilization. Lots of citations provided to validate his points. Some of the material is also covered in "This Time The World", but as the other book is his autobiography that is expected. One chapter reminded me of "The Turner Diaries" so his influence on Pierce is obvious.
Profile Image for Shea Mastison.
189 reviews27 followers
April 23, 2012
George Lincoln Rockwell obviously knew a thing or two about human psychology. Nearly half a century ago, long before the rampant cynicism of my generation; he understood that you cannot count on the average person to research anything on their own. Further than that, he recognized that you can't even rely on a person to read a single book about a topic before passing judgement on it.
So, when giving speeches or interviews, Rockwell was intentionally provocative. Sound bites and shock were what he relied upon when dealing with groups of people in informal or formal media situations. "Nigger," "Kike," etc were all liberally spread in his speeches to shock and offend his listeners.
Interestingly enough, whether his he was right or wrong with his opinions; he didn't rely upon shock in the least when writing. It says a lot about the guy that he understood that the kinds of people who read, aren't the kinds of people worth attempting to shock. No, readers (as much as one can generalize about people who read), are typically the kind of people you adopt a parlor voice with and lay your case out clearly and logically as possible. Which Rockwell does in "White Power."

Of course, his racialist philosophy is garbage--tribalism of a bygone era. But, plenty of irrational bits of collectivism linger in our midst: religion being an obvious example. Rockwell may not have been the second coming of Hitler; but he was an astute observer of human nature.
Profile Image for Reza Amiri Praramadhan.
519 reviews32 followers
August 29, 2020
First of all, I consider it highly ironic that a man who was named after two presidents of the US could end up promoting nazism. George Lincoln Rockwell was the founder of National Socialist White People Party of America, or alternatively, American Nazi Party. This book was written in the 60’s, the height of America’s time of upheavals. Rockwell unleashed his torrent of fury to almost everyone you can name: Jews, Negroes, Communists, Liberals, Homosexuals, even to Conservatives! Yes, Goldwater, (George) Wallace, Bill Buckley, John Birch Society and THE KKK, all were getting the blame from Rockwell, for reasonable point such as selling unpopular policies to the popular masses to more silly claims as selling out to the Jews.

As I reading this book, I found that in current situation, It is very hard to have an open discussion about things Rockwell wrote. While I am in no way endorsing Rockwell’s views, I believe it is important to acknowledge and allow for him to air his grievances, rather than immediately censoring him as spewer of hate (although, it is not very far from truth). In conclusion, I give this book 3 stars for the silly, outlandish claims about everything that Rockwell wrote in his book, and how relevant (or prescient?), his anger in today’s situation, with America’s cities burning up on racial protests and demonstrations.
Profile Image for Sami Eerola.
837 reviews94 followers
February 4, 2021
Two stars for honesty, but still this is the most dumb Nazi book that i have read so far. It is filled with contradictions, false hoods and every conceivable logical fallacy. If one was to show that Neo-Nazis are deranged lunatics, this is a great show peace.

The core message in this book is not hate, but fear. Fear of the white race being enslaved by high taxation to fund social programs for minorities and fear of being killed by a racial minorities that have grown to become the majority. It is the fear that black people and Jews would treat white people like white people have treated them. This fear of becoming a oppressed minority is the justification for extreme hate and bigotry against all other races of people. This is the exact feat that original Nazis had. So even if this book is pure garbage, it is a great example of the mechanism of racism: is not hate, it is a paranoia that the system of white supremacy that has been build would be used against its creator.
Profile Image for Joseph.
114 reviews
June 29, 2019
I have to give it a 2 stars because the intro was pretty good in high lighting negative aspects of communist and liberal social policies. And tbh GLR is a very funny man and there where parts of this book I couldn’t help myself but laughing. But at the end of the day Rockwell denied the most basic of humanity of all other peoples, going as far as to say Africans where created by God as animals for our usage, not as a fellow man.
March 12, 2019
I read these sorts of books to get an insight in to the minds of those I thoroughly disagree with. I don't think I could disagree with someone more.

The sheer effort that GLR put in to the research of this supposed International Jewish Conspiracy is certainly of great breadth, but I can't wonder if it would link up without the confirmation bias of someone who sees forces working against them at every turn. Like all works I've explored so far espousing this sort of hatred, I find myself unswayed in the least.

It reads to me as an utterly neurotic obsession with those he views as the enemy. With his history in the military, it's perhaps not surprising how easily Rockwell can dehumanize those he views as such; indeed, he refers to Jews as tapeworms.

It's an interesting slice of history, for sure; but unfortunately much of the rhetoric rings strong, unchanged in the minds of those who now consider this awful man a martyr, as he was murdered by his fellow American Nazi John Patler. I think any sort of obsession with race, whether extreme left or right, will only lead us backwards. It is one of the least remarkable aspects of any of us, and it's time to evolve beyond this cruel tribalism that has consumed us as a species for so long.

What would it be like to have a temperament like Rockwell's? He seems like someone who never had a moment of fun in his life, and sought to suck it out of the lives of everyone he met, hence his views on 'degenerate' art and any instance of healthy sexual exploration. Still, I somehow pity him, for a heart so full of hate must have been painful to bear. He was certainly a fascinating character who possessed baffling charisma at odds with the horrid rhetoric he dispelled.

What a waste of a life. With such unbridled energy he could've done any manner of good things for this world, but he chose to divide. In the end, I wonder what it was that misled him, and I shudder knowing his ghost continues to lead others down the same path.
Profile Image for Radu.
177 reviews
July 5, 2020
There are books that are incendiary from the start of the first page... and then there are books like this. :P

All kidding aside, this book functions as a both a manifesto and a semi-autobiographical account of how GLR became the man that he was from his own perspective. Almost a poor man's Mein Kampf by comparison only with less philosophical and historical anecdotes and more stories from GLR's life at the point it was written.

Somewhat of a simple book to read with a highly corrosive tone, the book overall starts off interesting enough though Rockwell does start to repeat himself and self-reference as each chapter proceeds along and Rockwell has a tendency to overuse short paragraphs and spell words in all caps when trying to make a point which detracts from the book overall.
Profile Image for Damned Snake.
65 reviews4 followers
October 11, 2021
Well red, this guy for shure had some points but all of his work proven to be short term wins or disasters, payed for his LARP with great wife, kids, life. We way too much loved Hitler and American ideas too actually change something, his naive worldview was reason of his doom, he died for weaving Nazi flags and kinky church of Adolf H. Book has nice, simple language so it's handy as a source of metaphores often needed to explain some subject, but due to his style, not a book you want to reccomend directly.
99 reviews
November 6, 2022
Pretty much what you expect.

Young men crave order and status within a hierarchy. The lowest common denominator for appealing to washed out losers is their racial identity. Throw in the usual "muh jews" and hysteric race war predictions and you've got yourself a book.

There's something to be gleaned from reading between the lines but not that much.
Profile Image for Timothy Cameron.
Author 1 book4 followers
June 8, 2022
Read it while studying history in the very early 80s. Frankly, I don't remember any of what I read. I have a vague feeling it was about a resentful ego (addicted to anger) sort of a book/guy. Odd for a Pisces to go into such an intense place.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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