Convertisseur de devises et taux de change

Bienvenue à la convertisseur de monnaie

1 EUR = 1,09 USD

USD/EUR = 1,08997
AED 4.0031 JPY 170.285
ARS 977.159 KRW 1495.92
AUD 1.63112 MAD 10.844
BRL 5.70452 MXN 19.2854
CAD 1.48624 NOK 11.4042
CHF 0.97659 NZD 1.76233
CNY 7.7382 PHP 63.965
CZK 24.6791 PLN 4.27394
DKK 7.45847 RUB 97.362
EUR 1 SEK 11.3471
GBP 0.85143 SGD 1.46739
HKD 8.52228 THB 39.913
HUF 390.328 TRY 35.1308
ILS 3.9868 USD 1.08997
INR 90.583 ZAR 20.1672
BHD 0.4103 MYR 5.1041
BOB 7.488 NAD 20.2674
CLP 980.392 NGN 1620.67
COP 4196.6 NPR 144.152
DOP 64.6214 OMR 0.41913
EGP 51.326 PAB 1.0837
IDR 17664.3 PEN 4.07583
IRR 46007.5 PKR 303.472
ISK 149.477 RON 4.9749
JMD 167.92 SAR 4.08285
JOD 0.7718 TWD 35.2202
KES 141.42 UAH 43.7943
KWD 0.33409 UYU 42.2892
LBP 97046.5 VES 39.7781
LKR 329.01 VND 27730.5
AWG 1.96444 MGA 4861.3
BAM 1.9558 MKD 61.555
BBD 2.1881 MUR 50.44
BDT 127.28 MVR 16.7792
BGN 1.9559 PYG 8157
BMD 1.09253 QAR 3.95289
BSD 1.0837 RSD 117.113
BWP 14.8453 SCR 15.173
FJD 2.4639 TND 3.3738
GHS 16.066 TTD 7.355
GMD 73.8455 UGX 4136
GTQ 8.46234 XAF 655.957
KHR 4442 XCD 2.94534
LAK 23295 XOF 655.956
MDL 19.1996 XPF 119.828
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Devises les Plus populaires

  1. Dollar Américain - USD
  2. Euro - EUR
  3. Peso Mexicain - MXN
  4. Peso Colombien - COP
  5. Dollar Canadien - CAD
  6. Livre Sterling - GBP
  7. Peso Philippin - PHP
  8. Franc Suisse - CHF
  9. Dollar Australien - AUD
  10. Forint Hongrois - HUF