Exploring Alternative Terrain in the Rehabilitation and Treatment of Offenders: Findings from a Prison-based Music Project - Worcester Research and Publications
University of Worcester Worcester Research and Publications

Exploring Alternative Terrain in the Rehabilitation and Treatment of Offenders: Findings from a Prison-based Music Project

Caulfield, L.S., Wilkinson, Dean and Wilson, D. (2016) Exploring Alternative Terrain in the Rehabilitation and Treatment of Offenders: Findings from a Prison-based Music Project. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 55 (6). pp. 396-418. ISSN Print 1050-9674 Online 1540-8558

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The arts in prison settings have provided an alternative or complimentary component to rehabilitation. Despite increased interest, studies capturing the voice of offenders participating in projects and the long-term impact are limited. Data from semistructured interviews with 18 men who had taken part in a music-based project while incarcerated, including one group of five participants who were tracked for 18 months with supplemented data from correctional staff and official documentation, is presented. Participants of the art-based projects comment on changes they believe to have derived from participating in the project, particularly relating to emotions, self-esteem, self-confidence, communication and social skills. An exoffender sample of participants reported that participation in art projects provide experiences that promote beneficial skills that have been useful for post prison life.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information:

This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation on July 6th 2016, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/10509674.2016.1194943

Staff and students at the University of Worcester can access the full-text of the published article via the UW online library search. External users should check availability with their local library or Interlibrary Requests Service.

Uncontrolled Discrete Keywords: arts in prison, rehabilitation, treatment, offender’s voices
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions: College of Business, Psychology and Sport > School of Psychology
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Depositing User: Dean Wilkinson
Date Deposited: 08 Jul 2016 12:20
Last Modified: 16 Jul 2020 09:00
URI: https://eprints.worc.ac.uk/id/eprint/4616

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