thankful | traduzione inglese–italiano: Cambridge Dictionary

Traduzione di thankful – Dizionario inglese–italiano



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pleased or grateful about something
riconoscente, grato
We were thankful that none of the children saw the accident. Grazie al cielo nessuno dei bambini aveva visto l’incidente.

(Traduzione di thankful dal Dizionario Cambridge inglese–italiano © Cambridge University Press)

Traduzione di thankful | Dizionario inglese–italiano PASSWORD

grateful; relieved and happy
He was thankful that the journey was over
a thankful sigh.

(Traduzione di thankful dal Dizionario inglese–italiano PASSWORD © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

Esempi di thankful

I am thankful for these splendid opportunities that have come my way.
We are likewise thankful to our reviewers for their relevant comments and suggestions for the manuscript's improvement.
The author is also very thankful to the referees for fruitful comments.
Those of us who knew him are thankful for his long productive career, his respect for sources, and the clarity and incisiveness of his written language.
I am thankful to an anonymous referee for suggesting it.
We are also thankful to the anonymous referee for their valuable comments which we believe have helped to improve the quality of the paper.
The authors are thankful to an anonymous referee for his comments and suggestions, which have led to an improved version of the article.
Perhaps we should be thankful that the editors have avoided some of the theoretical entanglements of the 1990s.
Qualsiasi opinione presente negli esempi non rappresenta l’opinione degli editor di Cambridge Dictionary o di Cambridge University Press, né dei loro licenziatari.

Traduzioni di thankful

in cinese (tradizionale)
感謝的, 感激的, 感到欣慰的…
in cinese (simplificato)
感谢的, 感激的, 感到欣慰的…
in spagnolo
agradecido, contento, agradecido/da [masculine-feminine…
in portoghese
grato, agradecido, reconhecido…
in altre lingue
in giapponese
in turco
in francese
in catalano
in arabo
in ceco
in danese
in indonesiano
in thailandese
in vietnamita
in polacco
in malese
in tedesco
in norvegese
in coreano
in russo
ありがたく思う, 感謝している…
minnettar, memnun, müteşekkir…
reconnaissant/-ante, reconnaissant, de gratitude/soulagement…
agraït, content…
šťastný, vděčný…
berterima kasih…
biết ơn…
고맙게 생각하는…
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a short story that tells a general truth or is only partly based on fact, or literature of this type

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