Kasteel Well, Emerson College

Kasteel Well, a restored 14th-century moated medieval castle in the Netherlands, serves as our European campus and is home to 90 Emerson students for three months each fall and spring term, as well as for summer programs. The castle is located in the small village of Well; a backdrop of pastures with grazing horses and cows and tree-lined bike paths all contribute to the magic of this unique setting. Emerson takes pride in maintaining and preserving the castle’s rich architectural heritage and its historic and cultural integrity, while providing students with an ideal learning atmosphere. 

The rigorous academic curriculum of the Kasteel Well program draws on the rich resources of its location to promote cross-cultural awareness and an understanding of global communication. It will provide you with a solid foundation for the rest of your academic career—and will continue to serve you well for the rest of your life. You will have the opportunity to study such universal and varied subjects in the liberal arts, including: world history, intercultural communication, journalism, foreign languages, European literature, sociology, travel writing, and much more.

Here are just a few things which are included in this remarkable program: 

  • An intimate campus which fosters a tight-knit community and close working relationships between students, faculty, mentors, and staff.
  • Ample living accommodations, a dining hall, classrooms, a student center and pub, offices, and a performance area for students, faculty, and staff.
  • A faculty-led, multi-day excursion to Amsterdam and to one other European capital, such as: Prague, Rome, Madrid, Berlin, Milan, Dublin, or Barcelona. 
  • Easily accessible mass transit, providing ample opportunities to travel independently throughout Europe.